10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

No flat earther, I am arguing that 6k damage is more than 2k damage. That 30k hp is more than 20k hp and that being able to solo things now that I could not before makes me stronger than I was before.

Aka reality is on my side.

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10 levels higher, higher ilvl gear and we were stronger at 50 with lower ilvl gear…makes sense


They have to have been truly brain dead, if they thought that stupid level squish thing was a good idea.


I tested this mage with my level 60 mage in both fire and frost. Both were nearly equal. I actually pulled ahead on this toon in frost compared to my level 60 mage on level 50 characters…


It defeats one of the biggest purposes of the game, which is get better gear.

If getting ‘better’ gear actually makes you weaker, then it is not better. Those crappy quest greens you get while leveling are BiS and there is absolutely zero reason to have anything else.

No reason raid, no reason to do dungeons. Not even a reason to make a legendary or even do WQs for whatever welfare handouts they give.

You did all the quests and got the gear? Welp, time to quit or move on to the next character. You got the best gear for the whole expansion. Congrats!

Hell why even bother with the quest rewards. Just stay in your junk gear from BFA. Instead of leveling up we should be de-leveling. Level 10s one and two shot everything. Why even be 60? It’s like they took the scale and reversed it. You’d think it would be the low levels that struggle with content and the level 60s two shotting things, not the other way around.


and several ilvl later, even weaker. like, really noticeably.

this expansions is mind-blowingly bad.


6k damage may be more than 2k damage for sure, but when the mob you’re fighting has scaled up with you so that when you did 2k, it had 6k health, and now that you do 6k damage, it has 30k health? That’s the problem. We feel weaker, because what we’re fighting has gotten so much stronger than it was before.

And that’s just lazy game -making. You want to challenge players with strong enemies? Make them. Don’t just buff what already exists and then not give any greater rewards to justify the diffculty.


Well of course it does! Don’t you remember in Baldur’s Gate, that the secret to killing Sarevok was actually staying level 1 and keeping the gear you start with after character creation?

You know, cause if you did hit the level up button and change your gear, your guys became super weak and couldn’t even kill the wolves outside Candlekeep?

Or in Morrowind you had to bum-rush Dagoth Ur immediately after getting off the slave boat, whacking him over the head with the rusty knife you can steal from the census office in Seyda Neen?

The game tells you to equip Keening for that, but let’s be real, all that hunk of junk ever did was lower your DPS down so it took 5 hours to kill the guy. That rusty knife is truly the weapon of the gods.


This level squish is beyond broken, things as old as ICC are harder to kill, it even takes a couple hits to kill trash in the ICC raid. In bfa I was easily able to solo normal current dungeons, easily able to solo legion raids and mythic dungeons but now everything takes sooooooooo much longer to kill or it kills me.

The “hotfix” for bfa has done nothing at all, the world mobs still take a while to kill when I could nearly 1 shot them at level 50 in nothing better than normal gear, I didn’t even have raid gear. The rares take forever to kill as well.

I was definitely stronger at level 50 in basic gear than I am now in nearly 180 ilvl with a legendary.


Two problems. One, those mobs that scaled up (though far less than you did), are now mobs you can kill that you COULD NOT KILL BEFORE. Regardless of how you FEEL, the reality says that you ARE stronger (not to mention there are plenty of non scaling mobs in WoW right now).

Second, one of the silly examples given was soloing mythics as though that was not a thing and what did I do. I walked into a mythic Freehold and basically ran full speed through it. Was not even a little bit of a challenge. I could NOT come CLOSE to doing that before. Again stronger.

It is noteworthy that you do not feel stronger, even though reality says you are. That is a thing to think about, but the bigger thing is that reality does not care about how one feels and reality says you are stronger. Period. It does not matter that the mob scaled. I can kill it now when I could not before. It does not matter that things feel slower because you lost secondary stats (like literally every expansion), because you are still killing things you previously could not. THAT is reality.

If you want to argue the earth is flat because it FEELS like it is then more power to you but I choose to live in reality.

Amen. Well said.

There are three things that I love about the release of a new expansion:

  • The new content, gear, pets, mounts and story
  • Getting stronger as I level up and get better gear, to the point that I can zip around and do my ‘game chore’ rep grinds, treasure hunts and transmog collecting without feeling dragged down by a million things specifically meant to hold me back in annoying ways
  • Being able to, at max level and decent gear, go back to raids and dungeons in previous expansions that were too challenging for me at the time and kick over all the sandcastles to belatedly get the nice things that I couldn’t have then and chortle at the menial bosses who are weak compared to me now

It’s tragic to me that Blizzard is pretty set on items 2 and 3 not being a thing anymore.


“Ran through a mythic freehold” sure ya did buddy sure ya did…


My belief is you should be able to solo pretty much anything one expansion back. Two expansions all the way back for sure.

Really a head scratcher. I was able to solo a decent amount of mythic Legion bosses in BfA which I was fine with, thinking in the next expansion it would surely be completely doable.

Well I learned that was wrong. It’s not like the drops are 100% anyway, so you may take a while to even get what you want…


you would think they would have anticipated this with the squish. Being able to do old content is a good thing. It’s good for the game, good for Blizzard. It’s another way to keep people busy and playing. It should be encouraged, not stifled.

I don’t expect to be soloing BFA raids but I’d like to at least be stronger than I was at 50. I think that’s all we expect. I know as we gear and patches release it’ll change, but it’s a bit concerning. I liked it just how it was, I feel our ability to go do previous content may be more limited going forward.


Has anyone had a chance to see if scaling is still busted after todays’ restarts?

Ya I did. I could technically solo Freehold before, but I had to do it one pull at a time. Now I could run. It is rather trivia. Go try it yourself kiddo. If you are 180 or higher it is a breeze. It turns out having 25% more health doing about 20-30% more damage and being 10 levels higher makes everything way less threatening.

Since I still have a bit of time on my sub I’m going to take my level 60 main and decon all of his higher ilvl gear (cause it’ll still count against me if it’s in his bag or bank) and put him in low level crafted gear. Then I’ll actually be able to do regular quests without mobs three-shotting me.

This. Is. Absurd. And if it remains my sub won’t be renewed then my time is up.


Whoa I could’ve sworn the last the last time I farmed Helfire for the mount the entire place took much longer than usually. The mobs took longer to kill so I’d wager its not that our power has stayed the same but we are actually weaker.


Correct. This is displayed by the mega difficulty of legacy raids, the crazy high stats on old BFA mobs, and BFA/WoD mobs actually level scaling to 60 (as in, they are level 60 - not just their hidden stats).