10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

Whoosh. Wow I’ve never seen anyone miss the point of a thread so completely. Did you even read it? LOL.


The whole point is that the BFA mobs are scaling incorrectly with item level. It doesn’t matter how high your item level is. The mobs grow stronger along with you.


What an incredibly stupid feature.


The worst part of leveling in every new expansion is watching my rotation slow to a crawl as the haste scaling outpaces my gear. I feel absolutely crippled at 60 in ilvl 168 compared to how I felt at 51 in ~120. And that’s compared to the start of Shadowlands leveling, not counting corruptions which were already gone, and azerite powers which were turned off. I’m just talking about secondary stat scaling.

It’s something we’ve had to get used to (though I think it’s terrible for the sense of progression in the game) that we get weaker with every level we gain into current content as compared to the end of the previous expansion. What’s not normal, and should never happen, is for content from previous expansions to scale with us and continue getting stronger as we get weaker. We should be facerolling most BfA content, and absolutely destroying all Legion content at this point.


I disagree. BfA mobs goes down way faster now than back when I was a fresh level 60 with lower ilvl 2 weeks ago.

I think his point is that mobs scale at all. I don’t know if they continue to scale as you approach 60 and get higher ivl gear, but the fact that we can be level 60 and weaker than at 50 is a problem. It just doesn’t make for a good feeling of personal progression to have to get better and better gear to get back to where you were before.


Ilvl shouldnt matter. Level should matter. I face mashed WoD mobs in one and two hits on a DH (yes I have way too many DHs teehee) who was 47, only 7 levels above and wearing gear from level 15…
That is how it is supposed to be and has been in wow for the longest time.

Now suddenly my toons at 60 are needing full rotations and dying to rare elites who are 10 levels below (old terms 20 levels below). That is not normal and never has been a feature of wow before.


This character is my 2nd DH alt as well. It was really nice that you can start at level 98.

Again, I do agree that the scaling needs to be bettered and hopefully we can one / two-shot mobs from past Xpacs soon.

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This is getting irritating. While BFA mobs continue to scale up, Blizzard feels that the more important issue is nerfing BFA trinkets. JFC



Yeah, they know exactly what they’re doing. I don’t give into conspiracy theories and guessing motives too much, but the reeks of “oh well!” on their part. And part of me thinks it was made this way so ppl have less reasons to leave the new xpac.


A level 52 grey mob makes that Shadowlands-worthy content, not content that is scaled with Legacy buffs enabled.

Other than bosses, I’m not sure why not being able to solo a grey mob - elite or otherwise - is acceptable. Outside of player skills anyway.


The level 60 should be able to kill a level 52 Elite no problem. The level 50 should have some difficulty, but manageable, especially if you know the class and it’s geared out the teeth. At least as far as I see it.

Shadowlands level/stat squishing brought with it a ton of problems. Blizzard needs to just focus on airing them out already.


You either aren’t trusted yet to reach the level to post links.

Or you have been a bad bad poster and got a forum vacation in the past. I can’t judge here…I get forum vacations every few months lol…

It’s definitely looking very bad at this point.


Dude, you’re the flat-earther in your example. You keep trying to convince us that 50 is greater than 60. We all understand that 60 is the higher number. (MATH!)

You forgot to /flex

Just because you keep saying that, doesn’t make it true. I was stronger as a level 70 in greens than I was as a level 60 in whatever I was wearing in vanilla. I was stronger as a level 80 in greens than I was as a level 70 in heroic gear. I was stronger as a level 85 in greens than I was in level 80 BiS. Now I’m telling you that my level 50 character in leveling heirlooms is stronger than my level 60. Now can you please stop with the gear talk, because this thread isn’t about gear. it’s about character level.

I’ll just stop you right there before you embarrass yourself more.


Did they give us the legion legacy buff or no? Seems like they really don’t want us farming those raids.

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Why though? A fresh 60 should be stronger than any 50.


Wow that’s crazy, why isn’t this addressed?


fix legion raids