Ravens I think you are missing the point… it has been confirmed that the issue is mobs are scaling past their intended level… not really sure how to make that clearer.
outdoor scaling system is far from raid and instanced content as some users are trying to apply this blue post to which clearly states “outdoor”.
Your screenshot of 15k-16k dps is from several targets. I can easily link some aoe damage from Shadowlands dungeons that’s close to that. Single target you could not do that much.
If this was the case then people would simply be wearing their old 50 gear and blasting through content. We’ve ‘progressed’ 10 levels since then. This is what is contually flying over your head every time you talk about gear. The gear is not relevant the player level and progression is. Nobody here is complaining about open world Shadowlands content and power, they’re saying we should be steam rolling previous expac and obsolete content this company released years ago.
It’s not complicated Sigtyr and I dont know why you keep white knighting such a stupid position. Just admit you are wrong on this. A level 60 toon in brand new expac greens should be more powerful than a level 50 in mythic raiding ny’alotha gear. Because they have 10 levels on it.
That’s RPG Progression bucko. 101.
Agreed. Infuriating and garbage. I’m sad my sub was expiring so close to release and I renewed for a bit. Actually becoming stronger is so critical to RPGs… and it’s stupid to have old content still scaling. I thought it would be a fun side project to finish my reps with the Black Empire Invasions, and it’s so miserable before. Worse than during BFA.
Oh my god, this is so cringe.
It will get fixed. You people are certifiable.
He is completely ignoring the fact that our base damage has increased while old content mobs should have capped off at level 50. But he has already revealed his true stance in this situation. He doesn’t about old content, and neither should we.
I am giving them till the first major patch to fix this crap.
My now alt, a hunter, was 460 ilevel before the squish, he destroys everything in BFA, and my level 60 178 ilevel warrior takes more time.
I guess ill leave my Hunter alt at 50 for the time being, to farm all the stuff.
Yep, this is clearly broken and not how it’s intended to work. If it were intended the mobs would just be scaling to 60. They’re not. They are still at 50 (45 for Legion), but their stats are somehow still scaling to 60 even though their level isn’t.
Even though I don’t have much confidence in Blizzard as a whole these days (who does, they have fallen a long way from when they were on top)…I’m still pretty sure they are going to fix this. There were a LOT of weird oddities like this when they did the WOD stat squish. It took a couple of months, but they got it all fixed back then so we’ll see.
They have yet to even comment on it. When Blizzard goes silent while something like this gets widely discussed, history has shown us that it’s something they’ve done deliberately and are keeping silent about, in the hope that the fuss will eventually die down (see: ilvl scaling)
Yeah…I’m not shutting up about this for sure. Farming legacy content is the only reason I do 6-month subs. If they want to get rid of legacy farming then I’ll just simply go back to 30-day increments of gametime during the first month of a new patch and be done with it.
You’re not wrong but they were quiet on the 6.0 squish scaling issues too until they were fixed. Also, there is noone to comment, they really don’t have CM’s anymore. It’ll either show up in the hotfix list when it’s eventually fixed or it won’t.
Personally, I haven’t gotten Shadowlands yet…and I won’t until/unless this is fixed. I had been gone since Legion. I just reactivated for one month to see if I want to play the game again, and at this point I’m still undecided. It will flip to no if this isn’t fixed.
Here’s to hoping they fix it tomorrow and just haven’t told us yet.
This is a pretty high profile issue now. The fact that all the green posters went quiet after previously having told people to “git gud” says quite a lot to me. I’m actually fairly confident (I can only be so confident in Blizzard period anymore, I always assume the worst) that this particular issue will get fixed. Timeframe, who knows. So many people have been fired (primarily CM’s and QA staff) that it’s hard to tell.
Green posters may not be Blizzard employees, but most of the ones I know DO have contacts in Blizzard, and they can definitely tell them “this is a huge issue”.

Also, there is noone to comment, they really don’t have CM’s anymore
I’m sure Ion still has access to Twitter…
It’d be great if we could get anything out of Blizzard as to if this is intended or not. It doesn’t just seem to be BFA content either, I was noticing that I seemed to barely be doing any different in Antorus at level 60 than 50.
Also hilariously the level 50 Azerite gear is still leaps and bounds better than any available Shadowlands gear when doing old content.
Thats the point.
I have no way to test this since I don’t have Shadowlands yet and thus nothing >50. There was a patch today, and no patch notes from it have surfaced. If this isn’t fixed, or at least acknowledged as an issue that’s being worked on, the month I got will be it…I won’t be staying on, and I won’t be getting Shadowlands.
It’s not an issue with money or anything like that…for now I just want to stay at 50 and finish BFA pathfinder, and only continue on to Shadowlands if I won’t be making my character weaker in older content.

I’d love to be able to just solo legion mythics already. I haven’t actually tried it yet but I’d hope at 175ish ilvl it should be easy now…
Yeah it’s dumb if you’re having trouble in Shadowland gear to do a Legion mythic because I was able to solo Legion mythics in Legion.
ION please fix your scaling!

Except, in prepatch, without corruptions, you could still solo 1st boss in mythic Antorus, which somehow, now isn’t possible, at 60
I solo’d the first boss in Mythic Antorus as a Frost DK, dual-wielding with the auto-attacks shield passive. I also took the passive speedboost, Wraithwalk I think it is? I had to alternate between that and the DK speed boost (Death’s Advance, I think it is) in order to stay in melee range fairly well enough, or to avoid the Fel bombs. That’s the ONLY hard mechanic in that fight right now, as it hits 2,700x5 hits (some of them were doing 7 casts…)
If you can avoid it, or soak most of the damage as you’re quickly getting blasted away, you should be able to solo it. Use your Heart of Azeroth too, and use whatever passive bonuses you want. HoA still works. Just equip it once, unequip it, equip it again. My Frost DK was only doing like 14-17k dps though, and I wasn’t BoS build either.
The two dogs, the boss immediately after, I got him to around 1/2 health, same passive setup.
I was spamming Death Strikes, not Frost Strikes, against the first boss.