10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

The only Legion raid I ever soloed was Emerald Nightmare, which I did when leveling up druid alts for the class hall quest.


But I do mostly Legion content. As a 50, none of it feels different, though in a few places I have seen mechanics added or intensified (lesser invasions specifically). I am able to farm mythic dungeons, lesser invasions, and elites on a 50 with an ilvl of 85.

Hoping for a fix with resets…

Sadly knowing nothing will actually be done.

Check out the 12/7 hotfix notes:

Battle for Azeroth creatures that increase their health as the player’s item level increases now stop scaling at a lower, more appropriate item level.

I’m hoping that’s what we’re looking for.

I also noticed this one from the 24th of last month:

Players above level 50 now properly retain their full combat bonus when fighting enemies from the Legion expansion.

It’s very likely that these will not take effect until after maintenance later this morning, these changes always require realm restarts.

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Pull out the HoA and azerite gear should make it one shot again.


Don’t forget about the level squish and how 1 current level is equal to 2.4 of the old levels (120).

Therefore, if we are to convert back to pre-squish level numbers, then a 60 is a level 144.

And that makes it a bit worse.

Same for gear, a iLevel 100 item was equal to a 450 iLevel. So there is no reason whatsoever that my 60 mage with an iLevel of 150, while not great for SL should be able to face-roll old dungeons and raids.

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OMG stop!!!
Please let this be true, please let it be that blizz have actually listened!!!

Impatiently waits for realm restarts :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I hope so…the hotfix notes are an indication that ilvl scaling was definitely not working correctly and fixes were made.


Years old bugs still existing makes me hesitant to trust them. If you think that makes me crazy, then you’re the single most forgiving person on this planet.

Should that not have been fixed by now, then? We’ve had several Tuesdays now, and it’s still an issue.


Any change after the patch/hotfix/server maintenance? I don’t have anything >50 to test.

No. I’ve made several posts so apologies if you read this somewhere else.

As 169 fury:

Arach had 416k health and almost ate my brains
Another mech rare, bonepicker, had 81k health
Ivus still has 823k health
The regular level 50 mobs had 9k health

My health is 25k.


What the actual?

This is NOT FIXED at all. Blizzard FFS!!!

Kunchong destroyer with 80,000+ health taking many rotations to take down. One hit from him takes my health to 77%.

He is grey/trivial I should take no damage and few shot him!

To say I am infuriated at this point is the understatement of a lifetime.


Honestly, this is getting ridiculous at this point. Not so much that it hasn’t been fixed yet (bugs aren’t always as trivial as they seem), but that beyond a hotfix note there has been no acknowledgement that it is even an issue. I’m actually delaying even getting Shadowlands until this is fixed. Although I have no intention of moving into Shadowlands content until I complete BFA pathfinder.


I don’t even know what to say at this point. I give up.

Honestly, one of the first things I plan on doing once I get to 60 and get some gear (assuming I even get it) is to go back and solo the BFA raids on LFR so I can see them. Right now that’s not possible it seems.

But I guess the fact that they mentioned it in the hotfix list is SOMETHING.

Not really because they probably wipe their hands of it now thinking ‘their job is done’.

About to engage Kzit’kovok, lvl 52, 463000 health. Will report how many minutes it takes to down him.

EDIT so at 4 minutes and 33% health, I died. TO A LVL 52 grey!!!



The hotfix ‘fixing’ ilvl scaling in BFA content from last night is tantamount to trolling. I just wish we could get some communication on this either letting us know that the current tuning is intended or a bug.

This way I could plan accordingly. I still have to unlock kul tirans as a race and if this is intended, I’ll have to get help doing the dungeon(s) required.

My current plan is to wait for them to fix it since I’m assuming it’s a bug.


Heh speak for yourself.

Already at just ilevel 177 I feel stronger than I ever felt in BFA.

On the other hand, that isn’t saying much. Arcane Mages were dumpster trash in BFA. As a mythic raider in the final tier of BFA I still felt weaker than at any time during Legion.

This CAN’T be intended. There’s no way. This isn’t my first time around the block with a level squish. 6.0 had these same issues, and it took them about a month to fix it all.

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I love the argument " u shouldNT b ablE 2 solO legioN raiDS in QuesT geAR"

Dude legion is TWO expansions ago… wtf is wrong with you all. Of course we should hulk smash old content…

Its bad enough they did the 10+1 to enact legacy (thats a nice middle finger from blizz) , but the legacy damage is not even working.

I’m so frustrated with Blizzard… their contempt is almost comical


Ok guys, the proof is in the pudding so here we go.

Kzit’kovok level 52 Rare.

60 DH 153 Ilvl - Kzits has 463k health
50 DH 105 ilvl- Kzits has 382k health

Tried posting a link to show the pic but it wont let me.

Also the 50 DH destroyed normal mobs faster than the 60 did… just wow.