10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

Ion wasn’t the lead developer then. He was the encounter designer (for raids and dungeons). He was just the messenger then. He didn’t take over until the very end of WOD when Legion was being developed.

I mean you have a point but it wasn’t his decision…he was just the unlucky person that had to do the interview and state what had been decided.

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Then that’s even worse…he not only was allowed to retain his job, but he got a promotion…Rewarded for losing them tons of money…major facepalm decision by Blizz IMO

Oh no it certainly WAS his decision, because HE was the one who put pathfinder in afterwards


Bumping this. Almost a week now and no response.

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Irrelevant, grey mobs should take extra damage and deal barely any damage to you. Legion raids should have such legacy bonuses that it should be as easy as clearing WoD raids in BFA.


Considering when they were active they were literally the majority of many people’s damage… that is your answer right there.



Except, in prepatch, without corruptions, you could still solo 1st boss in mythic Antorus, which somehow, now isn’t possible, at 60.

Corruptions got nothing to do with that, we gained 10 levels, and lost in power in Legion content, LEGION CONTENT, 2 expansions old. That’s like WoD for BFA. You could one shot mobs in WoD due to legacy scaling, which they just removed since Ion says no one should be able to solo old expansion content. This is the problem, not corruptions.

Go fight Lich King, he has 36 mil health or so, but you still kill him due to damage scaling, this is what’s missing in WoD, Legion and BFA right now, your damage scaling up for older content.


And thats when they still had a fully active Heart of Azeroth buffing the crap out of their stam and stats, ontop of 3x azerite pieces with 4x damage/stat boosting traits each, and still working raid and M+ trinkets.

Except we had like 18k hp and half the strength/agi/int we have now. So wrong.

Do you mean to tell me that heart of azeroth, provides more stats than +60 ilvl we gained since level 50?


Not wrong because during pre-patch my big wheel trinket use to hit targets for 9k, and my azerite reaping flames ability did 6k ontop of my normal attacks being boosted by dps traits on my azerite gear. now all of these things are gone

Sure, 2 items, but what was your dps during prepatch? Lower than now.

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was massively higher than now.

No it wasn’t, it was 1-3k, now you can get 3-5k.

But since old content now scales with your ilvl, that does not matter, which is the problem.

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Somebody needs to sit the dev team down, and explain to them how a carrot on a stick works. You have to let the horse catch the carrot eventually. Then you have to dangle a new carrot in front of them. Otherwise the horse will grow weary and find food elsewhere.


Are you guys seriously arguing this? Did you not see the wowhead article?! MOBS ARE CONFIRMED BORKED BY SCALING BEYOND 50!!!

There is nothing to argue it isn’t corruptions or this or that. It is that the game, either deliberately or brokenly has allowed 50 capped NPCs to NOT BE CAPPED AT 50 STATS.


during prepatch, when you had a big wheel nuking your target for 9k with a instant 4-6k reaping flame, followed by whatever other burst opening spell, things were nuked and dead and the meters reflected your 10k+ dps.

Cant nuke anything anymore these day like during 8.3 or prepatch, at least probably not until the end of 9.0 with M+, raid gear and trinkets.

This is mythic Mother with 125 ilvl group.
No one did more than 3k dps.

Now people do 3k-5k easily.
We do not have less damage than before, and those 2 procs that did 6k and 9k for you mean nothing now that old fights, legion mythic bosses, last for minutes, and actually kill you.

Even wowhead covered this, some priest had 5-10 minute fight on 1st boss of mythic Antorus, how useful you think those 6k and 9k damage from your burst will be on the boss with 4 mil hp?
In Legion, 2 expansion old content, that should have legacy damage bonuses.
This is what we’re talking about in this thread, lack of legacy bonuses in old content, that they chose to remove to stop people from soloing old raids.

Wrong, you didn’t even read the original post and similar threads. Legion, BFA and WoD content is scaling with us now, which means all that gear you get from m+ and raid gear, will make old bosses and mobs scale up.


funny i went through a warfront portal the otherday to farm some mounts rq and not paying attention i just assumed i’d nuke Overseer Krix and the surrounding npcs as i had been and he actually killed me :joy:


and here’s a screenshot of me doing 15k during wpvp during pre-patch.

15k during a few second burst.

Clap clap

That’ll shave off about 20% hp off Legion mythic raid boss, and then you’re dead.

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exactly, as i mentioned in my earlier reply, things got nuked during prepatch… what do you expect to happen to a player when we still had big D azerite abilities and trinkets. things melted asap and died in seconds.