In that case you missed Ion pulling the same BS in legion with ilvl scaling. Only made a post about it when threads pages long of peeps complaining forced his hand to admit that is indeed what they had done and it had been intentional.
I want to be wrong, trust me I really REALLY do. But I have been burnt and lied to one to many times by blizzard.
Fool me once type thing.
Yeah I know about the Legion ilvl scaling, I was here for that and it wasn’t that bad. This is something else entirely, Legion’s scaling was nowhere near what’s being reporte here. I remember it took a couple months after the WOD item level squish to get things sorted, hopefully that’s the case here.
If it’s not fixed…well that will influence my decision to get Shadowlands and continue beyond this month.
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Something is clearly broken
Can’t they just cap the mobs at their respective levels?
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They are…they cap at level 50. But something is broken with the scaling giving them better-than-level-60-mob-stats.
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Can’t believe they did not hot fix this immediately.
Is blizzard like a 3 man team or something? 
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I mean, they fired a large portion of their QA staff to celebrate their most successful year.
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Exactly, this is what I mean, they are fast to nerf the crap cakes out of anything that benefits us (gold from BFA) but anything that hinders us? Expect to be waiting until next year

And it shows.
This should have never made it out of beta.
I guess we are paying to be beta then.
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To be fair, people have been paying for beta as far back as Cataclysm. Though it only got BAD starting with WOD. Legion wasn’t that bad though.
Speaking of which, where are the green posts to address the wowhead article? I’m ready to grab the popcorn and watch people eat green crow.
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How is this not fixed yet? I’m fuming. My main has 300 systems to work on increasing, and I dont want to level my alts just to make them weaker for mount farming. I’ve been subscribed continuously since WOTLK (skipped BC), how funny if this pushes me off the edge to cancel for awhile until fixed.
I’m actually waiting to even get Shadowlands until it’s fixed. Granted I’m not sure I’m going to return to playing on a regular basis yet…for now I have a month. I want to finish BFA on my main before I jump into Shadowlands (pathfinder, etc). And I sure don’t want to start levelling in Shadowlands and have the BFA stuff get harder. I missed out on BFA entirely.
This genuinely pisses me off. So we fight the equivalent of level 60 mobs in bfa but get crap loots? GET BETTER DEVS AND FIRE THE HEAD.
Agree totally, we grinded our 10 levels, we deserve to be able to obliterate world mobs and should easily be able to solo BFA dungeons. They need to fix this and address this quick smart.
This just caused me to unsub. Not only the BfA scaling with our SL gear but the SL gear scaling and all gear scaling really. I did a lot of grindy crap to get my main decently geared and he’s considerably weaker now and getting three-shot by mobs he handled fairly well before. I’m just so done with this. Our time and efforts are being wasted and negated. It isn’t ok.
This is exactly how I feel, it’s pathetic and the opposite to what makes an MMO/progression. Why bother grind out levels???
This is the reason I HATED gw2.
Ion, just because you like getting smashed by every boar in elewyn forest doesn’t mean we all do. The entire game doesn’t need to be made into a mythic level slogfest.

Games are supposed to be fun. There is nothing fun about wasting our time. I didn’t spend hours getting my main geared only to have him be weaker. And I’m tired of being told that once I have raid gear I’ll be fine. I don’t raid, it isn’t fun. I shouldn’t have to raid to do overland content without getting chewed up. The higher ilvl gear I get doing that overland content should make me stronger, not weaker. This is absurd. I’m done.
Why should this surprise you? We’ve been continually lied to about many things. Including how they claimed we supposedly were able to fly when the 2nd major patch dropped in all previous expansions…LOL BS. BFA was live for over a year before we got to fly again, and that wasn’t until maybe the last 6 months of it…at the END. It was the same with Legion too. PF part 2 was patched in about a month before Argus came out. Once again at the END. I have ZERO faith that we are actually gonna be able to fly by 9.1 like they claimed either. I despise Ion and the decisions he’s made that have taken this game from bad to worse on nearly every aspect.
LOL think you’ve spent too long among the NPCs running around in Suramar 
I would’ve had him emptying his desk and escorted out of the building as soon as the WoD “no flying again EVER” interview was made public. The sheer number of subs they lost over that was astronomical. You don’t get to come back from that and keep your job after a decision you make costs the company potential millions of dollars in lost revenue…Why the hell is he even still in charge???
I fought that same world boss a few nights ago with one other guy who tanked him very well. Being the only other person in the group, I must have been lifted and dropped 20-25 times by the flyers (I lost count) before the boss finally went down. It was probably the longest world boss fight I’ve ever encountered, but I did finish the related achievement.