10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

I’m trying to unlock Kul Tirans as a race, I’m up to the part where I have to run Tol Dagor in the quest line. I thought I’d try it solo on Normal since I’m 57 and everything is grayed out at level 50.

As a prot pally, everything was taking incredible long to kill. I only started playing a month or so ago after unsubbing since WOD. All in all, this came as a bit of a surprise as I’m used to melting anything gray.

So I’m in a strange situation where, in order to unlock an allied race, I need to either:

a) Wait for them to fix the tuning and solo the quest line.
b) Try to find DPS to help me do an outdated dungeon while trying to explain to them that I genuinely need their help, even though I’m several levels above the content.
c) Get to 60 and try to farm some better gear in the hopes it will make it somewhat easier.

Strange times. Feels really cruddy.


Yeah, about “get to 60 and try to farm some better gear”…the scaling is so busted right now that old content got harder for me after starting to gear my 60. Harder than when I was 50, and harder when I dinged 60.

For reference, my freshly dinged 60 had the same killtime of LFR Aggramar (Legion content) as my post-squish level 50 (which was still almost double pre-squish). When I went from freshly dinged level 60 - ilvl 141 to ilvl 155, my killtime increased 20% on LFR Aggramar and I was almost killed by melee damage.


Well, that IS how Blizzard started treating the game. The whole “single expansion progression” in professions tells us they just want to make sequels, not actual expansions.

And the white knights will defend this until the servers go dark, I guess.


I’m expecting to we’ll be able to run through it faster towards the middle or end of the expansion. However they do need to implement some transmog mode for stuff like this. Give it time with suggestion like these it’ll be in progress.

We’re 10 levels higher than 50. The whole point of what he’s saying is whatever we could do at 50 should be easier at 60, regardless of gear. It’s not a hard concept.


Except if you were using end game BFA gear you were a level 50 using level 60 gear so you were stronger than a 60 because you did not have breakpoint issues. Even mythic dungeon gear pretty quickly makes you stronger than you were in BFA and that is before the legendary kicks in.

Did you just refer to the gear that I got in BFA at level 50 as level 60 gear?

The item level makes it equal to basic 60 gear (depending on if you were using heroic gear or mythic gear).

The only difference is that gear is MUCH better at 50 than 60 because of the fact that you gain more from 1 point of haste/crit/mastery/vers at 50 versus 60. So even when you start getting small primary stat upgrades its not quite enough to cancel out the massive loss of secondary stats you sustained while leveling.

This point at which this flips changes depending on the expansion but is usually somewhere from at the earliest when you have full mythic dungeon gear or at the latest about half of the basic low end raid gear.

Yes, very true. Doing old content at 60 is HARDER than when doing it at 50.
I think the scaling is off.


well you still have another 2.5 years to go. maybe if blizzard just have you a button to press with “IWIN” label maybe you would be happier

The scaling is off, but the white knights can’t bear any criticism of Daddy Blizz.


no one is asking for an iwin button. we want better scaling. thats all. old content should be easier at level 60 but it;s not. it’s called progression


one of the selling points of this expansion for me was the idea that Legion mogs would be a breeze to collect even on Mythic and lol whoooops!


I was in world quest gear. My ilvl was under 140, I think, probably lower (Edit: definitely had to be a lot lower, because I was replacing a bunch of ilvl 90 gear). That’s why most of my gear slots but my HoA and cloak (think I only got it to 9) were replaced a third of the way through Bastion.

I’ve experienced squishes before. This one needs tuning.


Then by your logic, I should be able to come in as a naked level 1 and 1-shot the jailer? How do you not understand that 60>50? We’re saying that a naked level 60 should be stronger than a naked level 50 against a level 30/40+ old content boss. It isn’t working that way.


You’re wasting your time responding to those posts. They’ve all been incoherent.


This is absolutely an incorrect statement, when the start of every xpac you are handed green gear that makes so many endgame pieces from the previous expansion irrelevant. How do you not understand how progression works?

By 60 your player power should be a vast improvement on how it was at 50 regardless of gear. How are you even using gear as an argument?

Content that has been made legacy IE legion raids - which is theoretically level 40 content, should present 0 challenge whatsoever. Stop defending very obvious bad design features and instead ask for it to be rectified.


One wonders if they made a mistake or intentionally lied about it in the first place.


Considering I am 10 levels higher than the WORLD MOBS not even dungeon or raid here, just plain old non rare non elite world mobs who are GREY/TRIVIAL I could be naked if I wanted and should be able to beat them in one or two hits.

Never in wows history has this not been the case.

Currently, despite being grey mobs the game is treating them like lvl60 relevant mobs and I am needing rotations to take them down. They are taking as much time to take down as a lvl60 mob in shadowlands. THIS IS NOT NORMAL.


The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that Blizzard is intentionally keeping the legacy content powerful to force you into the new content for a very long time.

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