10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

Shamelessly bumping this. I wont rest until blizzard sees how broken this actually is, how much taking away progression destroys the heart of an MMO and until an answer or change is given.


The power gain from 50 to 60 is literally nonexistent. Some BfA mobs are actually harder to kill now without azerite traits.

Hopefully they fix this because it’s ridiculous we all got weaker by leveling up lol.


Why would we need to tune it when the problem solves itself next week? Anyone, and I literally mean anyone, who has played for multiple expansion can tell you this is not an uncommon phase. Right now I am in mythic gear (180 item level and I have not got a legendary yet) and I am still stronger than I was using high end raid gear. The problem literally solves itself just as fast as it has every expansion.

A lot of people just seem to have long-term memory issues and forget this happened in BC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, and BFA all to different levels (I think it was at its worst in either Wrath or Cata honestly because I needed a raid set to be stronger).

Hey so is legacy loot mode not working for bfa dungeons yet? I’m trying to farm waycrest manor for servant splitter and I’m only getting the mail pieces?

I think legacy loot kicks in at 11 levels outdated ie next expansion? someone correct me if i am wrong

This is actually a recent addition. If you log into classic rn, the levels scale proportionally and your power level doesnt dramatically increase when you’re more than 10 levels away. Like you don’t hit rats for 2million with an auto attack, you’d hit them for the same amount you hit anything else. I’m pretty sure it was like this until legion or so

Ah that really sucks, I thought it was 10 levels for legacy loot and 11 levels to be OP one shotting things. The servant splitter weapon doesn’t drop for shamans despite letting us equip it. So I guess I’m SOL? that sucks.

You could run it with someone who it does drop for and have them trade you it if it drops! That might work? Goodluck :slight_smile:

Unfortunately its a .5% drop chance. I don’t think anyone likes me that much to grind transmogs haha.

There is a combination of the garbage state of Arms Warrior in PvE and ilvl scaling.
On my main it’s an Arms Warrior. I have multiple alts that are warriors and are arms spec as well. I did this for testing reasons in BFA, and other reasons.

My level 50 ilvl 106 fresh from the shadowlands intro and after choosing the exact same covenant (Ven), in Maldraxxus is able to kill things (rares included) much easier and take less damage (based off percent) than my main which is level 60 and an ilvl about 170 with an ilvl 190 weapon.

The scaling and class specs are horrendously off right now and it should have been correct with ALL the time they had to get this right.

The currency we will need to create part of a Legendary is practically un-obtainable for some class/specs because of the end bosses. Clearing to the boss in Torghast is doable, you just have to take your time, however the bosses are waaaay overtuned. Can’t imagine Thrall being this difficult in Horrific Visions.

Torghast is basically Horrific Visions 2.0, however Blizztard thinks this should be some type of Mythic difficulty and so some of us are going to be behind when it comes to the pursuit of legendary items.

Best thing to do is to cancel your sub and come back in 6 months to see if Ion pulled his head out of his rear and tuned things correctly ( I doubt it ) but it will save out on frustration.


What is even worse is level 40 is considered max for Wod, and 45 is max for Legion, and 50 is max for BFA.

SL is a 10 level jump, so it should feel like going from WoD to BFA in base player power.

I honestly feel levels do not account for anything, anymore other than item limitations.


Dude, Vanilla content didn’t get harder at any point in TBC and it certainly didn’t get harder into Wrath.



Welcome to modern WoW. We’ll never get stronger with level increases ever again, nor will we get stronger as time goes on. We’ll go through borrowed power after borrowed power after borrowed power. Eventually everyone will realize the game is a merry go round and stop playing.

Too bad blizzard won’t change direction.


I don’t know, I re-equipped my ilvl 135 azerite helm/shoulder/chest pieces (which brought my ilvl down to 163) on my lv 60 lock and went around doing a few world quests in BfA zones just now and the mobs melted way faster than back when I was ilvl 133 at the end of BfA.

I haven’t ran any of the old raids so I don’t know how the raid instances are tuned yet.

Awww that is so cute you completely forgot how much weaker we were when hitting max level both times. You were not really soloing raids back then so it did not make a difference, but you did significantly less damage in both BC and Wrath until you got some actual gear on you. I remember in Wrath, I remember needing a tier set bonus to get me ahead of where I was in terms of raw damage at the end of BC. ie: I needed raid gear.

I get it though, that was a long time ago so people do not remember very well and have the rose-colored glasses on so they repress what they did not like, but as someone who had toons back then I would say you are just wrong and not in a small way.

Except, you weren’t.

I could walk into any vanilla dungeon or raid at lv80 (fresh) and do significantly better than I did in that same vanilla dungeon or raid when I was lv60.

I shoot those words right back at you.



Is…is that supposed to make sense? I thought Azerite gear was supposed to stop working at level 51?

There is also a huge balance issue between many specs. For instance, it takes 3 times longer to kill something as a mage or lock than it does say am arms or fury warrior.

No, azerite pieces are only ineffective in SL zones.

It’s not tied to character levels.

I can guarantee you that didn’t happen in MoP, because MoP was the expansion where I dinged 90 and went back to murder every problem-causing elite I ran into while leveling, naked. Simply because I could. Because I was, you know, a minimum of 5 levels higher than the mobs.