It’s five expansions and ten years ago. Crazy, isn’t it? We’ve been one-shotting bosses in there for years (to the point that some of the achieves actually got harder!) and now scaling’s made us so weak that this ancient content takes longer.
Well, I can’t pull up any such statement because the only statements made were in the context of level 50. So again, you have yet to address the post. Here, I’ll link you his words one last time, and be sure to read what he was responding to as well (hint: he was responding to level 50 discussion).
This is the key. We aren’t level 50 anymore. We are level 60. Your complaint is not applicable. You will be weaker at the new level cap (with fresh expac gear) than you were at the previous cap (with end-of-expac gear). I’ve said this 3-4 times now, you can’t keep claiming that I’m ignoring your point.
Did you seriously write this with a straight face? Where’s the progression if I’m weaker at 60 than at 50??
And yet, we were substantially weaker AT LEVEL 50 than we were before the squish.
At level 60 we should be laughing our way through content from four years and two expansions ago.
Stop trying to defend the indefensible.
I ran a bit of ToS at 60/ 144ilvl on resto Druid…it seemed a LOT easier than it did when I started this expansion at 50 and 107 ilvl, I think.
maybe the fixed Legion raids and havent gotten to everything else yet.
Another half butted expansion that wasnt finished before release, apparently.
I have no data to back this up, but I think Blizz idea is that levels don’t really matter for power, its all the systems and gear upgrades.
I thought we had this same issue at the beginning of BFA and it all went away once we started getting the “2nd leveling” power of gear and systems.
Some people like doing old content for fun, to show new players what they had to do, and for Xmog stuff!
Why does other peoples fun ruin your day?
The progression is the abilities you got on the way from 50-60, then the new gear acquisition that starts at endgame.
Honestly, you’re free to not level up. Yes, you will be alone in BFA. No, you shouldn’t expect Blizzard to cater at all to the tiny fraction of players that do this. Yes, you will unsub. But seems like most people who make these complaints just wanted to farm old raids anyway.
I don’t think you comprehend just how popular running old content is.
…and the TEN LEVELS (out of 60) that should make you noticeably more powerful against any level 50 content.
We didn’t gain ten levels just to be the same, and we sure as hell didn’t do it so we could finish up WORSE.
You kidding? What am I defending that’s indefensible? Maybe you may want to re-read my posts to figure out which side I’m on?
Clearly not popular enough to mandate constant attention from Blizzard.
This “phenomenon” has happened every single expansion, even Vanilla (most people just didn’t have the gear good enough to notice). I don’t get what’s so outrageous about it.
Yea its crap game design. Be prepared for everyone to tell you this problem will go away with the next patch.
IT shouldn’t matter. In a set of quest greens you should be stronger at level 60 than a mythic raider geared level 50 just from the levels alone.
Running old content is so popular that Blizzard created the Legacy Damage/Loot System in the first place, so it is popular enough that Blizzard gives it attention each expansion since its development.
And this “phenomenon” was not in Vanilla WoW either; Back then, every incremental stat made you soooo much stronger–and you FELT that increase. People at the maximum level of 60 and geared were strong enough to easily be able to run lower level content in the game, and I remember this happening up to dungeons like Zul’Farrak.
Why are people responding to Sigtyr? She’s either a troll or an idiot. Neither should be fed.
The white knights never give up do they.
Could be both. lol
There’s always the hope that you can talk sense into them. Unless it’s deliberate trolling.
Do you have a graph or anything for this because what you’re saying makes no sense to me. Because if what you’re saying is right, a lvl 50 BiS character will be steam rolling through lvl 60 content. And if lvl 50 BiS were to duel a lvl 60 then the lvl 50 is going to win (disregarding skill). If that is the case, then Blizzard has seriously messed up character progression.
Also (adding this in a little late) this fails to explain why even non BiS lvl 50 still feel stronger than lvl 60. I have 2 Pallys, one lvl 51 ilvl 85ish at best and this guy ilvl 130ish at the time, and I had both run Blackwing Lair, and the lower lvl was killing the bosses faster. Even if only slightly. It was mostly one Judgement from the lvl 51 and 2 for the lvl 60.
Yeah DH took the hit especially hard; my fully mythic geared DH does half the damage she did in prepatch.
Azerite traits and essences were the majority of classes’ dps, so you chars base damage is irrelevant when essences and traits were designed to be more important than your char anyways.
I don’t think we’ll reach powerlevels we were at in prepatch until we’ve fully geared from the first raid tier and have legendaries and covenant damage propping us up.