Legacy Raid Boss Health Scaling Is Hosed

I’m seeing the same issues. The demoralised debuff, which we were told would be applied to raids once their respective expac became 2 expacs old, is not being applied to Legion raids. HP is still scaling up, damage is still scaling up. 20 levels below me, they should really have stopped by now.

First we were told to level up. When we said we still had issues, we were told to gear up. We’ve done both, and if anything, they made it worse. If it’s intentional that content from 4 years and 2 expacs ago is supposed to still pose an actual challenge - unless you’re using gear from the previous expac - then perhaps the devs should announce a major direction change. Player power progression doesn’t appear to be it anymore.

Otherwise, you’re more likely to retain my sub if I can go back and farm old content. This is currently having the opposite effect.


BFA dungeons, too. We should be able to solo Mythic BFA dungeons easily. The (ilvl?) scaling being in effect has them still totally out of whack, too.


Also, in Legion raids, dots are still hitting for the full amount and not being affected by the legacy buff at all. The amount of incoming damage for raids that we are supposedly in legacy mode in, is rididulous.

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This is also correct.

Metrohaha actually captured logs on this - look how much healing he had to do to offset the damage taken (it’s 179k), and look how long it took him to kill the boss in general. This is not at all aligned with how legacy raids should work and is entirely not how a raid boss from 2 xpacs ago should be behaving.



I’m gonna go so far as to say that this behavior is almost how BFA normals or heroics should be behaving if we try to solo them. I agree that BFA raids should not quite be soloable yet. But…normal/heroic should be 3-mannable, and mythic should be 4-5 mannable with some skill. And we should be soloing heroic dungeons at this point. And mythic with some skill.

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We can’t even get a blue response to ANY of the numerous posts about this being an issue since the prepatch. Seem to me that they don’t care and have better things to do then listen to players complain that something they enjoy is broken and has been broken for months.


Welp…they’ve got just over 3 weeks. Then they won’t have to listen to me post about it anymore. But they won’t be getting any money either.


And with each passing day, I look at the hotfixes to see what, if anything, is “fixed”. Pet battling in CN getting nerfed was apparently of great importance, but crickets on this subject. There are some crazy priority and keeping-your-word issues at play.

Some issues are more complex and take longer to resolve than others. I understand that…if they had said “we are working on this issue internally, it’s not a quick and easy fix” then I’d be willing to give them more time. But since there has been no communication whatsoever, I’m gone in 21 days.


Can we please get an update on progress?


I don’t think we’re going to get any updates. I think they think they can just stay quiet and people will forget about it and go away. We’ll go away all right, but it’ll mean unsubbing, and they will lose a lot over this.

As for me…they have 20 days left to announce something.


No new hotfix notes and no in-gamechanges as of this morning either. Blizzard?

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ION you are a LIAR :slight_smile:

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iirc, 25 man heroic LK has more health than both of them even post squish, and that is a wrath boss.

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I almost want to run ICC just to see this. Almost…

12 year sub hear. Guild has been dead for 5 years and most of the players went to ally. So all I do is solo play. Love old content. Not so much anymore. I may not resub if they don’t care enough to answer. I’ve spent a ton of cash with the game. Bought about 10 store mounts, 10 pets, crowns, tmog, blah…


For fun I was going to check out LK’s health on heroic ICC 25 based on another comment, but I didn’t even need to get past the first boss to see how ridiculous the scaling is:

This dude has more health than M Goroth. Is he easier? Yeah because the legacy buff is actually much more powerful and easily overcomes the health pool.


But WHY does an ICC heroic raid boss have more health than Mythic legion and Mythic BFA bosses to begin with? Why is this legacy boss scaling so completely backwards?

Why can’t Blizzard just either a) fix the broken scaling, or b) at the very least take the lazy way out and make the legacy buff much more powerful (especially for Legion)?

It’s been MONTHS! The cable company treats its customers better than this. Come on!


Honestly, the health pools don’t matter IF the legacy buff is adjusted to scale up our damage accordingly. The legacy buff for Legion just isn’t working properly. It’s either not tuned nearly high enough, or is just broken (it’s not mitigating incoming damage enough either).

I just ran my Alliance shaman alt through LFR Antorus. A couple fights I barely squeaked through. At 163 ilvl. This is ridiculous.


Absolutely correct, but the health issue does show just how little thought went into all of this, and the failure to adjust the Legion legacy buff to account for the lack of thought just further makes this a complete joke. It’s purely disgusting at this point.

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