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Also make it include beta keys for me kthx

You get a beta key and you get a beta key everybody gets a beta key

okay calm down there that meme is old. you must be old

That joke was bad and you should feel bad.

There is no such thing as being too old, especially for a wizard.

Oprah Windfury disagrees.

Indian or Thai curry? Which do you think is better

did you know 46AD was the longest recorded year in history as they had to add 90 days to the year to fix the calendar good times.

Indian for sure, love me some spicy Vindaloo and Korma.

Indian all the way as well.

late to the party but Thai all the way.

We are still on the lookout mainly for Resto Druids and Healing Priests for our main team, come check us out.

2 for Indian - 1 for Thai. We need more votes to finally decide this battle.

Looking for Resto druids and Priests that power word shield things

A few Rogues would be nice as well.

Looking for Rogues/Druids/Priest main team!

Where are the sneaky bois at

Iā€™m feeling Stabby!

Stabby Mc Stab-Stab

Yeah, more rogues and druids would be great for filling out the roster. We are still of course looking for good dedicated players of any class who are willing to put in the time the first 1-4 weeks of launch to push ourselves into raiding ASAP.