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This man is a legend and all should strive for the chance to kill bosses with him.

True story.

Still looking for sneaky bois and leafy bois

Still recruiting all exceptional applicants for all raid teams!

Good news everyone: I will have my spell hit items on launch! Less chances on missing those shadowbolts!

Hit rating is goat


The slime pipes are flowing again!

I. Am. Deathwing. The Destroyer. The end of all things. Inevitable, indomitable, I. AM. THE CATACLYSM.

Lighten up, Francis.

Cool I tossed in an application.

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Good to see, let us know if you any questions.

What Syrious said any questions at all please let an officer know.

Still on the look out for all exceptional players, high demand on sneaky bois and leafy bois

Our main team’s current need is in Rogues, Druids, and Priests. If you’re a player of that class, or just an overall dedicated and focused raider of any class, please reach out to us.

Seeking more PW:Friendship in our roster along with leafy/sneaky bois

I’m 85% sure I’m rolling an Alliance Mage, but I CAN be convinced to go Druid as either Resto or a Feral hybrid. The raid time is about 1 hour too early for me currently, but I may be able to switch my work shift to one hour earlier by the time of release. Would be more inclined to dedicate to it if a Feral/Resto (with two sets of gear, obviously) was allowed, as the main appeal of the class to me is the ability to bring utility, even if it isn’t min/maxed to the ends of the earth. If all you need me for in raids is as a back-line healer with Innervate and Rebirth, but who will also have the ability to off-tank and DPS if need be, then I’m your guy. If I’m gonna be out farming mobs in Resto every week, then not so much. Thinking 31/20 or along those lines.

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I’m a fan, we’re definitely open to that sort of druid.

On the look out for Leafy Bois and Sneaky Bois. PW: Friendship is still ideal.

Wink - wink

Morning bump with my bff coffee

Climbing back to Immortal pray for my mental health.

Viva USE servers.