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We are looking for all exceptional members for all raid teams please feel free to join Discord if you have any questions!

One thing I’m really excited about are the Classic beta possibilities, not only to wring out the bugs, but also give us another tool to better prepare for launch.

The plan is to get World First Ragnaros on the Beta, right?

Right, lads?

Nah, that’s too casual. I’m going for World first Alpha Hogger.

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Pokebowls are fantastic

How well can you trust someone with your Stardew Valley farm?

This is an honorable goal.



Sometimes I just want godlies to drop in Imp2 but I rather have my luck saved for a Ironfoe/Felstriker.

Time to do some Imp4

Gaia ORPG tho HRM

Need reforged to come out so Gaia can be played in all it’s beauty

Happy Easter to everyone

I hope all your food comas will be quick and painless tonight.

I had less of a food coma, and more of an hours long sugar rush.

Was a pretty good day.

Sugar rush best buff in WoW

How many Ironfoes do you believe will drop in the first month of Classic?

Four hundred, and one score.

I believe in the one score drop for me personally

I will use my wizard magics and summon us a Blue post today.

It’ll work.