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That is our spirit animal.

Our mascot will be an Arcane mage that wears Devout.

A paladin wearing a dress would be even better. I nominate Xael as the cloth dressed holy paladin.

Man, every Alliance guild will have that. We got to have that unique mascot.

I volunteer as tribute.

Ok, we might as well need a holy dps priest in full magister.

I’m the mascot Prot paladin :slight_smile:

On the lookout for Priests especially, but also Druids, Hunters, and Warlocks.

I need more warlock buddies.

Hi there,

I didn’t start playing until the last few weeks of TBC, but I am really loving the idea of getting in to Classic. Are you still open? I would love to find a progression yet semi-casual group to play with!

Hi there,

I didn’t start playing until the last few weeks of TBC, but I am really loving the idea of getting in to Classic. Are you still open? I would love to find a progression yet semi-casual group to play with!

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Indeed we are, we may exactly what you’re looking for.

Recruitment is still open for any dedicated and focused main raider, or casual lads for the casual teams!

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We encourage any who are interested to join the discord, you’ll get a much better sense about what we’ve got going on there. It’s worth a look!

How many more meme specs can you fit in?

Bump for more west coasters.

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All of the meme specs!

Seriously tho, the main team has no problem taking a ret, a bear, a kitty, a shadow, but we arn’t basing our team on a whole bunch of suboptimal specs. The teams really have room for anyone who is willing to put in the work.


After reading this forum post, I am increasingly interested at joining this group for some classic-raiding action. I am and always have been, a “hardcore raider”, but my question to you is this: How many absences do you allow a month per raid group?

I ask mainly because I fly out twice a month on a Friday (around 6pm CST is when my flights leave) so I would unable to attend 2 raids out of the month. How would this impact my ability to become a raider for the guild?

P.S. You cannot pay me enough gold, or free 'chants to play Druid. However the other classes… :+1:


Well this is definitely something I’m open to.

If one was to miss the occasional day due to work, Friday would be the ideal day to miss due to how schedule what we exactly do each evening. Two days a month, especially on Friday, would not be a problem for a dedicated raider.

That is excellent news. My flight days are booked, quite a few weeks in advance. So, there would knowledge of the absence far enough to fill.

I would love to be apart of the raiding team, what classes are you in specific need of? I enjoy the idea of Warlock or Hunter, unless, you wouldn’t mind having a healer off rotation 2 days monthly.

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Xael won’t tell anybody but he secretly wants more druids so he can hoard innervates to be our main tank. Do not tell anyone