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It really depends on what you want to play. It is still so early, that the roster two months from now will look different from today, just as today looks much different than the roster from two months ago.

What you enjoy to play the most is what I most recommend. We will find the others.

Awesome, with that in mind then, my first choice would be Warlock followed by a Holy Paladin (If there is an excruciating need for healers at that time. AND because I may or may not Leeroy. :wink: )

Iā€™m also open to being in a leadership position for raiding. Having played since 2004 and either leading or being an officer within a guild.

Excellent, both are solid choices. All paladins need to Leeroy at least once in their lives

The best thing to do now would be join our discord, get a better look at what weā€™ve got going on, and we can go from there.

This sounds like my kind of guild. If it only were on PvP server >.<

Why not RP-PvP? Itā€™s more ā€œrealā€! :stuck_out_tongue:

We each have our preferences, and we prefer PvE realms.

I understand the majority of the Classic community prefer PvP realms, but thatā€™s not us.

Also, blizzard stated there will not be any RP-PvP servers at launch due to it being to niche :confused:


Oh, I didnā€™t know that!

I do hope those who want an RP-PvP server get one though, I believe there is more than enough people wanting to role on one to warrant Blizzard making one.

Cheers to those hopeful lads.

Given youā€™re rolling on a PvE realm, do you plan to do any sort of PvP of any kind?

We do, we look forward to doing a lot of Pre-made BGs. Weā€™ve got a good number of guildies who want to get at least Commander, and a few who want to dedicate themselves to getting Grand Marshal.

Preliminary planning, for those want to rank, weā€™ll be doing pre-mades before and after raid once BGs release, along with non-raid evenings be all about pre-mades.

Xael is a class act. His search for the right guild is on point, and his passion for every guild to succeed in Classic is evident in his support of others. Iā€™m here to bump his thread because he was classy enough to bump ours. Much success WS!



In Classic wow even PvE servers engage in a fair amount of PvP or at least that is how I remember Staghelm was in Vanilla.

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Yeah, especially on RP realms, youā€™ll see people flagged doing wpvp, especially if no RP-PvP servers are made at launch.

Iā€™ll have to check out your discord. Iā€™m looking for an alliance PvE server to recreate my original vanilla experience. I raided semi hardcore with my paladin up thru AQ40 until I decided to switch to horde and stay. But mostly looking for a weekend raiding guild as Iā€™m still raiding BfA on Tues/Wed

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I prefer Xroad pvp over Tarren Mill/Southshore. Does that make me a bad person?

Iā€™d be glad to chat in discord about the weekend raid team to see if its something youā€™re into.

PvE realms are the best. No ganking when you are leveling your alt, no flight path camping because of no BGs during phase 2, smooth raiding nights without BRM pvp fiesta.

The best thing is, you PvP when you want it (/pvp), not when some smock and his friends are a bit too tipsy and wana have sone fun in Sentinel Hill.

Friendly bump.

We are still on the look out for all exceptional players for all our raid teams!

Raid main team: We are highly interested in Warlocks/Priests/Druids!

We need to stack more dwarf priests. I canā€™t be a dwarf priest though because I want to play a human since I am a dwarf irl.

I mean we are planning a coupe to overthrow Avantiii and institute a pure Prot Paladin / Retri paladin raid team, preferably with all of us being dwarfs.

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