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Our main team is still on the hunt for Rogues, Druids, and Priests, with a few other open spots for some Hunters and Warlocks.

The casual teams have a place for anyone wanting to be a part of them.

There is 1 constant denominator that has always been super good through all expansions : Music.

I usually bask in the sounds of the nerds that play for 18 hours a day with me. Better than any music it’s brohood.

18 hours a day? if you don’t play at least 175 hours a week you are a casual.

Truth be told gotta get those rookie numbers up

Technically There is only 164 hours.

Do they count hours differently in French Canadia?

Again casual numbers, real hardcore raiders do 175 hours a week.

I’m looking for weekend raiding. How is your casual team shaping up? Do you think there are enough people interested in it that it will happen? What roles are you looking for mainly for theses days?

Hello Ghriff,

Our weekend roster currently has 30 people on it and we are expanding daily. All classes are open still for recruitment. If you got any questions just DM an officer on Discord

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We are still on the look out for all exceptional players for our main raid team high demand however Sneaky and Leafy bois

More Gnomes!

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bumped for the greater good of man and women alike


It started out as somewhat of a circle, and now is more like a square, with hints of becoming a rectangle.

Without a doubt, yes. As Pilotboy mentioned, the weekend roster is already pushing 30 members, and growing at a nice rate.

Still have enough room to not be picky yet, so open to any class and spec at this point.

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Thanks guys, that sounds great!

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Anytime friend! Like I said previously please let any of the officers know if you got any more questions.

The memes are real.

We don’t do that here

We are super serious and never meme anything, we expect 100% butt clenching focus during every raid and absolutely no jokes about ice cubes or fires

We arn’t super serious, we’re super S Y R I O U S.

Main team recruitment focus right now is still set on Rogues, Druids, and Priests. Have a few slots open for Warlocks and Hunters as well.

The casual teams still have room enough to not be picky, so anyone interested is encouraged to check out our discord.