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End my suffering, this name is a curse

Someone can dispell that for you sir

There I was cursed by my name. surrounded on all sides. by people that are super duper cereal. The Manbearpigs will get us all. Classic has MANBEARPIGS

No food. No water. But I, Heisann, a warlock of Willingly Suboptimal must push forth TO FUFILL MY DESTINY.

Destiny is a good weapon, can’t wait to weld one like its my DESTINY!

Dear me can we stop the awful puns please

I hope you understood my reference. If not, shame on you.

I require more Rogues, Druids, and Priests. I need them in my life.

You should always take things in moderation, even Paladins.

Paladins are very good and you want a good number of them.

Hello we are still looking for sneaky and leafy bois

Don’t forget the priestly bois

Yes hello we are looking for sneaky/leafy bois and Priests that won’t Shadow Weave ty.

insert Chuck Norris joke here

Fear ward please, I don’t need Avanti running around feared like a maniac on Nefarian.

They’re full of it, I’ll take one shadow priest, too

I will not get feared yo soy stance tank

We are still on the look out for Sneaky/Leafy bois. Also looking to add a couple more Priests to roster and 1 SP

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All casuals are welcome too, the weekend raid team has spots for all classes, the main team is looking for rouges druids and priests. the late night team has many positions open as well :slight_smile:

Yeah, weekend team isn’t too particular about roles at the moment so any are welcome.
Also feels like it needs to be stated but good players of any class are welcome to join the main team, but we are particularly searching for rogues/druids/priests to fill optimal roster for our main raid team.

Blizz please give us a beta TY

/Kind regards Syrious