10-50 in 7 hours? Why?

Made this guy yesterday and leveled from 1 to 56 in I’d guess about 10 hours.

Still have a ton of quest left in the starting area and ghostlands. I just grinded quest and hopped back in dungeon ques immediately. Rarely had a group stay together after a run, so spent an average of about 8 minutes between dungeon runs.

I can’t log in to check time played right now do to maintenance, but I’m sure 10 hours would be fairly accurate.

Yes, you are wrong. Nobody cares about leveling anymore. The end of the leveling starts the real grind.

I have leveled through each expansion when it was current content, multiple times.

I have leveled through each expansion when it becomes old content, multiple times.

I do not want to waste anytime leveling. I want leveling to be as short as possible. There’s nothing left to discover or learn through the leveling process for me.

I also don’t like how classes feel awful while leveling. Some specs don’t get an interrupt till 30. Some don’t get their core kit till later. You don’t unlock Mastery until 80.

Leveling is boring since all that matters is end game and there is no leveling community like there is in vanilla. Also you seem like a classic player so of course you want the game to be more grindy.

I have done all the expansions more than once. It’s a chore now.

7 hours is more than long enough for a player to be introduced to all their abilities and learn enough of their role to get by.

I used to enjoy leveling, then world mob scaling came and I don’t really enjoy it like I used to. 1-58 used to be mah JAM then I hate life in HFP, then back to JAMMING once I was 62.

yes because at that level is when you start gathering for borrow powers, anima/azerite etc…

why not vanilla? How does this affect you( how long it takes new players to level)?
Why not let them buy a boost, oh wait yes they can.
Leveling 0-xpac starting content (50) is pretty much pointless and negated by the pay to play shop.

At first I was like: :thinking:

60 Orc Warrior
WoW Classic

But then I was like: :roll_eyes:

Yup, the grind is the endgame.

So you turn off xp…then want to go into an action that gives you a bunch of xp…

Leveling teaches you barely anything. The endgame is what really matters.

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“BUT…if you turn Experience off on the PTR, you cant then choose a timeline from Chromie, so your dungeon list to queue for is empty LOL.”

And this is what killed the mmo genre. Thanks Oblizzard.

Not really. You just have a difference preference is all. Blizzard is probably marketing to the majority though and I’d imagine most do just want to get to the end game asap.

because the current wow is all about end game content
back in vanilla or tbc end game was a lot more stagnant, you get your gears and thats that, so to make people have more content to enjoy they strech out the leveling process, this way you don’t get to end game and get bored too fast

but nowadays ilvls boost every content patch, and there’s so much to do at end game getting to max level is just a pain for most people, thats why people try to speed through it anyways.

So when you make the natural leveling progression a lot faster, what you get is people won’t feel as forced to level asap with addons like aap or some other questing addon and just braindead it the whole way.

since leveling just takes a few hours, now you can slow down and smell the flowers on the way, without being left behind by your friends or other players

thats my opinion anyways

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So just get rid of it. I don’t even play WoW anymore but at this point I see no reason to even have a leveling system.

Exactly how its been for me. Instead of ram rodding thru 120 levels I know I CAN get there fast if I want to, so Ive been literally taking my time on the PTR actually PLAYING the game instead of being so blasted focused on boring thru the content like a drill.

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only thing i wish they’d do is make elites, ACTUAL ELITES whether its a quest objective out in the world or the mobs in 5mans

think of it as a tutorial system where you get gradually introduced to your class so you don’t get to max level and do less dmg than a tank in lfr

for u maybe it’s not an issue, a new player learning an entirely new system it is quite challenging, i got my gf to play WoW starting in BfA as a complete gaming beginner and you wouldn’t believe how many times we got kicked out of dungeons for the dumbest things lol

but see by the time we started doing raiding she at least understands her character well enough to start playing the game

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