I think they should actually have a tutorial track, where every new spell that comes up the player can visit their trainer and do a quest and maybe a scenario to help them understand what it is for, and when and why they should do it.
It’s for alt friendliness, which I think is good game design.
I’d rather let my limbs rot from my body than subject myself to such torment.
i think they should too, for new genre players mmos are really high in terms of knowledge needed just to start playing, i think thats actually why the genre is not as popular in current gamer generations
no, I want to do slag mines 30 times for a single level in wod content, that is the true fun of this game
Good point.
What would be a really cool mechanism, is if there was some way to keep the leveling pace slower, but then allow us to buy something for our alts that could speed it up.
Since we’re passing things down to our alts from our main, we could call it something like… heirlooms? And they could provide an experience bonus that would allow people to speed up leveling in an optional way for alts.
I know it’s a strange idea, but it’s just crazy enough to work.
Leveling was still fairly slow with heirlooms. I appreciate making the entire leveling experience 1 whole expansion pack by default.
The problem is that now you often can’t finish an expansion pack.
IMO, the right balance would have been in the ~15 hour range, where you could finish the main questlines of an expansion pack.
Then leave looms in with an experience bonus for people who want faster leveling and don’t care that they aren’t able to finish.
I’m not sure why people are complaining about xp, I mean, I’m not in a rush to do Shadowlands because it’s totally screwed up.
Don’t ruin this for me, OP.
Don’t worry it will keep taking longer and longer to level in the future.
What zone did you do? Genuinely curious
If this such a popular topic, why does it only have 273 replies?
Leveling in retail is a joke since cataclysm arguably even wotlk. It wouldnt surprise me if they remove all levels in a future expansion. This game had gone too far into the gutter appeasing morons who dont want to play an mmorpg.
Theres no engaging gameplay in retail leveling. No threat of dying. They even removed first aid cementing their design philosophy. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT LEVELING.
Lmao man, this guy knows how to get responses.
I did mostly the old starter areas, like Eversong Woods, but spent a few of the final levels in Legion and Zandalar.
The people reading this thread aren’t going to be leveling up in similar times to record holding powerlevelers. They just aren’t.
To be fair, this has always been the case for WoW unless it was your first MMO and you were learning how they worked.
WoW has always had dead easy leveling / world content. It just used to take longer.