I disagree. Leveling is incredibly boring, but it can be nice to remenice in small doses, which is what the new system offers.
& hours would be ideal. Over a decade, with multiple mains across different classes, Being told that my mershunz are more legitimate the longer, and more painful it took to get to the content I want to play in is patronising.
Yes because the real game become at max level
“Endgame is the focus in retail.”
And with the latest changes, the only version of Endgame Blizzard wants is raiding. M+ was neutered. And… it’s not like there’s really anything else. PvP?? lol … yeah, plz.
I don’t see how anyone can stay on the raiding/gear treadmill for more than 1 expansion. How does it not feel like a massive waste of time?? I did it for two expansions before I woke up. Never again.
Blizzard really needs to invent something truly NEW to this genre. Ion’s vision seems to just make WoW nothing more than a game for old Elitist Jerks. Raid or Die. Dude… 2009 is long gone, can we make a better game now??
Eh 10-50 I’m not so worried about. Old content is essentially forgotten content by Blizzard anyway and nothing really provides much overall value in terms of a levelling experience.
If it was all the way to 60 I’d be a bit more concerned about the whole situation. Does make me wonder if they will do another nerf of dungeon xp though if this was done through dungeons as I can imagine they would prefer to direct people towards a story progression.
I enjoy spending time on games talking bs with friends and people I enjoy hanging out with. The whole aim of an mmo is to be social, anything else is just a bonus, this is merely an outlet.
There’s too much content in all expansions. If it’s made a long journey the player population will spread thin.
I think they want players on the latest content quickly.
It’s the content they have to pay retail. Just a sub gets you all old content, so you make it short.
I’m not interested in speed runners time to get to lvl 50. Why would I compare someone beating Mario 64 in 17 min vs knowing the average time it takes somone to level doing a little bit of everything. I’m not saying I want a brand new person’s time but what is the time if you do dungeons here and there, lots of quests, some professions and a little bit of battlegrounds and maybe a few other things I’m not thinking of.
Leveling hasn’t mattered in this game since the expansion those levels were relevant.
Game’s almost 20 years old.
It’s time to focus on the end game and new questing experiences.
The basic answer is letting leveling be short just works out better with how WoW is set up. Once you do a Horde and Alliance playthrough there really isn’t much to be gained from any expansion other than Legion.
WoW’s expansion stories are way too linear for getting anything really out of repeat runs, unlike say an MMORPG like SWTOR or ESO where they at least give you an illusion of choice in the story even though you still get to the end part and/or let side quests/arch let choice matter since they won’t be relevant. Your class choice on a whole doesn’t give you a meaningful amount of different storylines/content as you level (outside Order Halls), WoW has never properly implemented a companion system, and since most parts of crafting becoming outdated come the next expansion there isn’t really isn’t much to be gained leveling new crafts in the same story.
Then you also get into the matter of if you want an alt to be a tank or healer leveling is more something just in the way outside of dungeons to learn how they play. This in part hooks back to the lack of a good companion system since the ability for a tank or healer to have a DPS NPC companion that is available in the world content really helps them not lag behind DPS in leveling content.
There is further the problem that the way the systems are designed you won’t really find the same degree of challenging content from old expansions, since heroics and mythic modes of dungeons don’t unlock until your an expansion’s max level.
I think its great, tired of leveling . Its such a boring slog when classes are awful without full talents and whatever borrowed power Blizz throws at us. I can’t stand it. The faster we can level the better so my class can be complete and I won’t die of boredom.
End game is all that matters to me because literally everything is tied to it. Players are begging for faster lvling and seems Blizz is finally listening. If you truly want slower/difficult leveling then you can put your own handicaps without screwing the rest of us over. Ironman challenges can be pretty fun.
Probably majority of people playing have done the same quests 9000 times and ran the same dungeons 9000 more times, fought twinks in low lvl pvp 9000 times. Its exhausting and needs to be over with asap!
I disagree, after leveling 24 characters to 120 and some to 110 for hertiage armor even with heirlooms and methods of doing it as quick as possible I despise the thought of having to level another toon from beginning to end. If I want a full leveling glory wow themed i’ll jump on classic. After you level 1-6 times its cool but after its a chore a unwanted one at that.
Yep for sure so sick of it i even reduced my target leveling numbers to 5.
I wonder what leveling to 60 will be like i might check out beta just for that alone.
No, just no.
That sounds great, leveling is just a chore these days
If you want to take it slower, then take it slower. Why does someone else’s preferred speed bother you?
They speed leveled.
It took me around 20 hours with casual leveling to get to level 50.
Man it’d be nice to have a pocket Hpal or Disc to level with
been a player that did beta back in 2004, leveling a character took months! suggest if you want a longer experience go classic, not sure if later you can port your character to retail.
I quit for 4-5 years. I just came back maybe last week.
I already have 3 level 120s. another at 116. four at 110. three between 100-110. and another at 60 that I’m going to delete and remake when I unlock mag’har orcs.
I’m REALLY tired of leveling alts taking forever. the game isn’t fun until end game anyway.