1 Million Gold Pot in GDKP

What exactly am I saying that I lied about and about what exactly If you tell me what I said was a lie exactly what sentence did I say that is untrue.

That’s why I said roll out a few fresh servers. If they make fresh servers AND implement active strategies against bots then I couldn’t care less what happens on the other servers. They’re all too far gone.

I don’t have an issue with fresh servers but the problem is it’s not going to solve anything There might be a different audience that would specifically like fresh servers so they might be popular for a little bit but eventually it’s just going to go right back to the scene problem right now.


You are lying. I am not pretending anything. And I’ve already asked you about this.

Please stop lying.

Yeah that’s why I said I’m just letting my sub expire, I won’t resub unless I hear there is fresh servers and some sort of serious effort to stop Botting. I can just play the game for free elsewhere and I don’t have to deal with at of the pay to win aspects so it’s seeming like a no brainer to me at this point.

Again Lying about what exactly are you saying that I said that was untrue You’re just seeing That I am lying how is the game not pay to win.

People By gold To get boosted they pay gold to get gear And a ridiculous amount of it because the payout of as the payouts of those particular runs are chinarmas and because bots are out of control because the economy is so broken.

It literally encourages people to keep that circle Going so either you live in the game have to play the game as a job just about Or you’re buying gold so explain to me what I said that was untrue.

Your response Literally gives me the impression that you’re just going to pretend this problem doesn’t exist and that there’s nothing wrong with the game and something that could potentially make the game better just makes me want to make the game into shadowlands when clearly there’s a problem.

And this could be a potential solution to it at least to make the player base’s life better so explain to me what about that is untrue.

Gotcha Me personally I’m excited for wrath I’m also excited for dragonflight I’m curious to see what they’re going to do and go from there.

I still have friends that played a game and we’ll just see how things go that’s kind of where I’m at I hope that they do something but at this point I’ll just say it the game would be better if the wow token was in it.

Because fun fact and a sad fact technically retail is less paid to win than TBC is at this point.

Because at least in retail you have the ability to actually farm those amounts of gold to do those boost runs you’re not going to always half to use the wow token Yeah wrap your head around that.

I’ve already answered this twice; with direct quotes. Anyway, have a good night.

OK You didn’t really explain anything but O OK have a good night to you too.

Yeah I know what you’re saying but if they implement the wow token they’re essentially saying, “we did nothing about Botting and the only thing we are going to do about Botting is make the player pay us so I goes away”.

I’ve supported blizzard with subs for a long time over the years and for the last few years with classic in particular and now it just seems to be dawning on me that they don’t care at all about classic. The people who made nostalrius cared about it and they took it away from them and shamelessly cashed in on it by basically implementing cash shop items to help the botters…

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Fair enough I get what you’re saying but my concern is if my concern is if they don’t put in the wild token it’s just going to make things worse I mean if we’re seeing a million gold drop for an item now.

How much do you think it’s going to be for stuff and wrath and I don’t think the classic team has the resources necessary to handle this problem nor do I think they have the motivation to.

And you may be right putting in the wild token is probably blizzard’s way of waving the white flag but at this point what else can they do.

Because what’s worse Then putting in the wow token and people getting mad or way mor way more people burning out and just saying I can’t even play the game anymore because as I said.

At least in shadowlands you can at least farm the gold you need fairly easily for the stuff you need not everything.

And there is definitely a golden flation problem in retail but the difference is You can make up for most of it I guess that’s what I’m saying.

The wow token doesn’t do anything, people will still buy gold, they’ll just buy it from blizzard instead, and if bots don’t get banned, they’ll keep selling gold and they’ll sell it cheaper than the wow token. Either way the game is still pay to win. The only thing they can do is fresh servers and stop Botting from day 1. There is literally no other way they can do it.

Yeah but at the very least they’re buying it from blizzard so people no longer have the risk of gains or account banned or a count band if they do it with the wow token.

And if I’m being honest I would rather other sea people buy gold from blizzard technically then buy it from 3rd party sights if that makes sense.

And yeah you are right technically it doesn’t actually solve the problem but at least we give the player base a better player experience.

I mean yeah technically there’s a couple of things they could do but yeah fresh servers is the only one players would actually accept I mean let me ask you do you think if blizzard said gold reset and if you and if you or even hack it they said OK at the beginning of rathledge came everybody’s going in with 5000 gold through every single character they have.

That way it’s technically even Either one of those people would absolutely live it about

So you want to give money to blizzard just so you don’t get banned, but you also are complaining that the game is pay to win?

Noone gets banned for buying or selling gold that’s why the issue is so bad. I think probably 1 out of 1000 people that buy gold get a ban, and it’s not even a perma ban.

I don’t understand your argument. Basically you want to reward blizzard for giving us a bad experience?

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Perhaps I worded that really badly addly it’s not that I want it For that reason it’s the fact I know that blizzard isn’t willing to take the steps Needed to fix it.

Into a degree you are right technically blizzard as I guess you could say rewarding it but look at it like this.

If people are already dropping a million gold for items now how much do you think it’s going to be by a time wath actually comes out.

Which is going to make those casual people or the people with lives rather They’re either one going to have to spend 90% of their time farming and then get into One raid run that they can get into for maybe an upgrade hopefully.

Or 2 they’re just gonna burn out and quit the wow token makes that Experience better I’m not going to say it’s a good thing.

But if I’m looking at the alternative if they don’t do anything less and not putting the wild token because there are people like me that will not buy gold from 3rd party sites because I don’t want to rescue my account band and I can tell you it’s miserable.

I mean I’m not rating right now but from what I’ve seen almost every single pug I single pug i see is either 1 gdkp or 2 Everybody almost is overgeared and they’re just helping their friends or guilties get some off pieces.

And then you have those very select guilds that are actually still trying to get into sunwell or progressing on sunwell.

So yeah the wow token at least let’s people people walk into those raids Because let’s be honest blizzard isn’t going to be able to get ahold on all the gold buyers and sellers where it actually can stabilize the economy.

And yes people will be able to farm better but it’s not going to be enough for the majority of people to be able to keep up it’s going to be just like backing class OK everybody’s going to have to make a mage just build a farm consumes or gold so they can buy their consumes too raid.

And I guess at this point by gear The wow token helps to alleviate that a little bit On top of that it’s the only thing I can actually see blizzard being able to do.

Because like I said earlier blizzard isn’t going to do something that’s going to hurt your bottom line banning all the gold buyers and sellers would not be beneficial to them financially the wow token would.

So that’s why I’m saying that But yeah in a perfect world yeah all the gold buyers and sellers would be banned in the economy with stabilize but that’s not the world we live in.

The wow token will make gold sellers sell their gold for less to compete against blizzard which will make the problem worse… If blizzard doesn’t ban the botters and gold sellers then the wow token essentially just means cheaper gold for all the people who are already buying incredibly cheap gold now…

Yeah basically this. The classic rerun is already far beyond repair, the damage is already done. I was looking forward to wrath, but the thing is, they’ve already botched it and players will be going in with astronomical real estate and the GDKP lifestyle will run rampant again, further killing the personality of the game. I would add that people love to bash on retail, the behavior that exists in the classic trilogy is by far and away much worse than retail to the point of everyone having busted dopamine receptors to want to swipe their way through the game. If I want to play wrath, I would literally have a better experience on Warmane, who uses the LFD tool for dungeons which was removed for classic to sell boosts. It’s actually quite comical that a modern day MMO continues in this fashion.


What sucks about it is it actually discourages players from joining/creating guilds. Instead of joining a community now and being rewarded for being a good guild member, you get awarded based on your purchasing power in the game. Poorer players can never get the best items. Only the wealthiest players can.


That’s why the game is already and has already been over. It’s not even a game anymore, it’s like playing a mobile casino game


Blizzard isnt going to do anything because everyone involve pays for a sub. They would end up losing even more money in the end.

The real problem here are today players. They don’t want to play the game how it was meant to be played. They want immediate satisfaction and the funny thing is spend thousand of real life money for what? to go afk in town? What a way to play the game.