Blizz: “We see no problem here”
GDKPs are the predominant reason for RMT in Classic and RMT is the reason for bots and inflation. GDKPs only recycle gold generated by bots back through the economy. GDKPs, RMT, and botting devalue time spent farming by legit players.
Blizz is failing to manage the game or enforce their own ToS for short-term profit goals by selling boosts and subs to the bots permanently in BF/AC/Ramps providing gold to GDKPs.
This is just how the game is now. Sucks but it will never change.
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The game doesn’t have to be this way.
Thanks, Blizz.
Maybe they farmed the gold legit.
Definitely been farming dire maul
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Easy: don’t play with these type of people
Don’t go to the raids. Problem solved.
Wish it wasn’t a thing, but I doubt blizz will do anything about it.
Who cares? The vast amount of GDKP gold is funneled in a closed system. Gold sellers sell gold to whales, who then spend that gold at GDKPs run by people with links to said gold sellers, who go back and sell that gold again to more whales, who spend it on GDKPs. It’s a big cycle. You don’t have to participate in it to play normally. Consumable costs aren’t affected at all by GDKP gold because of the absolutely massive overfarming of all resources. Mana pots have been 1-3 gold consistently all throughout tbc, regardless of GDKP gold. Flasks have never been cheaper. Dark runes have been hovering between 8-13g for the entire expansion. Scrolls are basically the same price. While there are some spikes right before content drops prices stabilize in the end.
you just jelly on missing that juicy 40k split
Everything is affected by GDKPs because bots, who print money for gold buyers, are inflating everything in the game. It completely devalues every legit player’s time spent farming and generating currency the way it was intended. This does affect consume costs. People trading gold caps can completely lock down markets on the AH to concentrate even more gold. There are even AH bots that do this for gold sellers. They flat buy everything on their list at or below threshold and hoard consumes when demand is highest to set prices at ridiculous sums. Aside from bots the GDKPs encourage gold farmers from places like Indonesia and South America to camp all farming locations 24/7 to generate even more gold for the gold sellers and GDKPs. This is further exacerbated on megaservers where the population is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than the game was intended to be played at, making monopolies on open world farms by gold selling companies exceptionally easy to maintain.
You have to be either ignorant or willfully ignorant to not see how whale culture, GDKPs, and RMT are affecting the health of the game at large. My guess is most on here that defend GDKPs do so because they directly benefit from them, whether monetarily or because they don’t want to farm for resources.
Some of us like just chilling out and farming though, which is currently near impossible to do on the most whale heavy servers(ones that became whale heavy only AFTER Blizz decided to let people move between servers without any thought to available server resources and community health).
Wrong. Bots deflate the cost of many items due to overfarming.
Then why have most consumes stayed the same throughout the entirety of TBC?
Again, why are most traded commodities fairly stable?
Not at all, I’m just not a raving nutcase.
You understand how bots are generating gold, right? The gold isn’t appearing magically from trades. Gold is generated from mob kills, looting, quests etc. The bots obviously are not questing, and the rogues camped out in BF/Ramps 24/7 are not killing mobs. They are pick pocketing and looting chests. They then vendor. They’re number one impact is on total available gold for the server. This is what they create by botting. That DIRECTLY inflates EVERYTHING. The GDKPs further this inflation by circulating gold sold to whales back through the GDKPs so the gold never leaves the economy. That’s why prices and gold pots for GDKPs are increasing at a near exponential rate from what they were in Classic Vanilla.
Consumes have not stayed the same throughout TBC. Terocones, which once traded at 3g and below for the first half of TBC are now 7g+ each. Mongoose elixirs are nearly double in price since T5 came out. Scrolls are more than 3x their original price, with Agi V selling for over 13g ea. Do you have an auction addon like TSM? You can objectively track prices over time with the addon and the price curve, while having minor dips every so often, has been steadily increasing since start of TBC.
That’s a complete lie, see above. You are on Bene, which is a server that also has a major problem with GDKPs and gold buying. I figure you’d easily understand these things, but likely are one of the people who benefits from GDKPs and doesn’t want to see those benefits disappear. Sad really, because it’s whale culture and the liars who gaslight for them that are really harming the community, not QoL features like RDF.
Well, you clearly aren’t honest either…not to mention posting from an alt. Which further adds evidence to probable dishonesty.
I really wish they would do something about this. I don’t understand why they don’t care about the game.
Open a ticket and name some names. Anyone doing RMT deserves to lose their account.
Type /who “Blood Furnace” “Crypts” “Rampart” and get greeted with a /who screen maxed out with level 60 rogues in boost gear with auto generated names who never respond to whispers because they are botting pickpocket/chests 24/7. Have fun reporting all them, the system will literally cap you out at number of reports before you can. Then, if you’re lucky, you may get one piece of mail saying “Thanks for report” after submitting nearly 100 or more reports. Blizz doesn’t care. They make bank off of selling boosts to botters. They likely have an algorithm for optimal time to leave bots alone so the botter makes enough to buy another bot after ban.
is pretty much impossible for those who play the game for fun to progress and gear up against those who play the CC game, yet blizzard dont give a bullcrap about this and will never care, dont forget who was behind the retail community of galawix, “this isnt the world of warcraft that we played”