Oh yay another Wille video spreading misconceptions and disinformation. Love when he posts screenshots and vids of Chinese servers gdkps and says “gDkP bAd” but fails to mention that Chinese classic servers have had a wow token for years.
I played all of classic era in guild that started with dkp followed by a loot council. I ended up getting almost every single piece of gear from my guild. I even got a atiesh. Hard work payed off for me. The only 1 item ever bought from a gdkp was nefs tear because i knew i wasn’t gonna get it from my guild because of our loot system. I’m pretty sure there are normal guilds that still do this. You just have to look for them or make your own.
You do nknow that inflation is good for the sellers and that botting deflates farmed goods market.
A lot of the botters are Russian. So in a way Blizzard is supporting Russian businesses.
Every service in the game goes up when gold buyers exist.
most people hate it, but the best fix for this is to get rid of master loot and put in personal loot. modern problems require modern solutions, F’ EM!
This, as someone who just came back and has yet to find a guild that fits my raid time, I have been trying to pug BT/MH for some gear. I set my LFG bulletin board addon to filter out phrases like “Bid” “GDKP” and “buyer”. Pretty much no SR runs anymore. Everything is a GDKP.