1 hour av que? Really?

I would assume we would see people playing wsg. Queues are just as bad there.

Are you for real? That ignorance of the system seems forced.

Yet another person who doesn’t understand burden of proof.


You are missing the point. It isn’t that switching to a PVE server is a solution, it is that it is the same non-solution given to alliance players who complained prior to the release of bgs.

You should re-roll alliance.

My level 1 shaman was traveling safely between Orgrimmar and Undercity on a Zeppelin as my 55 paladin was getting camped at Menethil Harbor.

Do this on a pvp server.
1-10- Durotar/Tirisfal/Mulgore- RFC
10-20- Silverpine- WC, SFK
20-30- Barrens- SFK at the start, RFK at the end
30-45- SM/RFD

They did so with Thorium point, to the kargath choke, to BRM on a regular basis on grobbulus. They locked down everlook nearly 24/7. Marshalls Refuge saw alliance rogues as a permanent fixture, camping the FP.

But guess what? PvP server, and I spent L46-60 during P2. Perhaps you need a bit more perspective beyond your not having shown youve leveled a single classic toon beyond the L30s.

oh okay
so who’s fault is it that all you STALWART MANNED UP PVPERS! went horde for the racials and the memes?

Be a real man, roll alliance and stop complaining about a lack of alliance. You remind me of the dps who cry about no healer, the same dps that NEVER plays a healer.

Git sum.


Barrens aren’t going to take you to 30 (25 if you’re lucky). You’re going to need to dungeon grind, which provides the same benefits for flagged and unflagged characters.

The leveling dungeons to grind are in Horde safe zones where alliance have to run flagged across two zones to reach.

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No that is why only so many BGs. The longer you hold it alliance players quit it.

Then add 15mins timer and how long you hold the AV.


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Population balance isn’t the only factor. It’s about the portion of the population that actually does pvp. So many minmaxed onto horde that there aren’t enough Alliance people interested in pvp to go around.

You can have twice as many total Alliance as Horde, but if only 10% of those Alliance are pvpers, horde still get the wait times.

You wouldn’t guess it though by looking at the weekly honor standings.

Just endless premades stomping pugs. No real engaging pvp in that.

Only you were foolish enough to ASSUME that all PVP is turtling, no one claimed that it was. but sure, stay mad lol.

i cant re roll space goats arnt in the game yet.

What are you even going on about? There are players that have been complaining that they are being met with turtles, when it is just 5-10 players playing defense. These are people who have no understanding of what a turtle is.

Hell our neighborhood coward above me is known for afking out of BGs when he gets the slightest sniff of players on defensive pvp, and pretty certain he has referred to such as turtles in the past.

Can you not read? Someone referred to the incredibly long games due to people just defending, a turtling strat of pvp, then YOU like a boarish oaf that you are jump in about how people shouldn’t use the word “turtle” to describe “PVP in a PVP BG” Despite it’s not, it was being used to describe the specific strat of PVP that they were using, I thought this would be implicitly understood, but you apparently needed it spelt out for you.

Well stop being mean and then we will start Queing again.


I’m not saying I’m Nostradamus, but

I am Nostradamus.