1 hour av que? Really?

:slight_smile: :popcorn: :+1:

Sounds like something a horde player would say to feel better about themselves.

It’s just going to get worse. The smart players are rerolling to be on the faction with the short queues.

it is what it is

They don´t derank, if nobody of them plays AV. Seriously, do you Ally players not understand the honor system?..

Horde ranks are calculated among Horde players, if they all play WSG, then they all get the same honor there.

This whole “mimimi, you did that so we do that” is not helping anyone, but hurts everyone!

They don´t, but what matters is who queues up. Ally always gained rep faster in AV, so they stop playing it much earlier. Horde tends to be very strong at WSG, so the queues there will someday increase for ally or be only against premades.

I have yet to meet a single player who stopped because of world pvp. I know however, many that will stop if queue times or GY camping at WSG get out of hand.

Why is there so much hate by ally players? What do you get from it? This classic “community” is just a nightmare.

It will go back and forth, both sides will make the game bad for the other side and be happy about it. In the end, it only hurts the game.

I have played a lot less in the past few weeks, as I just dislike that kiddy behaviour. The maturity of the classic community is just not there, we have the retail folks here and I am not having fun with them.

Stop turtling. Every minute you extend a game, is a minute youre waiting for the next AV to pop

Turtling is the best though. These Horde who can’t wait 10-15 minutes for a fun BG can re-roll Alliance or go do pve stuff. And no, one hour queues aren’t a thing, this is exaggerated.

It should go back and forth, that’s how you create a balance. Will it ever be perfectly balanced? No, but it can be semi-stable.

As it is designed, the game is pretty unstable. One side will get a bit of an advantage, leading for a tendency for people to join it to gain that advantage and for people to leave the disadvantaged side. It’s been seen in many instances to degenerate into one side having a huge advantage, so large that the server can’t realistically come back from the imbalance.

In any system there has to be a mechanism to center the balance. One side getting buffs, the other side getting nerfs, and so on. Queues are one way that a side gets nerfed, although that is not as effective when all servers share the same queues. Then a server with a large imbalance gets a shorter queue by leaning on servers with less imbalance.

Another way to fix it would be to remove the faction split. Merc mode is one way of doing this.

Wait did they try to say short games with alliance winning is better for horde? Ya’ll can’t be that stupid…

I’ve seen over 5.4k Bonus Honor from winning, capping all towers, killing all LT’s not to mention the avg 30-75 kills I get in those games, which I do a lot of solo picking and yes sometimes nearby people get some of my honor but the honor is usually around 2-3k extra per game with kills alone. so 20-30 Minute Game = 5.4k + 2-3k Honor avging between 7.4k and 8.4k honor per 20-30 minute game + queue of 16-20 minutes. Losing in 10 minutes due to alliance zerg and gaining 2k bonus honor and maybe 600 honor off kills is about avg when horde doesn’t defend to stop their snowball pulling drek.

Horde Defending & Winning: 7.4-8.4k Honor :20-30 Minute Game (lets say 30 minutes)
Horde Not Defending & Losing: 2.6k Honor :10 Minute Game
Queue Time avg 15-20 Minutes lets just say 20 minutes.

(Horde Winning: 8.8K-10.8K /hr)
(Horde Losing: 5.2K /hr)

Thus it is better to take your time and defend as horde to gain more honor per hour.

And every minute is a chance to farm gold between matches.

Asking the horde to lose so alli can keep up on the honor grind is the absolute dumbest thing I have ever heard.

You people are pathetic retail losers.

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20 minutes is the highest I have experienced.

this is just patently false. if you are already revered and you lose a game in 10 minutes as horde you get 125 rep. full stop. thats if you kill balinda.

i got exhalted last night. i played probably 6 games, que times roughly 16 minutes. won 4 lost 2. the 4 wins were an average of nearly 1k rep per game. the 2 losses? 250 total rep. IT ISNT CLOSE. stop saying it is.


The thing is Horde didn’t let you win and now you wanna take your ball and go home.

Had the shoe been on the other foot on PvP realms, you’d still be sitting there talking smack to the Horde telling 'em to “git gud” yadda, yadda. Spare me.

PvP should be MANDATORY to receive rank. Skipping PvP should net you nothing.

I’m getting instant queues, you should reroll alliance if you want faster queue times.

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We are busy doing objectives. You should try it, maybe you’d win a game or 2

It hasn’t even been 2 weeks yet since bgs were added…

I participated in 800 horde kills yesterday doing nothing but AV objectives. There is plenty of pvp

As it should be for the most part
You should still be able rank solo Q in WSG, but not reach as high of a rank as coordinated premader queuers.

Sorry but this is the reason horde are losing AV. If you were the only one doing it, it would be fine, but you got 5-10 other horde doing the exact same thing. Your kills do nothing to win the war. In fact, they hurt your chances of winning cause the alliance respawn up north and recap bunkers you’ve taken.

I can’t tell you how many times I was trying to get south when I was killed mid field by 5 horde, only to respawn at SH and proceed to retake icewing and SH bunkers since I was there.

Add 3-5 afkers and 5-10 who are defending base/holding towers and that gives you only 15-20 on offence.

Meanwhile you got 35+ alliance all working together to clear the LTs, cap the towers and kill Drek. This is why I only lost 1 AV yesterday after 10 hours of non stop AV games