1 hour av que? Really?

How is it self serving? You’re blaming us saying it’s our fault.

And don’t worry, there’s no yelling at the sky from me because I don’t care whether anyone leaves or not. That’s their choice. I’m still enjoying the game and will continue to do so until I get bored. Then I’ll move on to something else, difference is I’m not going to make a big post crying about it in the forums.

Here is the crux of this entire game. Every activity in it is at the mercy of player choice. These back and forth arguements about who’s fault the situation belongs to reminds me if this.
It’s all of our fault. We knew about this from Vanilla. The players didn’t care about balance. If we did. We would have colluded to balance the servers. Nope.
We stacked them to avoid “dead” servers, avoid streamers, avoid anyone who didn’t speak english, and many many sheep listened to streamer hype: The real Vanilla experience is on pvp servers…really?

If anyone is to blame it’s the morons who listened to the streamers. Now pve servers are over ran and pvp servers are imbalanced. GG.
We now have paid faction transfers. Anyone wanna try this again or just keep crying for blizz to fix it, enjoy our pvp/e servers, or just keep passing the blame?


I mean, we tried to tell you guys this would happen with phase 2 going the way it did. It’s only going to get worse as more time passes; we aren’t that far past the honeymoon phase yet.

May want to start brainstorming suggestions now, because if/when classic BC is a thing many ally will jump ship in favor of superior horde paladins / racials to a greater degree than before.

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if you want shorter queue times, the alliance is waiting for you
but you prefer the blatant OP racials and server imbalances

Math is very difficult for you I see.

Some did it to show you guys to not listen to streamer hype. Wonder how many learned their lesson? Again.
Also makes me wonder if pve servers will out number pvp servers when we get Classic TBC? I mean the real Classic TBC experience is on pve servers. :rofl:
Hopefully Classic TBC launches with paid transfers. Maybe by Classic Wrath we can get it right.
Not holding my breath with the wow playerbase though. We seem to be slow learners…

However PvE is fine. It’s only PVP that has issues. What does that suggest?

Going back to enjoy authentic Vanilla PvE content while you all tear each other apart. I’ll get exalted in AV in a day or two and then return to the relaxing, satisfying farming and cooperative content that makes this game great, with my new epic ring.

And I’ll never have to deal with the toxic mess that is AV again. Whew.

Ok, horde player how are the netflix series going while you wait your 30 min queue? :smiley:

Glinda the premise that you make the same amount of honor in a 20 minute game as opposed to a 7 minute game is what makes the argument idiotic. That’s simply not true and with the queue times it makes even more sense to play for the 15-25 minute win vs the quick loss.

Horde rarely gets above 2k honor in a 7 minute Zerg.

How do I like this post more than once xD

Alliance lowers their av attendance
Horde most affected

From what I’ve seen not only are there more horde in the total pool of players, Horde are more likely to PvP.

I have played horde since 2006. 15 minute queues are nothing, in fact, it’s pretty much a standard queue time. For AV queue, 15 minutes is nothing compared to what AV queues used to be.

It would be really neat if the Alliance actually PvP’d though.

The queue times bother me none. Living in your head rent free is priceless.

Why do you imagine pvp servers exist?

We’re talking at cross-purposes. I thought you were referring to queue times, not honor. My bad.

Queue times would go down if everyone played quicker games.

Trends (not every player):
Alliance players clearly disliked pvp on pvp realms.
Alliance players clearly dislike pvp in BGs.
Alliance tend to refer to any and all BG pvp as “turtles”, and advise just letting them win (killing pve mob).

Alliance who fall outside of these trends have got to feel embarrassed at this point.

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No they wouldn’t. People either want to play AV or they don’t. There is no other option right now if you want to rank. The alliance choosing not to queue are choosing not to rank.

You do realize that not all pvp is turtling, right?

Yes, they would. If games ended sooner, there would be more games created more frequently. Hence, smaller queues.

If more games were to on average, last longer than they are currently, you would see even longer queues as there would be less games being created over time.