Most of the alliance in AV right now only seem to be there for the rep.
And while the hardcore have already finished most probably only hit AV once or twice a night.
So my guess is that in a months time nearly everyone on Alliance who wanted the rep will have it, and will never queue AV again (alliance seeming to be a PvE focussed faction).
They are already at 15 minutes. Hopefully it gets longer than an hour.
And if they complain we’ll just tell them to reroll Alliance, as we were told to reroll Horde/PVE realms when we pointed out that the population imbalance was making the game unplayable.
Watching them complain right now is already an exercise in schaudenfreude. It’s going to be glorious Karma for the early days of p2 and all their glib suggestions that people re-roll.
Population balance never made the game unplayable. That’s hyperbole, and it’s silly. Phase 2 was what it was. Some people greatly enjoyed it. Some people hated it.
Rerolling is always an option, but now transferring is also an option, so I imagine that will mean fewer rerolls in general to level with, but maybe not.
Is OCE on a different battle group than US? I believe they can transfer.
Some people are still catching up on reps, and it is the holiday season.
After New Year, queue will be at least 20-30mins long.
It will get worse and worse though when BWL is out, and will be like 40+mins long when ZG20 is out.
Literally all the PVE players(Alliance majority) will just be spamming ZG20 pug twice a week due to its short raid lock out.
Seriously, there isn’t any time left in Classic to even PVP when ZG20 hits.
Then BG will completely die out during AQ40. The dreadful 1hr queue for AV on Horde is coming back 2006 style, and only AB premade will run 24/7 if you still want to climb the ladders.
Just look at the average raid schedule or PUG timetable:
MC(for TF)+BWL(for Nef)+AQ40+ZG20x2+AQ20x2+Onyx2(I think this is when they reduced Ony to 3 days lockout).
This is when you can ezmode get to R14.
All the hardcore PVPers are done with honor grind, and all the PVE players are too burned out from having too much contents to do.
Everyone will hope for TBC and Classic will die out with Naxx 40 release.
Classic will die out faster than Vanilla because the playerbase is much older, and retails and TBC Classic will be competing against Classic.
Honestly, I hope Blizzard will allow the Horde to fraction change.
It isn’t going to be pretty in the long run.
Right now, PVP is the only content left to do.
Better start complaining so Blizzard can add Fraction Change in for $30.
And if you guys are on a 10-30A/70-90H server, Classic doesn’t have auto-timer for AQ40. So good luck. PVP and PVE will be dead during that phase.
Its not necessarily that the Alliance is just less PvP focused, but that Horde racials give them such a huge advantage. It wears on players constantly playing against those advantages. For example: Tauren Drood Warstomp as flag runner. WOTF against Ally Warlocks/Priests and even mages. Orc warriors being unstunnable. Anyone who does not think the Horde racials are not the primary reason for the imbalance needs to only ask why there is an imbalance on PVP servers only?
If queues just get too bad we will go to WSG…not sure why people think queues will be an issue…and racial… you guys have pallies…and you talk about OP racials…how about OP PVP class… THE END
AQ even with server imbalance isn’t an Issue we will do as we did 15 years ago… contact alliance to buy our materials that we supply them for cheap to finish the event and Onyxia has never been a 3 day reset its 5 days and always has been…maybe in the remake(in warlords or whenever)
The queues will probably go up maybe to 30 minutes. However, there are many horde who are only doing this for rep too as they state in the chat often.
Imagine having to grind AV all day without a break for fear of losing rank (alliance). Now imagine actually being able to take a break in between games, do chores, have a shower etc, and still rank up (horde). I’m fine with long queues for AV as long as it means one of the following things: #1 WSG is more competitive for the honor grind so horde can actually be in groups with friends - although that is dependant on the alliance as well. #2 Horde get out and kill alliance in the world again as it should be. This gives time to camp BRM, sit on boats etc which is the fun stuff.
Horde OCE queues are doing fine 22-30min(22min for most of today) since the 1st reset since BGs came out. My guess is the queue will keep ging down for horde as many horde players will/are quitting the honor grind due to not being able to keep up with people who can queue all day.
I chose horde for the shaman class I never got to play. And my friends rolled horde because they played Horde when they got Vanilla in high school about half a year before BC launched.
Also I had a rogue gank me yesterday, I was stunned the whole time, I got off one instant cast and one totem before I was stunned again.
Props to that rogue!