1% approval rating. can we have DF now?

Good lord, you do actually think classic was released specifically to get rid of RDF.

This is, by far, the dumbest take I’ve seen on the RDF debate. Congratulations.


It was specifically meant to get rid of RDF, among other things. and there was a balance between all the certain things they were trying to omit and would have had to omit to give a “classic” experience. You trying to decide which one is/was the “main” one or “main” reason is your own twisted subjective interpretation of it. Just because removing RDF wasn’t the only reason they made Classic doesn’t mean it wasn’t one of the main reasons. Which it was.

I’ve already shown you the history and the videos and the times where RDF specifically was brought up during classic’s early talks and release cycle, and how that talk was expanded upon on Wrath’s launch. You choose to ignore it, over and over and over. It’s not my job to educate you or stop you from having a lower than average IQ.

Do yourself a favor though and watch these and how it pertains to RDF, until the message eventually sinks in. You can do it caveman

I’m literally sat here shaking my damned head.

I know them by heart cause people keep saying that a 1.12 document has any bearing on TBC and Wrath.

The document you keep prattling on about mentions flying and achievements with idiotic jokes going “hell no” next to them.

And yet, here we are.

You can keep linking them over and over, it doesn’t change anything. It’s 1.12 specific.


The fact that you link “you think you do” when we know exactly what Classic dungeons turned into is LAUGHABLE.

Mage boosting for days? That’s why classic was released? Really?

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Here’s the tweet again too.

I can hear you now “B-but that’s just Brian!!!” you want the blue post that went with it too? How much is it gonna take little guy?

That was for Wrath launch yes.

And we’ve been arguing against it since.


We want players who don’t want it to have a place where they can play with out it.

Also know to most players as Era.

Here’s the reality

RDF and Classic have been incompatible ever since the launch of the game and will remain incompatible indefinitely. Cause they already released a game with RDF in it. You will never get it again, at least not in classic. They would sooner stop classic progression at that point

Wanna know how to get it? Fire up retail. That will forever be your only option, and no amount of whining or s-posting will ever change that for you. Enjoy the cope

This is utterly stupid cause you’re basing it on a document that has no bearing on TBC or Wrath at all.

And you call it “reality”.

Wanna know how to get a game that has never had RDF?

Fire up Era. That will be your only option once the ToC burnout sets in :wink:

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the poll is honestly garbage. they deleted it here bc they mistakenly added the poll to classic and moved it to retail. it needs to be separated and dungeons should be replaced with ‘wrath classic’ idk wtf they put DUNGEONS lol. there are less of us that main classic on the forums than the retailers.

if they want a true and blue way of doing this it shoulda been sent via email where other plays who dont visit here get a say and allow multiple options. right now its just us and people alt hopping votes but it seems accurate enough but i’m not sure the purpose of the poll i just want wrath to get some tlc ffs.

Strangely though most of the choices refer to some part of classic.

They indeed do.
IDK what your point is? It’s still not connected or related to RDF beyond the word “dungeon”. It should have been cross posted to the classic forums and the retail general forums.

It’s overall a bad poll. Shouldn’t have been locked to one answer only.

No point, or I don’t know what blizzard’s point is. I just found it strange that in a poll on the retail GD forum most of the choices are about classic. Yes, It’s an extremely bad poll.

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Fair enough, used to people fishing for “gotcha moments” so I was a tad defensive when I didn’t need to be.

Pretty much. Retail has a higher population than classic combined, I know most play both tbf, how could they put up Wrath classic dungeons on the same poll as Mythic dungeons? Clearly Mythic will win the popularity contest here lmao.

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If this is the highlight of your life, words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for you.


Even for cata potential. I ahve a planned lapse coming. IRL events and D4 interest has me know I won’t be into wow most of the summer.

Not emo rage lapse. I’ve done this with other mmo’s. I often kill subs in the summer.

I’d see a return at some point. To touch up pvp gear for what is out then.

I am already apathetic about dungeons. that would not be changing on even an ICC return.

Unless they for a cool #nochange address a few plot holes the ICC dungeons created SL showed. #nochanges to fix lore consistency could peak interest.

Otherwise…IOC would one day be the spammed content I’d care about.

It’s utterly stupid to suggest that Brack’s statement about RDF not existing back then didn’t/doesn’t have any bearing on Wrath or TBC, especially TBC; cause TBC’s entire expansion didn’t have RDF whatsoever.

So you think (vanilla) Classic’s subsequent announcement and discussion would have no bearing on TBC Classic’s announcement or development beforehand? You think they were magically gonna decide RDF was now needed in BURNING CRUSADE Classic or was still up to debate? How dumb are you really, honest question. Have you been shilling for RDF since vanilla or something?

TBC(c) may not be the best example. It had the devs put in put in anti-boost code because boosting was dead common. NGl for the prices quoted it was tempting.

By the time quel’danas was out with a level cap or 2 already one could make the gold to pay the booster for alt runs faster than getting an actual non boosted crew up.

And the always loved tanks charging. Level 70 geared tank here…I can tank. If you cough up the gold that is. half the time tanks charged as much as boosters.

At least for the say 100g the boosters let you sit in a corner to watch youtube. No crapper people took that option. same amount of gold anyway…less work.

TBCC also saw pvp dying so fast they sped up x-realm BG than qeue anywhere to actually be in tbcc.

A very good day imo. I got way more open world stuff done not /dancing by battlemasters after that.

No. They are actually all trolls, 100% of them. When was the last time you EVER saw a Classic toon making this thread? And when they are Classic posters, none of them are max level and are always posting on alts anyways.

If anything this is why it’s a good example. They tried to diminish boosting cause like they intended with vanilla they wanted you to level the old fashioned “classic” way, for the same reasons they agreed to remove RDF when asked.

I recall, it was sort of at the tail end of the expansion, similar to how these randomized systems have been put in in the past. Pvp was completely mishandled since the start of the xpac especially with BGs/honor, which definitely hurt it but not as bad as we’ve seen with Wrath and it did improve in BC over time. As far as why it was put in I’m not sure, maybe to try to diminish the problems of BC pvp which didn’t work. What I can tell you is the problems it introduced

I’d go out in the world to help stop raids on towns or at least take out a few of them, and then que a bg to get away when I became outnumbered.

Fun/interesting for trolling yes, but it’s inconvenient in ways. For one, even as a mage, I didn’t like that it could no longer be used to go back to a major city

There’s also another problem; bots. We made it that much easier for people to que their bots from anywhere and have a harder time tracking them down. So THEY have a much easier time too

A good example of how these kind of systems and gameplay serve to make things more automated and not less. You say BC pvp was bad, but at least it wasn’t infested with bots

That’s what it is with these systems, they seem appealing or convenient at a glance and that they’ll make the game better, but no matter how you look at it, it ends up taking the soul out of your game. There is a lot wrong with how blizzard has handled Classic(s) overall, but RDF random BG finder etc has never been the fix for the problems present in the game. They weren’t the fixes for the game Blizzard thought they were in the past, and they aren’t fixes now

Neither did TBC Classic and we weren’t asking for it either outta respect for the original.

It’s very clear that you lot don’t respect the original at all though.

Yes, I think a 1.12 document has no bearing on TBC and WotLK.