1% approval rating. can we have DF now?

Not paying for a second sub to post here, you can come say hi on the EU forums.

Bosting was present throughout Classic and you’re praising them for “removing it when asked” lmao.



They had to rush BGs cause people turned world pvp so utterly toxic that people were quitting in droves.

They literally had to insert a phase 2.5 into Classic specifically for BGs to curtail griefers.

I have two different irl names and have not played on EU servers for years. I only ever posted on them to look for groups. I remember when the PvP and arena threads were excusively for the sole purpose of finding people to play with. Now all it is is people posting nonstop about unfair FoTM classes and then people getting into massive ego battles. I hardly ever see someone on US forums asking for PvP teams on the PvP threads. Have not posted EU side in years. On a German server anyways. Still to this day am unable to merge my EU and US account.

EU players are better at the game. Fact. Nicer players too. 100% DNA from that region of the world…

Yes that is correct. Orignal plan was to have open world PvP be main source of PvP titles as well as certain zones to such as Gurabashi<— (spelled it wrong I bet).

BG system was rushed and they had a few systems they did not release such as the rank 15 in PvP which was the number 1 best PvPer on the server where they and only they got that title and a port to capital cities.

This is just a starter account cause yanno, not paying for a second sub :stuck_out_tongue:

The region lock to your account, much less to the forums, is so archaic. Why are forums even region separated anymore, we get banned for the same crap the US forums do cause it’s even the same moderation team.

I was talking specifically for Classic but yeah, even in OG people made world pvp toxic as hell.

Partly cause the honor system utterly sucked and changing that would’ve been good for classic, but lord forbid anyone suggest something like that.

Yep, but people rather fight against it for whatever dumb reason they have made up in their head.

I think the head of every anti-RDFer that hasn’t completed most of Ulduar’s Hm’s would just explode.

I probably would actually do H,H+, or H++ If RDF was released. Why don’t I do them now? Even with 5300 GS I am still waiting for a tank to show up on group finder. The time spent isn’t worth the rewards I would receive, so I just don’t do them. Probably won’t do H++ either, because outside of the Freya HM ring I just don’t need anything. Emblems you say? I swim in them raiding on 4 characters in 10m and 25m now. The small upgrade of trading orbs for tier pieces isn’t enough for me to farm dungeons for the emblems.

I don’t get anti-rdfers. People don’t even socialize in dungeons unless someone messes up because most people are doing the dungeon not caring whether some rando enjoys their company.

Add it or don’t it isn’t a huge deal for me I just find it funny that every anti RDFing person just helps the classic dev team. We all know that activision blizzard doesn’t have an A, B, or C team on this project and is being piloted by an E team (Like who’s idea was it to post about some stupid tabard before the TOC ptr is announced. They don’t know what they are doing.) who wouldn’t be able to deliver a functioning RDF system back into wotlkc. This is the number one reason why we won’t see RDF.

Ill be sure to enjoy the new TOC dungeon just for the novelty of it.


Since we’re basically being shoehorned into following how the original WotLK went prior to the addition of RDF Blizzard is gonna act all surprised pikachu when they see the ToC burnout hit this audience too.

Nevermind how on top of the ToC burnout they’ve added “you gotta keep running Ulduar” with their item level buff. Phase 3 is gonna be a rough wakeup call for Blizzard which it really shouldn’t be cause we’ve been here before.

lmao nice wowtoken blizzard

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