1% approval rating. can we have DF now?

People wanting to level alts care. More alts = more participation in raids etc, which is only good for the game.

RDF literally hurts none of these people against it because they don’t do dungeons anymore.

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well im not gonna read all that but i like your name and rdf pls.

You should, it’s a good look into the bad faith arguments anti RDFers like to prattle on and on about.

That’s not what the poll says… like at all.

This is why the RDF folks on these forums are douche nozzles.

Looks at the OP lying. Bad faith, eh?

IDK how you twisted this into a pro RDF topic OP but you 100% are off base. I want RDF as well but this poll is actually bad and not about RDF. There are better 3rd party ones actually about RDF. This however ain’t it.

As a thought, if people click “Wrath dungeons” it probably in their minds equates more to “oh wow, people really like heroic+” and less of a “welp, we better add RDF!”

It’s also in the forums for the main game, not the classic wrath forums, and most importantly, does not mention RDF in anyway.

Sure, the OP is bad faith as well, but the poll does show that absolutely no one is playing classic for the dungeons, despite them putting effort into H+ and H++ and proclaiming it’s a great social experience.

So what is the point of the changes they’re making?

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I like H+, But I like raiding more.

See why this poll doesn’t mean what you think it means?

Yeah, I’m not disagreeing but with the changes you’d think it’d move the bar up a tad and not be a quarter of respondents who responded … classic pvp.

Again, if that’s not the point of the changes, what is?

To create a better middle ground for alts/new players to catch up quickly and insert themselves into current end game content.

If it was meant to be something radically popular you’d see a full M+ system which just so happens to be the #1 thing in that poll. SO the players love M+, classic players probably just dont love it as much because it doesnt go as far as retail does

Do you feel like it’s accomplished this?

So you’d be in favor of a full M+ style H+ in WotLK?

Even with RDF and a reach around from Blizzard, Wrath dungeons would still be very low on a favorite activity list.

I think they have an idea what they want to do, but don’t have the skill or knowledge to make it into a coherent direction. Essentially, with any TLP/nostalgia/Classic server they needed to choose either a faithful recreation or a recreation that captures the feel of classic. Not both. They didn’t understand that the playerbase is not “Classic”. If this were a single player game that wouldn’t matter, but it’s an mmorpg.

No man steps into the same river twice.

Bad faith is thinking RDF was ever going to be in classic again after they only released it to get rid of RDF after initially insisting it stayed in the game.

@ me next time, b****. You’re as delusional and in denial as ever

You actually think they released classic specifically to get rid of RDF?



I think it does the job fine, just dont think theres enough new players to make it explode. Its not a bad thing because its just additional content. I think with RDF it would have more promise.

I dont think classic needs it, but I do think it would be very popular. I suppose I just dont trust it to be done correctly. One of the reasons i left retail was that M+ basically had replaced raiding. It was easier, rewarded better, and with no tier sets (at the time) it made raiding obsolete.

So if it could be balanced accordingly then Id say yes, but we know it wouldnt be.

Ain’t that the damned truth.

No moron, it was just one of the highlights, not to mention RDF was literally the FIRST THING blizzard brought up when blizzard was first asked about Classic in the in the public QA, which caused the most backlash towards them cause they insisted upon RDF and said it was a reason they’d never release Classic

Then they released classic

TO GET RID OF RDF or give people an option to get rid of RDF. Which they’ve re-iterated upon, multiple times.

It might not be -the- main reason, but is one of the -main- reasons and it’s one of the -main- reasons they haven’t put it in, which they reiterated in wrath classic’s launch, twice

Original launch, wrath launch; how much more do you need?

If you’re too stupid to understand all of this and want to harass me and others over it endlessly, that’s your own personal problem. Just admit you’re a loser that can’t play the game normally

And how many people asked for RDF during classic?

We accepted your game. Why are you pissing on ours?

Block me if you can’t stand your points being argued, no skin off my nose.


Fixed that for you. :3

Flagged for butthurt.

So a Robert House plan, but with Elon Musk capabilities? :rofl:

Based on how long it’s been in the game AND the number of other games with it, Dungeon Finder IS playing the game normally.


I was gonna toss that at him myself, now you’ve just warned him of it coming :stuck_out_tongue:

It was how you played retail normally, and it’s what certain players complained about, which is why Classic was released as compensation. Thinking Classic was ever going to either become retail eventually or repeat that when Retail already exists is foolish, cause “retail/RDF already exists” is what blizzard initially said when asked for Classic servers; and they were criticized for being/appearing tone deaf on it, which is why they reversed themselves and made this game. It’s new, even if it’s a re-release. That’s the whole point. It’s the classic/old game, reborn. That means not killing it by adding all the things people hated in retail or making the same/similar mistakes, and they’re already not doing a very good job of that. RDF would just be another mistake in the long line of mistakes.

A lot of people criticized RDF initially because they felt it never actually needed to be part of the game to be good or do well. Thinking that it needs to be in or eventually needed to be put back in (again) is completely antithetical to what Classic was made to accomplish for people that wanted it

But, from a marketing standpoint, trying to improve retail by going back and doing ALL of the expansions over again could be seen as taking away too much from standard retail, eventually. So in a sense, “true/original” classic WoW will probably always have a stopping point. The key is not making that stopping point earlier than it needs to be by making too many changes early on