1.5 AV please please please

So just as a side note, all the people saying 1.5 AV, are aware that 1.5 AV gimped Honor right? That the longer the game went on, the less honor gains you got while killing the same people over and over. It seems like this would be a good way to drive people away from AV.

wHaT iF cLaSsIc ReLeAsEs ToMoRrOw???

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And because any bonus marks/honor/rep from objectives was back loaded to the end of the game you got completely screwed out of those if you couldn’t stick around for a days long game.

That’s your opinion and not factual just because you say it as fact. Good try though.

The goal of the battle was originally to have to defeat multiple NPCs not just the general and also experience pvp.

Yeah and you clearly pretend to want to pvp and just get out of the BG as fast as possible.

If their isn’t a difference, then why are you against 1.5av? Because you want it to end faster… just say it already.

You have other BGs if you want honor. 2 whole other options to grind honor and have faster games if you dont have time.

It is factual, but okay. You can force a turtle with 10 people and lengthen the game to be an “epic 8 hour battle if you want”.

The goal of the battle is and always has been nothing else but kill the enemy general. That’s how you win. There are things that help you do this quicker, but none are mandatory.

Long AVs don’t bother me at all. I love the wailing and moaning I get in PMs and BG chat when I’m camping the bridge and stopping it with 6 or 7 other people.

I dislike two things about 1.5 AV. Excessive landmines around Balinda/horde balindas keep, and black lotus/thorium node spawning.

Sorry to make you exasperated, but not everyone against 1.5 AV desires rush games 24/7.

The side features like the syndicate and goblin shredders wear off very fast as soon as people realize it’s just not worth the time or the effort.

You want a multi hour game? Group up with like minded people and defend your base. With the towers assisting you and a few well placed blizzards you can shut down an entire offensive easily. It’s an MMO. Treat it like such instead of forcing blizzard to change a game so no one has a choice.

That means nothing. A lot of people like BFA, including blizzard.

Where were those people and blizzard in the multitude of threads since the initial AV nerfs up until the announcement that they want to go with 1.12? I would venture to say that those who actually like it as content rather than a loot vending machine overwhelmingly prefer the early version.

Umm just because the end goal is to kill the general doesnt make it the only goal. Thats a 1.12 mindset. And i wont even quoye the rest of your post because youre showing that you just want in yhe BG to get to that goal alone and be done… no matter how many times you claim thats nit what you want, you’re being contradictory at every comment.

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It makes it the only goal. Other things like capturing towers help you get that goal. But are they necessary? No.

You won’t comment on the rest of my post probably because you know everything I wrote is right and you can’t fathom the fact that some people don’t care about the length of the game, they just don’t like 1.5.

Look up the definition of contradictory, it may not mean what you think it means.

There’s nothing stopping 1.12 AVs from being multi hour turtle fests where Ram riders, ice lords, and gryphon riders are used except the players mindset.

Want more evidence that it’s the players mindset? Look introspectively and realize that you are capable of making these multi hour games happen but you choose not to.

And? Neither of those BG’s are AV. Which A) has it’s own unique rewards and B) is indeed a different BG which some people might prefer over AB or WSG.

Then why have they not made specific arguments about the aspects they do not like? The overwhelming majority of detractors have pointed to “too long” as the reason they disliked the early version. In fact a number of those same posters go on to claim that early AV would be zerged just as quickly as 1.12. So which is it? Do the minefields slow down zergs or not? Do black lotus and thorium spawns prevent zergs?

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People have repeatedly said they prefer the reduced relevance of NPC’s in 1.12 AV because it makes the games a manageable length and is more pvp oriented.

Not at all, the point of doing AV is to participate in an Epic War.

It’s like being part of the Iliad… The point as you can see is clearly FUN, fun and more FUN.

If your point of playing AV is for gear, and your point in participating in an MMORPG is Gear then you’re playing the wrong game.

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I don’t like black lotus/thorium nodes in my games because they encourage ghost battlegrounds
I don’t like landmines because I enjoy pvping without stepping into a 1500 damage firebomb because of dumb luck.

Zergs would happen regardless.

flips the record on again

We have stated those reasons.

  • Longer games with little to no chance that the start players will get the end of match rewards.
  • Honor tokens will be in the game.
  • Honor decreases the longer the game goes on, even with new blood slowly filtering in.
  • Games are won or lost on the faction with the most PVPers not the team with the best players, because eventually everyone has to sleep.

The point is that the preference doesn’t matter. There is no compelling need for AV 1.5 and so far no-one has found one. Therefore we’re getting 1.12. You just want something you can shoot down, because all the argument’s we’re presenting are unassailable.

You should take it as a benefit that we’re shooting down the easy arguments. That way you can test and refine your position to a place where Blizzard sees a compelling argument because you’ve stopped repeating all the inconsequential ones.

Repeating this over and over makes it no less historically false.

And many claim that early AV is just as zergable. So which is it?

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Either way it’s up to the players to create pvp, 1.12 makes it easier to pvp without NPC’s getting in the way.

That would be fine and good if the initial design of AV was to be akin to AB or WSG, rather than to be a pseudo OWBG. The original design was PVPVE, and it should not have changed from that vision just because people wanted to treat it like a loot dispenser. If people simply wanted PVP without PVE “getting in the way” then they should have played the other two. The goal of the majority who convinced blizzard to change AV is to acquire loot, and the easiest way to acquire the AV loot is to AVOID PVP.

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There are still NPC’s in 1.12 AV.

Clearly. Seeing as that is the only thing players battle in the AV that you prefer.

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