1.5 AV please please please

Why is 1.12 inferior?

You’ve been on the forums long enough and i have seen your comments on multiple threads trying to knock 1.5ers.

You already know what we think makes it superior.

I don’t humor trolls, and I’d appreciate it if you’d explain to me why 1.12 is superior if you actually want a conversation on the topic, as i asked first.


No, I really don’t. Not everyone has the same reasons as to why they prefer the 1.5 AV. What is yours?

People have explained it, they’re the same reasons blizzard laid out in their AV 1.12 post. People prefer the fewer NPC version which let’s the map be more pvp centric as opposed to an NPC slog fest. You might not like those reasons but they’re just as valid as you claiming you enjoy the NPC/PVE heavy version.

976 posts says you know already.

The NPC heavy version is the one where you rush to the boss and can win and never have to attack a single player character ding dong…

You read gloat/troll. That’s like… your opinion man…

I’m sick of having character after character raise the same argument to be shot down with the same counter-argument. So its easier to just point at a compiled set of Blizzard statements.

Aside from the fact that clearly you’re not reading the posts made above at all, for the purposes of repeating the same arguments again because there’s a new character (probably not a new person), making the same statements:

AV 1.12 doesn’t have to be “superior”. They are implementing 1.12 unless there is a compelling need to change things, as outlined in every one of their posts. AV 1.5 being “better” or “more fun” isn’t a compelling need to change things.

The status quo is 1.12 and no-one has provided a reason why it needs to be 1.5. The burden of proof is not on the status quo to prove the status quo.

It’s also the version where the primary responsibility to stop a rush is on the players, you know pvp on a pvp map. If you don’t like the rush do something about it.

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I only really recognize maybe 5 people on this forum, you’re not one of them. Should I set up your own arguments and attack them for you or would you prefer to lay out your own?
I have a feeling you prefer AV 1.5 because of the multiple day wars. Is that the only one you want me to discuss? Or should I make mention of how they removed the Syndicate when no one even remembers what Ryson’s Seeing Eye even did (other than give your character a radiation effect when carried?)

Rushes just shouldnt happen at all, people should not be given a chance to feel like they can enter this BG and just rush to win and get their rep rewards. You should have to fight players to get those PVP rewards. Even if i had 15-20 people to stop said rush the 1.12 version makes it far more possible for them to do this PERIOD. Thats not up for debate, it just does. If a premade wants to rush in 1.12 they will VERY likely get that done. In 1.5 they are FAR less likely even as a premade to do this.

That’s a player mindset problem and not a problem with 1.12 AV.

Why not? Is the goal of a battle not to kill the enemy general? Protect your own general?

Unfortunately AV has a PvE objective instead of a PvP one. Blame it on the design of the game.

Lol, a 15-30% power nerf in NPCs and making some not respawn is truly gamebreaking.

Top one is an actual 1.5 AV.
Bottom one is a 1.12 AV.

Notice a difference in PvP? Not really.

That’s fine you don’t like 1.12. Unfortunately for you a lot of people do including blizzard.

Well I hope they’ll buff those npcs dps hard.

Should be pretty clear at this point they don’t intend to change anything game mechanics or balance wise in 1.12.

But what if they do.

So just as a side note, all the people saying 1.5 AV, are aware that 1.5 AV gimped Honor right? That the longer the game went on, the less honor gains you got while killing the same people over and over. It seems like this would be a good way to drive people away from AV.

wHaT iF cLaSsIc ReLeAsEs ToMoRrOw???

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And because any bonus marks/honor/rep from objectives was back loaded to the end of the game you got completely screwed out of those if you couldn’t stick around for a days long game.

That’s your opinion and not factual just because you say it as fact. Good try though.

The goal of the battle was originally to have to defeat multiple NPCs not just the general and also experience pvp.

Yeah and you clearly pretend to want to pvp and just get out of the BG as fast as possible.

If their isn’t a difference, then why are you against 1.5av? Because you want it to end faster… just say it already.

You have other BGs if you want honor. 2 whole other options to grind honor and have faster games if you dont have time.

It is factual, but okay. You can force a turtle with 10 people and lengthen the game to be an “epic 8 hour battle if you want”.

The goal of the battle is and always has been nothing else but kill the enemy general. That’s how you win. There are things that help you do this quicker, but none are mandatory.

Long AVs don’t bother me at all. I love the wailing and moaning I get in PMs and BG chat when I’m camping the bridge and stopping it with 6 or 7 other people.

I dislike two things about 1.5 AV. Excessive landmines around Balinda/horde balindas keep, and black lotus/thorium node spawning.

Sorry to make you exasperated, but not everyone against 1.5 AV desires rush games 24/7.

The side features like the syndicate and goblin shredders wear off very fast as soon as people realize it’s just not worth the time or the effort.

You want a multi hour game? Group up with like minded people and defend your base. With the towers assisting you and a few well placed blizzards you can shut down an entire offensive easily. It’s an MMO. Treat it like such instead of forcing blizzard to change a game so no one has a choice.