1.12...What's the point?

Problem is you are looking at it from today’s perspective. Back then they knew it had changed the coarse of MMO’s but I seriously doubt they were thinking about saving patch 1.1 for history. What they were worried about was getting things functioning and stable and looking forward.

Honestly, I think the only reason they found and entire copy of 1.12 is that someone thought it would be a good idea because it was the last version before TBC to keep it and if things went crazy they could always go back to that. After they got going someone probably thought it was a good idea just to keep a copy of it because it was " the original", it got stuffed in a corner and forgotten about. Probably whoever knew about it left or got dropped years before they found it.

MMO’s and the way they worked, were patched and heck even run is completely different from today, so it wouldn’t shock me at all that they just wrote right over some of the original data.

the real answer is they picked 1.12 because thats what they have. they dont want to recreate the old game, its not going to make that much money in the long run

they never said never.

didnt happen

Well of course it was talked about at BlizzCon. They know there’s a passionate group of people who wanted it and they want to build SOME hype around it just so they can be sure their efforts aren’t wasted.

If you’d actually read the interviews and pay attention to what’s going on with the project, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this project isn’t one they’re undertaking with huge profit expectations. Activision doesn’t even consider it a “main line release.”

And I doubt Classic will be as big as people around here want. The market’s changed too much. Which is fine, because Blizzard’s already said they don’t care how many people are playing; so long as Retail is still around, Classic isn’t going anywhere.

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Classic will be money in with minimum money going out. Once this project is up and running some of the devs will either be repositioned to other projects some may even be a temp and let go. Classic will be pretty much maint mode with minimal man power needed to run it.

The last thing anyone wants is the shareholders opinions because I can assure you their desires wont be to run 1:1 versions of each other old content it would be to add more ways to make money from the project and we all know what that means something no one wants its microtransactions put into classic or TBC or however many legacy servers they do.

In the software engineering world. Data and Code and different. Whether you are in architecture discussions, or drawing diagrams, they are different. But yes, it is semantics, but it’s very important to understand what they mean by data, and what they mean by code. What is industry standard to be backed up and what isn’t.

And technically, yes it would be ideal to put data in some sort of version control. But, like i said, things just aren’t done that way because it costs money.


Your anger at shareholders is misdirected. You are angry that there exists buyers
who do not care what their purchasing behavior causes. What you fear probably will occur.

I have wondered why our pleasure sometimes depends upon restricting others. It is strange isn’t it? Would classic be ruined for you if players were allowed to pay for updated armor appearances or special classic companions? The rule set is important right? The rule set imposes restrictions on everyone.

I am not angry at anything, personally I could careless about cosmetic things I don’t take gaming that seriously that would grab my pitch fork over something that wasn’t omg identical to vanilla. I have speaking about the general of these forums. If something like microtransactions were brought in they would burn this place down. I was just stating that classic brining in money wont bring a sudden patch for patch release of old xpacs but instead more method to make money that those in these forums do not want.

They never said “never” but insinuated that it was not going to happen(you want to fight over words, have fun), they just said no…or you think you do but you don’t or:

Blizzcon 2014 :
Do you plan to introduce classic realms?
No we do not plan to. It is too hard to maintain that many versions of the game.

You could also make the case that if it wasn’t for the success of Nost, this project would’ve NEVER happened… :wink: That if it wasn’t for the 240k+ Sigs that none of this would be going on right now.

Oh you work Blizz? Cool…

Again, you work for Blizz? You know their plans?

That’s not how we play this game, shareholders matter and they have the right for their voices to be heard, its part of the system, its a feature not a bug.

Yes we know…

That’s not what I was saying and you know it, my point was about adding a Classic+ Server and that if it would make money the shareholders would want that…can you please keep up and keep it honest.

Yeah, just like you don’t care either right? Then why are you here? Cause you care cause you’re angry…

Its funny and sad how people can just straight up lie and then turn around and act like their being honest and forthright.

Yes it costs money but its not like Blizz was short on cash or couldn’t find a better way to save old backups, I’m just saying its a oversight in hindsight because of what the game became and the history it now holds in our culture.

I like it when people get hostile when confronted with a different point of view.

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Yeah but its just a pet project though right? Come on man…


Are you just a troll then? You think its a pet project, you think its going to bomb and you think its not a big deal. I think you’re a troll but that’s just my opinion…

I care about the project but I wont hate life or blizzard if they do something that is not 100% authentic. I will still play it regardless as I love wow both pasat and present.


Good, glad we can be honest now.

I don’t think anyone is going to hate life or Blizzard because in the end its their game and its their choice but people can influence them and that’s why most people myself included post. The No Changes crowd was never about having it 100%, it was about getting it as close as possible…

I do as well, IMO its the best game ever made. I still play retail and have a few toons at 120.

He didn’t say anything about it bombing, he just said he didn’t think it would be nearly as big as some people around here think it will be. He is basing that on the fact that the MMO genre has been a dying market for a while now.

Its actually a sound theory based around some actual fact.


i do have fun arguing over words

that wasnt trolling, the gaming market has changed and that is a fact. blizzard already has several classic games on the launcher right now. none of them have huge player basses, they really are side projects

I didn’t say anything about bombing. Don’t put words in my mouth.