1.12 AV Will Kill Classic

OP will still play Classic if they keep 1.12 AV, hyperbole in this thread is strong.

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Imo, if the AV version or any other minor things deter someone from Classic, they weren’t that interested to begin with.

And that is just fine. Classic is for the folks that love Vanilla WoW.

All the more reason to have a 1.5 version. So few got to experience it. One of the biggest draws of Classic is offering what players can’t (and haven’t) experienced in the Current game.

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Again, if this was the case: AV wouldn’t have been so blacklisted when blacklisting was possible. Queue times for AV wouldn’t have gotten to the 30+ minute mark consistently. And AV wouldn’t have been known as the black sheep of BGs for over a decade. We have over a decade worth of data proving that AV 1.12 doesn’t work.

More like - so few chose to experience it more than a couple of times. So few, in fact, it was on the patch path a month after its creation.

Something so short lived in Classic shouldn’t and thankfully doesn’t count as authentic.

1.12AV is far more authentic!

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On AV weekend (when folks are grinding to get that quick rep/fast loot) queue times were no where near 30 minutes.

Only goes to show, it wasn’t desired by most
raids were already in the game.

Only a minority wants a raid length BG lol

And I’m sorry you’re voicing with the minority, truly, but it is what it is.

Which is why 1.12AV is the developers choice. Smart, realistic, appropriate.

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AV 1.12 and on is the PvE style AV. Not sure how you keep getting the two confused.

I’ll make you a list, so that you can come back to it, in case you forget again. I recommend bookmarking this comment.

AV 1.5: A massive PvP brawl with added content to improve your team, including summoning bosses and NPCs to wreck the enemy team.
AV 1.12: A PvE focused BG, where the goal is to zerg the enemy team’s boss faster than they can zerg yours. To incentivize this playstyle in Retail, Blizzard even made an achievement to win the BG in less than 6 minutes.

PvE = NPC. Waiting two hours for a NPC to spawn was an unwelcomed and hardly frequented concept. People just didn’t play it.

So it was patched out man!

Sure, 1.12 AV contains some PvE elements, but not nearly as many a 1.5.

How many times can he be wrong in a single thread?

Stay tuned as he is nowhere close to done folks!

Factually incorrect again. Wow. You have lost every debate we have had. Idk how you can possibly consider me wrong, when the best retorts you have been able to make are insults. Kek.

You were leaving, yes?

Factually incorrect about you being incorrect? Lol excuse me do you know what factually means?

Or are you just factually r worded

Seriously, if 1.5 was so wanted or awesome, it wouldn’t have been removed
almost entirely, within months.

my tldr: Ty for choosing the right version for AV Blizz. The majority of Classic players will agree. Subs will prove that.

No, few got to experience it. And it was changed because of a design and play philosophy that turned the game into an empty and shallow experience. And talking about majorities and minorities is pointless. Of course Current WoW players with an entitlement mindset of rushing through content as quickly as possible to get their shinies wants the version that delivers that.

But Classic is being made for the minority to begin with. It’s for a niche audience. Blizz is fine if tens of people end up playing longterm. So really it’s about appealing to that core audience who’s ideals match up with the Vanilla game design. And that design is about the journey, it’s about the experience itself, it’s about being part of something bigger than just your character. It’s the slow crawl. It’s
original AV.

By the way, you’re posting on a character I’ve never heard of and made 20 posts in 1 day. Kinda curious who your main was that you decided to start posting on this alt.

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When all you do in a BG is just kill a boss, that’s no different than playing a raid.

Potentially millions of times have players gone into AV, and the only thing that they attacked the entire time in there was Drek’thar or Vann.

well i would like to play the old av, pre 1.12 but i cant prove i played vanilla either. haha. my oldest char is like wrath era, as i have deleted older chars to make room for new ones i could level when a new expac comes out (cause every xpac changes things so i feel compelled to re-roll)

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You didn’t miss anything more than a grindy turtle fest that was enjoyed by only a few. After a couple of runs through it the majority of players felt it to be tedious and a waste of time.

So they changed it.


Which was the right choice.

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Thank you. The last thing we need is people who are just going to troll to ruin everyone else’s experience.

Wow look, another insult. Try again.





concerned with what is actually the case rather than interpretations of or reactions to it.

I want to see Blizzard kill classic. It would be more entertaining than anything else they’ve done in the past however many years

Opposing your click baity PoV isn’t trolling. it is being sensible.

And with that, later tater.

I hope you enjoy 1.12 AV, or learn to anyhow.


So saying you’ve been incorrect this whole thread is factually correct. Maybe it’s the correct/incorrect part that’s confusing you.

Either way all these arguments are pointless as they plan on using 1.12 anyway. And if they choose to change it I won’t care either way because I can handle something I don’t prefer like an adult. “BUH BUH BUH I WANT THE VERSION THAT I WANT WAHHHHH”