0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

Well i did provide him an excellent suggestion he can take free of charge. :stuck_out_tongue: :point_down:


Says the guy responding to me yet again about how much he “doesn’t care” Don’t you have some crops to tend to?

I literally said that once, it’s really weird you keep bringing my personal life into this but I keep embarrassing yourself for everyone I guess lol


Was that suppose to be an insult? Because farmers get paid pretty good money.


These people are ridiculous, man I swear to God. A little bit of reading comprehension would tell them I did not in fact mean literal 0% drops. That doesn’t even make sense. Semantic Andies with ridiculous gotchas like this are instantly blocked. I do not have the time.

Which is why i corrected your title to make you sound like that’s what your talking about here. And since you’re just saying this, just confirming what i’ve said here, i don’t see why you having a problem with people guessing correctly what’s on your mind here.

That’s on you for not explaining it well the first time around.



Ah, what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. TouchĂ© sir! Scroll a bit and you’ll see the evidence.

You won’t find much there from a facts or evidence perspective but you may be able to understand better based upon any misguided responses you’d receive!

I would not bother with that dude, he’s been making nonsensical remarks to me for hours. It’s worth a good chuckle every now and then I guess


Yeah it was. Because the person I’m responding to keeps claiming how much they have going on in real life and yet seems to be on the forums a lot

It’s really funny how you keep getting so defensive from my harmless comments I make about you. Your fault for bringing up personal details about your own life on a public forum. Maybe now you learned your lesson.

Yep. No one calls someone a “thing” and thinks it’s okay. I also ignored that. From someone else’s comments, apparently they’re part of the “pronouns bad” group.

Fair enough! I shall do the same!


Who are you?

Why would it be ashamed of my profession?


It doesn’t make anyone look angry. Let’s just all try to have a respectful and decent Monday and try to stay on topic now, hmm? I think we’ve all derailed this enough.


I was not aware that you knew whether I identified as Body Type 1 or Body Type 2. Where did you get that information?

Because they may be non-binary, so to assume that they are Body Type 1 or two is actually pretty inflammatory, don’t you think? And to assume that they identify with the same as their avatar is also rather rude and ignorant.

Debating is fine, I think the challenge so many people have is the condescension and tone. Does it make more sense to you now?

As I said earlier in this thread, between this this Tauren and the N64 Graphics Undead they are really just mad about the whole body type 1 and 2 thing and lashing out any place they can.


A little ironic considering the “no u” debate you’ve got going on over there, bucko!

I can’t control who my stalkers are


It was actually this guy that brought up the body types:

In that case, I agree with you that bringing gender politics into the conversation was wholly inappropriate of them.

That would make for a great autobiography title! I’m not sure anyone would read it but with a catchy cover to pair with it, could be a NYT best seller.

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Not what I said at all, i dont think there’s such a thing as gender “politics” but sure


My mistake, it’s called “Identity Politics.” I’ve put a link here for you to better understand what I mean: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_politics