0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

I mean… fine enough, some people don’t know what Hitchens’s razor is, so i’l just ask Thailla. :man_shrugging:

Makes perfect sense. Don’t see why you’re having difficulty figuring it out. I can sit on the forums and post something and it takes less than a minute. Logging into wow for less than a minute will accomplish anything

No one is angry but you. it’s called a joke friendo

Look, i’m no friends with Thallia, but she seems pretty self aware, and her comprehension is fine enough as it is to handle herself in a debate or whenever she’s talking to people.

Also, you do realize when i said “he” in that comment, i was referring to you… right? Because i refer people based on the the character’s avatars. Thailla being Female (or Body type 2) and you being male (Body type 1).

…Why you’re throwing “it” in there? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Why is that a problem to correct or debate with people? Is it simply tone? Because you can not let that bother you. :man_shrugging:

Dude is seriously the “no u!” Champion lol.

You have literally been in this thread for hours alone. I really don’t care just kind of weird.


I’m glad other people are catching on to this guy, kind of weird how they just started going after this person out of nowhere.

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Define “Thallia going after this person out of nowhere”, because all i see is Thailla disagreeing with Hercules in that thread she linked, and giving her opinion or arguments why she disagrees or why Hercules is wrong. That’s not going after somebody.

Honestly, i see more people going like “Oh it’s thailla, she’s going to be mad all over” and other things like that, just to not even entertain her arguments, opinions and etc.

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Might be a miscommunication here, I’m talking about the guy you are talking to going after Thallia.


Ahh, sorry. Hercules confused me with calling Thailla a he, i thought you were agreeing with him. Mea culpa. :laughing:


Yea I just want Blizzard to fix the drop rates. Take this to discord or something smh.

I gave that farm a shot and eventually gave up.

Keep in mind, I did the Insane 3 times. That’s right, 3 different times. I have 109 reps at exalted and did other grindy stuff in SL like Tower Ranger, Maw Walker, the Maw meta, etc.

The vespoid thing is nuts and I’m not wasting my life trying to get it.

I have gotten a few over the days. Check the auction house. Sometimes its worth a few hundred gold. I think the rare and the elite vespoids have higher drop chances btw.

Yep, I saw that and decided not to engage. I consider him mad, because why follow someone into another thread just to personally attack them? Seems an odd waste of time. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Except it’s not. Korthia mounts were just “kill this rare a bunch.”

ZM mounts are “go into this raid and hope to get what you need, then get this low droprate schematic of you can, then get this low droprate lattice if you can, then go farm all of this currency, as well!”

Personally, ZM is just poorly done busy work.

There’s an obvious solution - in the time it takes to kill 7000 bugs you could probably figure out a way to farm the 45k gold the lattice costs on the AH. But don’t kid yourself you like the thrill of hoping for that rare drop and then getting it.

Holy geebus, 45k?! :flushed:

Even on my low pop server they’re only going for 5k…

Idk I haven’t checked for a long time… I’ve seen them fluctuate between 15k and (kek) 400k.

Personally I have gone after some pretty rare drops and got them and I hateed the process. Blizzard could seriously make them 99% drop rates and I would be just as happy knowing other people could have them and not have to have gone through what I did.

I got these things because I wanted them, not just because they are rare.

Oof, that’s crazy! lol

I know different servers have different economies, so I’m definitely not denying that’s the case. I was just shocked! But for mounts, I suppose it makes sense to see them that high.

0% means “never drops”
0.01% means “rarely drops”

That’s why people take issue with you rounding all the way to 0%.


Ehh. A Fair enough assumption, because i couldn’t think any other reason why he would try get your pronouns intentionally incorrect or call you a thing… which he still yet to answer my question on why.

And know what? I’ve given enough of my say on that matter too so…

/gives you an anti-tea umbrella and opened my own as well. :tea: :elf:

I mean, when I read the title I assumed he meant anything in the 0.something% bracket.
I guess he could change the wording?