0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

Get out of my thread.

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What, your “Super riled up” comment?

If you’re going to point the evidence, then actually link the quote, instead of using the vague “scroll up”.

You’re literally giving me nothing substanstive to work with right now, so i don’t think you have any particular right to say she isn’t giving facts or evidence if you’re unwilling to do so yourself, even when asked. Maybe you shouldn’t decline my question of you sharing examples if you actually care about facts or evidence, or proving somebody is mad.

“It” is not a pronoun typically used to describe non-binaries if you don’t know their gender.

I mean, you’re displaying it yourself here, so i think you should take your own advice before you tell others to adjust their tone.


Id say low chance is justified if the drop is purple or higher but that seems super low for a blue item

It’s not even blue, dude. IT’S GREEN. AND YOU NEED 4.

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Yeah seems super broken. Seems they timegated it way too hard

I bought it up because some people are going to rag on me if i didn’t bring it up. You putting me on the defensive here with your intentional mispronouning here towards Thailla (all the while acting like you’re the victim here
 keyword being act.) is not making a civil debate any easier to accomplish by your own design here.

And by the by Hercules, i wasn’t the first person who bought up Body types 1 and 2. Lahil did. :point_down:

I wrongly assumed you’d be capable of scrolling up yourself. Using the scroll wheel instead of the scroll bar could help you if it’s an effort thing. It’s a breeze to just roll it up and down!

Please refrain from assuming genders, it’s 2022 and doing that is a reportable/bannable offense!

I didn’t decline I simply told you to scroll up because there were plenty of examples that somebody capable of using their scroll wheel could find. There are some accessibility functions on your computer that could help you if you need them. Are you using Mac or PC? I can send you links, glad to help.

Yes it is, it is neither masculine nor feminine. In the English language it is the most logical word to use. Are you reacting emotionally and illogically instead of logically and practically? There’s a great saying to help people like you in situations like these, it’s called “facts don’t have feelings.”

If you are offended or condescended by the truth then that’s a “YOU problem,” not a “me problem.” There is a growing slice of the population that are offended by truth, reality, and logic these days. Not sure why that is, but the path to self-awareness starts with identifying what’s real and what is perceived. I wish you luck on your journey my friend!

Speaking of super broken, aren’t you that monk that played Brewmaster as FC in RBGs and dominated people because of how well you knew your class in battling against the meta comps? I’m thinking this was Lefion or early BFA maybe? Or am I thinking about somebody else?

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You didn’t even tell me where to scroll up to, that’s on you. Your obtuseness and laziness to not prove yourself is not my problem.

Hitchens razor, learn what it actually is, along with burden of proof. You made a claim and you didn’t assert evidence.

Well it is a breeze to scroll past parts of your comment, considering 50% (potentially more) of them are nothing but these fake positive ad-homs/gaslights that assumes the person is stupid or just straight up nothing-burger.

Including the next one where you don’t actually refute anything and just pretend to be offended on behalf of Thailla. I don’t think she ever asked you to be offended on her behalf. Infact, i don’t think she even cares if either of us calls her a He, She, or They even. If she wants to, she can tell us herself.

So thank you for reminding me it exists, because it actually does help me here to keep an actual civil debate all the while you’re doing
 whatever it is your doing.

Yes you did. You’re lying. :point_down: :laughing:

And i simply tell you to prove yourself. Saying “just scroll up” doesn’t prove anything, it’s just you failing to prove proof yourself when asked.

No it’s not. Hardly anybody uses It because people deemed it disrespectful, and those who do uses it
 well intend to be disrespectful
 pretty much ike what you’re doing here.

Calling them “They” is the most logical word to use in this scenario.

Let me stop you right here, because you have no absolutely no right to say i’m offended, after you essentially told me that you’re offended of people’s tone or condescension, while at the same time being condescending yourself.

I think hypocrisy is one of your biggest challenges to overcome, as you might say it

Well you can start with yourself before you start giving this advice to somebody, because you’re refusing your own advice here. I mean we can all tell that your pretty upset my dude, and no amount of fake positivity is going to change that. Especially since how hard you’re playing the victim card pretty hard. :laughing:

It’s like i’m dealing with a reverse tea elf here, but some how even more sillier.


Calling anyone “it” or “thing” is considered disrespectful and insulting. If someone is non-binary or we’re unsure what pronouns they prefer, that is when we use “they/them.”

Never call a person “it” or “thing.” They are not inanimate objects.

He isn’t. Our genders are known here from previous conversations.

No. It is not. People are not “its” or “things.” It’s considered disrespectful and insulting.

Indeed. But I suppose people are bored today. Or bad Monday.


Well he told me to “Scroll up” to find examples
 so i went ahead and did just that, all 3 of his comments before he told me that i was missing context
 and uhh
 this is the missing context he’s talking about. :point_down: :laughing:

Ahhhhhhh i get the context now

Hercules said nothing but ad-homs and gaslights and uses this “no u” argument while hypocritically being against such an argument while doing a terrible job of making somebody else look bad, and only ended up making himself look bad.

Shocker. :roll_eyes:


It doesn’t automatically round to 0. ‘Rounding’ can be done in different ways. There’s no ‘correct’ way to round. There’s only the chosen method of rounding. Sometimes rounding to the nearest full integer is what you want to do. Sometimes rounding down to the nearest integer is the best. Sometimes rounding up is best. Sometimes you want to round to a decimal place rather than a whole number.

In statistics in general you wouldn’t round to an integer such as 0, rather you’d round to the 1st or 2nd decimal place. If you DO round to 0, that often would be specifically noted so as to not imply that the result is truly 0.

.the fact that you didn’t figure this out until now kind of makes sense doesn’t it? A little slow, aren’t we?

It or they are both acceptable terms for calling somebody who doesn’t identify with body type 1 or body type 2. I personally believe we should have as many body types as there are genders: 53. I personally identify as an Apache Helicopter and the fact that I’m not able to is a failure of Blizzard at this point. My pronouns are yeet/yeeted/yeeter.

Oh but I do, it’s actually the first amendment in the Constitution. It’s called freedom of speech.

Nope, nobody ever said that but you can think that if that’s what you like to, but that doesn’t make it real.

Ah, the good ole “no you!” Kindergarten comeback. I do say, you continue to reveal your lack of intellectual capacity more and more with every post. And here I am trying to educate you but as a wise old man once said “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make IT drink.” Did you notice how the appropriate word to describe that horse was IT and not THEY? The English language truly is a modern marvel, foreign to some, but respected by many.

I’m not sure what you do in your spare time with “reverse tea elfves,” but as a Libertarian I only ask that you spare the forums the visualization of such an act.

I used “no u” in response to “no u,” like in Dumb & Dumber in the scene where the infamous “can’t triple stamp a double stamp” comment was made. Ah, those were simpler times my man/woman/thing!

Again, clearly not using my preferred pronouns which automatically loses any debate. Unfortunately good sir/madam/mutant, the day is lost for all.

You can insult all you like, and you can deny it, but you still yet to prove yourself so
 not sure how much room you have be calling other people stupid when you’re refusing to prove yourself.

Or continue this fools errand of making people think “It” is socially acceptable. Infact, smart people don’t actually try to do this because it will get them backlash

You don’t, but you’re welcome to be a hypocrite. I mean that’s what you’ve been doing for a while.

Which we don’t have in the forums.

Hercules, if you’re actually intelligent, you would know better not to use the tone or condensation you implied very heavily you disliked. Also way to use a cliche here of “I’ve never said that”, ignoring the fact that you can say stuff without explicitly saying stuff, especially since that’s one of your problems, one of being “tone”

Well sure you do know all about it, considering in those “examples” you told me to scroll up, used them yourself.

If throwing ad-homs at people and generally being insulting and nasty towards people who disagree with you is “educating”, then it’s no wonder Thailla called you upset. Intelligent people don’t try to prove their upset by saying “NO I’M NOT UPSET! YOU ARE!” in this fake positive attitude your giving me here.

“Tea Elf” a little codename for a certain group of people here who are intentionally divisive and pretend to be pro-inclusive while also playing the victim card

Why are bringing up politics after you said this?.. :point_down:

Even if you’re using this to say “your nuanced” which
 you can easily say that without saying “as a liberal, libertarian or conservative” and nuance can happen in any of the 3 parties, but i guess you don’t know that until now
 you don’t strike us as the kind of person who has a nuanced take.

I’ve never heard of a Libertarian call people “It”. Even the most nuanced people from all sorts of politics even, knows a thing about respecting people when it comes to things like this.

Oh, so when you use it against people, it’s a-okay. But when others use it against you, suddenly that’s bad and you call it out.

Yeah i don’t think you even know what “hypocrite” is

When you’re referring to pronouns THIS much in attempt to discredit me, you don’t really have the right to tell me i lost the debate when your comment is nothing but 50% of you pretending to be offended and playing the victim card while intentionally being disrespectful after people told you that calling people “it” is disrespectful, and you still go “well
 nuh uhh
”. You literally started with this Thailla because you couldn’t stand losing an argument to her. How old are you?.. :roll_eyes:

Well you’re welcome to buy yourself a bigger shovel to dig your own grave here with you calling people “it”, i got a blue-ray drive to put in the computer because it’s movie monday. :popcorn:

Though honestly, the projection you displayed alone almost made me bust out the popcorn.

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It depends on circumstance.

For example, for a quest in Destiny 2 I have to do 8.3 strikes. Why is it a fraction? I don’t know ask Bungie, moving on.

Now mathematically, I’d round down to 8 right?

But in this case, I have to round up because I can’t do 0.3 of a strike.

Sometimes rounding doesn’t make sense because of the reality of the problem.


i’m glad op finally changed their title. i’ve been having an existential crisis over whether the idea that every mob technically has a 0% drop rate of thousands of items or a 100% chance to drop nothing in that slot.


Rather than removed, I think the drop rates should be increased to make them easier to get. Let’s not encourage the removal of content :slight_smile:

Please tell me you’re being disingenuous.

You’re the one who brought it up!

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