0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

Okay, I get you don’t understand how rounding works in mathematics, so you’re going to double down. Blizzard actually uses mathematics. Any number less than .5% using normal number rounding rounds to zero in the real people world using real people arithmetic we live it.

0% is removed from the game.

Any other wishes to grant while im herr?

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I think you are missing some context because the guy I was referring too has had some real challenges in his/her/it’s communications in multiple threads recently. They get super riled up and clearly has some inner demons he hasn’t been able to “slay.” It appears you are misunderstanding the situation, but that’s understandable considering you didn’t have all the context I provided until now.

Yes, but when you are discussing odds and statistics you dont round.

Otherwise a 4% drop rate is really a 0% drop rate and a 50% drop rate is really a 100% drop rate.

If you want to complain about the odds, complain qbout the odds, but dont be pedantic then get mad when you get called out for it.

0.01 is unimaginable orders of magnitude larger, mathematically, than 0. Infinitely larger, in fact.

When discussing odds of an event occuring or not occuring you dont round, the more you round, the more wildly inaccurate the odds become. If the odds of qn event occuring is 1:33 you dont say it has a 1:50 chance, nor do you say it has a 1:0 chance. You could round it to 1:30, but in doing so you are going to have a 10% or more deviation in results from the 1:33.


These are only about 8k gold on the AH. Why would you spend more than 10 minutes farming something that is that cheap?

Zero is nothing. Nada. Doesn’t exist.

These droprates exist. They’re just stupidly insanely ridiculously low. But they exist.

While you CAN round down to zero… your premise is incorrect in using it in this instance, because there is still a droprate. There is not a zero droprate. If there is a zero droprate, that means it doesn’t exist.

The definition of zero:

the arithmetical symbol 0 or 0̸ denoting the absence of all magnitude or quantity

Sorry, but nowhere have I gotten “super riled up.” Me disagreeing is not “super riled up.”

Please refrain from making stuff up about me, thanks.


But 0.01% is more then 0.00%. I’m not saying what you said here is wrong, because that’s that’s right, but your complaint is more or less lies in the above absolute zero between the 1%. Which is why some people are correcting you, essentially asking you to clarify what to mean.

…Also, didn’t you say awhile ago you put me on ignore?..

Neither is what we are saying Hewer.

Show me where WoW rounds up in RNG to a whole like just 0% and 1%, and i will consider your argument here.

…Care to list a few examples of that?

I don’t think you know what “getting mad” really is. Correcting people isn’t “being offended” or “being mad”. I mean you’re doing the same thing right now, correcting me, that she was doing to hewer, so by your logic, you’re offended because you’re correcting me? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…You didn’t even provide any context, all you just said was… “their mad”, which doesn’t constitute a substantive argument. Anybody can do that. Even without reason.


He’s upset because I disagreed with his “500 mounts is a prestige reward” concept.

Here’s the thread:

Can’t you buy them off the AH for like 100g?

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Vespoids are going for about 5,000g on my low pop servers and 2,000g on my high pop servers.

But this whole crafting mounts system is what sucks, imo.

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Yeah, I do not like this at all. Hopefully, it’s an experiment that is not repeated. At the very least, every single item should be sellable on the AH.

You come off as one of those people that say they are “speaking my truth,” when there is no such thing as “my truth.” There is only “the truth.”

fun fact, 0.999… repeating is not less than 1. Not trolling either.

I looked up the drop rates and with 7000 kills you would have over a 99.9% chance of getting one…so it’s possible, just highly unlikely.

I do not, but thank you for asking!

Someone said Blizz thinks the system is a success and ZM is the concept they’re going to use going forward.

I hope that’s not correct. :frowning:

I don’t even know what this means. I’d suggest finding someone else to bother today. Taking out your frustrations over one thread on someone and trolling someone else’s thread to personally attack someone isn’t a good look.

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Makes no sense what so ever.

This literally makes negative sense.

You are just becoming incoherently angry at this point.

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Ehh, I mean he’s being sarcastic and do come off rude a lot of the time, but he doesn’t seem to be appear upset either. It’s just a back and forth between a disagreement. Not saying your upset, i’m saying i don’t see anybody being upset. At least not to the level Hercules or you imply.

Honestly, the most questionable comment he made, wasn’t even in your convero. Was made after your convero ended, but i’l leave that there. :zipper_mouth_face:


I think that’s the root of most of these challenges, the lack of general awareness.

It’s a common problem these days. No worries little guy/girl/thing! Happens to the best of us.

Seems like an improvement over mounts just being completely locked behind rng

At least you can pay the gold and bypass it

He struggles with reading comprehension and self-awareness. We have tried to help him/her/it but they are likely too far gone.

I appreciate you looking to clarify for him like so many have but it’s prob best all of us stop wasting our energy.