0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

You must have Dealic Understanding unlocked at the console for any of the protoform synthesis mats to drop.

I guess it must be a really low drop rate because they are still going for 28k gold on my server…and everything is dirt cheap on my server.

Hasn’t dropped for me yet, but I haven’t tried farming either, since I don’t have enough genesis motes to use up all the other lattices and blue-whatevers that I got so far.

~30K gold is around the price I hear a lot…which really isn’t that much. I could get that in 3 hours killing mobs in ZM…and that’s with bad luck for drops…possibly much much faster if I got lucky with some mogs or an epic BoE.

I have crafted several of the protoform mounts already.

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As high as a 10% drop rate from mobs that spawn everywhere is… rare? So basically you round up 10-20 mobs and are virtually guaranteed to get it, and then that is rare. k.

Brother I have killed several thousand. This is a sick joke.

Is that the wasp mount one? If so, I farmed for a while on my main about two months ago and gave up. Made a shaman alt, got it immediately lol

yea same i dunno what people mean when they cant get them to drop. either they are missing something or maybe bugged? if you check my achievements i finished every single pet and mount in the zone all 50 crafted back in april https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/illidan/vishamani/achievements/exploration/shadowlands

i dont remember having to kill many either and i do remember getting extra to sell.

Mate, this is the same OP throws ad-homs to anybody who doesn’t dragonflying or threw a fit at anybody who doesn’t think “it’s going to be lit”, as well threatening to report me for harassment because i asked how GW2 style flying adds to the game simply because looking at his videos doesn’t adequately explain it. :point_down:

Thailla’s not far off honestly on what she said, especially since she’s correct that what Hewer is talking about is not a flat 0%. People would be more respectful towards OP, if he respected people simply correcting him.

Correcting somebody is not being offended.

Telling somebody that their being ignored atfer their being corrected, is.

…Or throw ad-homs at people instead of explaining why you think their wrong. :man_facepalming:

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Is there some kind of statistics page where you can see that you literally have killed several thousand…or is that just a guess. People go on these forums and throw all kinds of numbers that are almost assuredly not true when you dig into the math.

Apparently that’s grounds for being ignored and insulted to have correct information today. :woman_shrugging:

People are overly hostile today. Maybe they’re all having bad Mondays.

I’d send chocolates to them, but then they’d just get mad that it wasn’t Skittles or something.

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People can run addons like Hyperspawn if they are farming something and want to keep track of how many mobs they killed.

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I’ve killed roughly 100 an hour for several months now. I would not be surprised if the number of kills is significantly higher.

I call that the best scenario concerning this gentle-dwarf here.

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I managed to get one without really looking for it, and I noticed at some point the TSM data indicated it sold for a lot of gold on the Auction House, so I tried to see how long it would take me to actively farm another.

I don’t remember how long it was but it was definitely less than an hour, possibly less than 20 minutes

I don’t know how OP tracked theirs, but I do know “Rarity” addon tracks kill count for rare drops. You can even add custom item IDs to track stuff that isn’t rare, or if you want to track new items that aren’t updated into the addon yet.

It’s how I tracked my Nazjatar drops. It was more than 8000 kills for that low drop rate bag from the crab dudes. I forget the exact number, but “Rarity” addon knows it.

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I use Hyperspawn.

Since absolute zero is a physics concept, the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases, -457.67°F, no. Maybe you should stop digging and showing us you don’t understand what you’re talking about, because clearly you don’t.

Anything less that a 0.5% drop rate rounds to zero until after you’ve taken a math class to understand how significant figures work.

Murdercarpet, you can gladly say whatever floats your boat here, it still doesn’t change the fact that wow’s RNG systems uses decimals. And with decimals, if a number is lower then 1, but not at 0.00, then it’s not an flat zero. a 0.01% still has a chance to drop. a 0.00%, doesn’t.

And you’re acting like i disagree with OP when i’ve agree happily that anything lower then 1% should be removed. I mean it’s ultimately what OP is saying in his OP when you go back and read it, and both of you and bizarrely, OP are acting like that’s not the case. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread, it’s had everything

Suspense, intrigue, Thallia arguing with someone, personal insults, memes and wordplay

This is peek wow forums


0% is less than 1% my man. This isn’t that difficult to understand.