0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

Mathematically speaking, it rounds to zero. Unless you are using silly significant numbers. The cata patterns for Rhinestone Sunglasses and High Society Top Hat are 1:20,000. But that doesn’t round to zero for you, so it’s reasonable for an item that isn’t even transmoggable?

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Because 0 and 0.05 mean two fundamentally different things.

One means “will never drop” and the other means “will rarely drop.”


You certainly seem to, considering you purposely came in here to have a problem with me. I have no personal issues with anyone.

Except no one but you and the OP are offended.

I’m not sure why you chose to come into this thread simply to troll only me, but I’d suggest taking a step back and reevaluating your own issues. Enjoy your day.

Fiver to Ten percent is bad enough. One percent drop rate is pretty much the game laughing at you. I agree it’s ridiculous.


I mean, I know why :^)
In fact you told me why twice. Why don’t you go level with all that free time? You know actually play the game?

That would be called an opinion- one that is evidently not universal.

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Then farm for another 15 years :rofl:

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I haven’t seen the “no I’m not, YOU ARE!” argument outside of a kindergarten playground. This is surprising but also not based upon your previous posts. I sincerely hope you get the help you need. We are all here to help you should you feel comfortable talking out your challenges, the forums are a family!

You have the wrong read on this, one helpful exercise for you to help create self-awareness would be to go back and re-read your own posts and try to see what others see in the way you say things. You will be ok, you just need a little coaching.

You too friend!

Seems like this thread is spiraling out of control, so I’ll just chime in with something short and to the point.

Raid drops - Like Invincible, Alar, Ji-Kun are great.
World drops - Like MoP world boss mounts, are not.

This has nothing to do with hiding one’s profile.

The only thing hiding a profile does is stop the forums from showing that you’re typing. It’s not difficult to add anyone to ignore and it’s very easy to find everyone’s posts, as well.

But the reason people hide their profile is so that people can’t sit there and harass others with “you’re still typing lol” or “wait for it, I can see them typing, there’s a rant incoming!” And things like that.

There’s no other reason for a profile to be hidden when everything else can be easily found or done that you wish to do.

People seem to be extremely on edge and toxic today. I don’t know if it’s a Monday thing or what. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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this might be a dumb question but do you have points put in the console for them to drop? because either you are 1 in a million with the bad luck on this specific item or you are missing out on something.

they are not a low drop rate. i have gotten multiple dozens of them 10 times over just from being in the zone the 1st 2 months of just playing around. but i had my console maxed.

edit—> to explain futher—> wowhead is way on of stuff like this specifically. certains mobs that lets say for example drop a certain profession pattern for say a quest will show at like 0% and thats only because 99.99% of people that killed that mob will never get it because they are not on said quest etc… meanwhile if you have quest and or profession it will drop 100% of the time. that is not the case for this vespoid lattuce but wowhead drop numbers are way off.

Certainly there’s people that want there to be rare things in the game, no?

Just saying, things can’t be rare and plentiful at the same time. It would be like living in a world of Franklin Mint plates. Mass produced collectibles. :joy:

Fixed it for you. :pencil2:


People can disagree with my opinion, that’s fine. As of right now, I think 1%, should be the bare minimum, otherwise it’s not really fun to farm.


I didnt mind the low drops for awhile but after 12 years and thousands of ICC and Siege runs… Im tired of this crap. Tired of full clearing the raid over and over. Tired of sitting out in Uldum staring into the abyss waiting for the wretched dragon and buzzard to spawn for the slim chance for the mounts.


I don’t think you need to have it unlocked, at least on alts. I get lattices on an alt that doesn’t have it unlocked.

As for the actual topic, it’s a low drop rate but not that low. People say 1% is already low but it’s not when you can kill 100 in like 10-15 minutes. Just kill stuff quickly in NE ZM and you will get enough gold between the mogs, occasional boe epic, and green boes that are fairly common.


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I have very little free time. So I procrastinate here because I don’t have enough time to really accomplish anything in WoW. Why don’t you go bum rides off of someone so you can go to the beach and crash into people trying to swim?

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Mathematically speaking, it’s not an absolute zero, as in nothing. Because 0% is drops nothing because it never drops. 0.01% drops something because it has a microscopic chance to drop. I mean, WoW RNG system uses decimals. (at least that’s what it looks like from WoWhead and etc)

I get this doesn’t matter a whole lot, but OP’s problem is really with drop rates lower then 1% (which is what i’ve corrected to in my first comment, though given his response to Thallia’s comment, seem ungrateful for her making him look a little better). Which i agree with, sure. Get rid of drop rates lower then 1%. I agree.


I honestly don’t know how many sub 1% drops there are. My guess is anyone looking for them would agree it’s absurd. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m an incidental collector, so I don’t feel that pain.