0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

I didn’t realize this had such a low drop rate. I farmed the vespoids for genesis motes early on and got mine. Like others have said. At least you can buy them on the AH if you get tired of farming.
A few of the reagents are just terrible to farm. Glimmer of cunning was a pain. Low drop change from Terachnid eggs. I know a lot of people are still trying to get them. It took forever to get mine. Then when I didn’t need them anymore I got 2 or 3. Tool of incomprehensible experimentation is another terrible one. I have the one from the quest and one from over 30 Lihuvim kills and zero from probably 100+ Olea Caches. Still need one more to be done with all the protosynthesis and ZM.

You misunderstand, I’m saying that killing 7,000 of those mobs would give you a 99.9% chance of getting one, not that he would have a 99.9% chance the next one he killed. Only simpletons think dice have memory.

I thought “chance” was synonymous with odds, its not its synonymous with probability.

Man enough to admit when im wrong and i was here.

What on earth are you even saying? Wrong comment?

Do you just throw in buzzwords because they make you feel smart?

I don’t want his respect. He’s an antagonistic person who pretends to be cool and chill and wants everyone to agree with him.

Read my original comment with the rest of the preceding sentence instead of intentionally taking words out of context to make it look like I was saying what you wanted me to say.

They’re the one who brought up my personal life, guy. In the post that got 404d where I was originally talking to this person, he just goes off on some bizarre tangent ad hominem fallacy, how I must be someone who doesn’t work or do anything productive and kept repeating “What’s your job? What’s your job?” because I was on the forums on a Sunday. Please tell me how that is a normal, respectable thing to do.

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Nothing should be sub 1% drop rate in this game.
It’s absurd, especially for things with weekly lockouts.

I wouldn’t say ‘wrong’ …just misunderstood…which can easily happen with the imprecision of everyday language. I had to go back and read my post because I was ready to accept that I made a mistake and said it wrong. The intent was to show the likelihood of him getting one after so many kills…which shows that he’s either incredibly unlucky or overestimating the number of mobs he has killed.

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Nay, you made the assertion it was not socially acceptable so the burden of proof is on you. Yet another example (7th and counting?) of you going with the “no u!” kindergarten approach.

*hung up

Unfortunately, you keep proving your incompetence, no implications are necessary. Facts don’t have feelings. And I’m not pretending to correct your English….I am correcting your English.

This is not English. Nobody can understand what you’re saying because you appear incapable of reading/writing above a 3rd grade level.


I provided you a table earlier on when/how to use “then” and “than,” yet you still are incapable. I don’t know how else to help you.

Negative Ghost Rider. You didn’t even know how to spell it, so how would anyone believe you know what it means? You made the claim it was disrespectful, I asked for a source, you failed to list one. That’s on you. To this point you’ve provided no supporting evidence except “that’s my opinion,” which doesn’t stand up in either a court of law or the court of public opinion, “mate.”

Again, this is not English. You may have better luck running your thoughts through Microsoft Word for a Grammar/Spell check or even using Google translate.

I was guessing you were Gen Z because it appears you are still learning English since you are struggling in your communication so heavily. What generation are you and are you ESL?

Correct, I don’t understand what you’re saying because you’re doing such a horrendous job articulating your points. You nailed it.

Most normal? Huh?

I do not know how to read Pig Latin, if you were to speak English that would help a lot of the people who are hoping to comprehend the rubbish you’re typing. Btw, you are doing a much better job with “you’re” and “your” now than you are with “then” and “than.” Keep up the good work, you’re making great progress!

If anything, I’m properly including a 3rd gender type when you have consistently only been open to Body Type 1 and Body Type 2. Some would call that being discriminatory on your part!

Still waiting on your source for this….

You lacking the ability to understand the difference between a noun and an adjective is not my problem, it’s yours. And those around you that you are attempting to communicate with, of course.

I didn’t say that, I was asking if you did or not.

I agree, people migrating to the right or the left and not thinking for themselves due to the “need for belonging” on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is pretty sad. People should do their own research and think independently, imho.

Agreed. Not only COULD but SHOULD.

Agreed completely; the right is also needlessly divisive because of their inability to separate church from state (Roe v. Wade being a prime example).

Also, I believe the proper terminology these days is LBGTQIA+~%#. The “#” being for those who identify as Apache helicopters, like myself.

I still have never seen this term nor do I have any desire to understand its meaning or origin. I will likely just throw it out randomly and see what happens.

Is that the game you get to be a cat? Sounds fun. I don’t play other games besides this one but that one is intriguing.

Do or do not, that is the question? I’m Ron Burgundy?

I’m an editor for a newspaper IRL, I literally am the grammar police.

So you agree with him that you are going out of your way to be nasty? And that he (Thalia) has a sad existence? I agree too.

Some drop rates are so low that that auto round down to 0 instead of to 1 so they show as a 0% drop rate.


Im not suffering, not wanting anyone to suffer.

Id moreso say people that jump to conclusions and judge other people are more of an issue with todays society, but each to their own.

For every one thats farmed thousands of mobs and havent had a drop there are also people that have picked up theirs off a few kills with zero farming. I cant remember when i got mine for the Buzz mount but im 100% sure i didnt invest time farming, in fact im pretty sure i got it from the rare that drops it.

That part of the comment is … well was… saying that you’re not doing what Hercules was doing, grammar policing somebody to intentionally refuse actually contributing to the conversation and pretending to have problems reading… for some reason. I wasn’t trying to say you were the one who is doing it at the time…

…Why you’re choosing to treat a neutral compliment like that, as if you were the person i’m referring to you, i don’t know.

Ad-homs and gaslight are not buzzwords.

No offense, but it just sounds … at best, you’re assuming only the worst from people rather then being realistic with them. Have you not considered maybe it’s on you for why he’s against you?..

Alright, so after reading it and getting the full context… it’s still a weak insult.

You are correct on calling him out for saying “he doesn’t care” and not exactly following that up, it is a personal pet peeve of mine. Not exactly something that makes him bad inherently character wise, just a mistake on his part. But other then that, i don’t see how him being a farmer is anything to shame him over for.

And plus, didn’t you say this?.. :point_down:

So can anybody really. I don’t see how this is a positive only for you here.

Oddly enough concerning the gentlemen’s profession, i’ve seen you said this… :point_down:

So he’s a farmer and a surfer? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: With a tide tide there, tide tide there, here a tide, there a-- i can’t help it. :laughing:

I did found this because i’m curious of that comment as well.

Yes, i do agree none of anybody’s personal life should be anybody’s businesses.

Literally nobody has ever said that’s a respectable thing to do.

Given what you’ve said to me though, i don’t think the reason why he did that is “because it’s a sunday”… it sounds like to me that you should started that yourself on that thread and continued to double down on it, and he doesn’t seem to have much respect with you. Either way you want to slice it, you know you could’ve not answer that question or pay any mind to it? Disrespectful sure, but i don’t think it compares to Hercules intentional misgendering people and tripling down.

Buddy, you literally quoted me. So I assumed you were talking about me. Your comment is pretty hard to decipher either way.

I wasn’t shaming farmers. That’s why i literally explained what the insult was for. I’m a card carrying republican ofc I’m not gonna shame farmers.

Look, i’m all up for explaining, but the comment was pretty short and simple that i assumed nobody would have a modicum of trouble. Especially considering some people love to complain about me making lengthy comments. And yet when i don’t make comments, i don’t get understood anyways from people who still don’t get it at best.

But hey, know what? I’l do that. So let’s go over my… now edited, comment.

Hercules was nitpicking the absolute crap out of my English to point where he pretends he doesn’t even know what i’m saying because he’s choosing to be that hung up with it, disallowing him to refute any of my points. And i was simply acknowledging that you are not as bad as him. Because a normal person would at best just correct the person once or twice and just move on, because they already know what the other person is talking about.

And i say this as somebody who goes to threads where the spelling mistakes and grammar is so bad that it practically constitutes gibberish. And i still somehow manage to understand what their saying, even fixing their thread for them because … surprise, i’m not the only one there, so making it readable and understandable at the bare minimum is the best thing i can do for people. So if i can still understand and still go along with crap English, anybody can basically.

… Still a rather weak one, but, whatever. :raised_hand:

Pbht. Ngl, that was a little funny. :laughing:

Though… i question what is the relevance of bringing politics in this part of the comment here?..

I hope you are prepared for this dude to follow you into other threads now about this.
The curse has been lifted off me and passed onto you, I sincerely wish you luck.

Idk if you’re rambling on purpose, but I have a pretty good grasp of the english language and yet the way you type even throws me off. So you might want to consider that you just make your sentences too long and ramble too much. Unless English is your second language then you’re doing fine. But don’t be surprised if people get confused sometimes.

I figured that out eventually but it took a long time.

I wasn’t trying to make people feel bad or pat myself on the back with the creativity of my insults.

I literally just responded to you because you popped up exactly when I was thinking of people like you. If you don’t like me responding to you then stop replying to me, quoting me, insulting me, or referring to me. Otherwise I’m gonna keep “following” you. Aka responding in kind to people talking about me, like a normal human being.

You do you.

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Extremely low drop rates do not maker it HARD to get… you feel a sense of relief not satisfaction when you finally get something to drop, those are two very different feelings and one of them isnt fun.

I know the feeling. I’ve been doing ZM on multiple alts since it came out and I’ve only gotten on Vespa License so far. It’s ridiculous!

“No u prove it’s not!”

Calling me a hypocrite doesn’t really work if your a hypocrite yourself by actively doing the thing you’re claiming i’m doing. You really don’t know what “hypocrite” actually is, let alone “no u” comeback.

And for somebody who is implying so heavily that i’m immature, you’re the least mature person on this thread right now.

Oh look, another round up of pretend English teacher, because he can’t be bothered to actually argue. :roll_eyes:

The voices in your head does not count. You might want to get that checked out.

Well you’re welcome to come back to reality when you’re ready to accept it. Otherwise, you’re pretty much saying in fairy tale land with your subjective opinions.

Mate, there’s no other way to say it, but if you can’t understand what i’ve said, then that’s on you.

Sorry, but maybe instead of obsessing over my English, you… i don’t know, learn to read?

I don’t have to provide a source because i wasn’t the one who made the claim that calling people “It” is respectful. You did, so you have to prove it. Infact, you had the opportunity to understand why people find that disrespectful before you called Thailla or me “It”, so that’s all on you for not understanding why it’s disrespectful. And you’re getting upset with me and trying to apply it back because you didn’t do your research on that. Luckily for me considering i’ve joined in many of LGBT threads as of late, talking to people, i’ve the experience knowing that people generally don’t find being called “It” respectful at all. Hell, some people take issue with being misgendered at all.

First off, were not in a court of law. Relax.

Second, refer to what i’ve said above to what i’ve already refuted.

“Oh i’m just Guessing guys! i’m just guessing, you… just guessing!” … :roll_eyes:

Age has nothing to do with how good you are with whatever chosen language you’ve chosen.

Millennial. Or “Yoomer” if you really want to. Sadly, the internet just forget to include us in the Generation meme war.

What does it matter?

Generally speaking, it doesn’t change a single thing what you’re saying here if your English was first, second, third, etc. I mean you’ve been understanding me perfectly fine for the first 9 replies to me before you started pretending to not understand me. Do clearly to you, this isn’t relevant but just to further detail this conversation even more off coarse.

Oh, while i’m looking and counting the comments of how long you went before you grammer/spell checked the crap out of me, i’ve noticed this in one of the comments prior to that. :point_down:

…So you think i’m not speaking English, but yet you’re fine with this? Hmm. Ponder, ponder, ponder. :thinking:

*Most normal people. And thank you for proving that you’re not normal by still getting hung up on it that it’s majority of your responses. If i have to respond to every single damn correction you made, this comment of mine would never end.

So what you’re saying is your calling yourself dumb here essentially because you can’t understand basic English. okay.

A caveman reading along to this would make more of an attempt to understand what i’m talking about, more then you are doing now, because he knows what basic English is.

I’m not calling people “It”. For you to try to justify your misgendering as “i’m properly adding a thrid gender”, is pretty discriminatory and dehumanizing by calling them it.

I highly doubt anybody who shares your political views would want to associate themselves with such an idiotic thought like that. I mean it’s like you got it from the same playbook where people called Covid-19 virus, “the Chinese virus” to justify their racism towards the Chinese by saying “I’m calling it by it’s proper name”. Even Trump back then learned not to do that again after he faced backlash for it. Donald “we got to save the birds from the evil windmills” Trump, LEARNS to not do something stupid like that again and actually realizes that he’s simply wrong there.

If he can learn and accept he was wrong, so can you on this.

Also where did i say i’m only open to body type 1 (male) and body type 2 (female)? Or is it just balderdash you just pulled out of thin air, and pretending it doesn’t stink?

Trump didn’t even misgender people as “it”.

You know, you screwed up royally when i’m getting credit to Trump.

Bullchap. But you’re welcome to lie and backpeddle.

That’s a bit of a stretch from what i’ve said…

I’m basically saying that people shouldn’t be forced to think in a way because of what they believe in or in some cases what they are. Follow or think independently at your choice, that’s fine by me because i’m pro choice in most cases.

Don’t even get me started on some of the liberals here who think certain groups need to act in a certain way because of what they are. Not to be confused with who they are.

Agreed. I think they should just leave religion out of politics entirely.

I know, but i’m only going to stick with LGBT+. It’s easier for me because the plus sign is covering whatever bases i may need without being needlessly long. Even some of the people who are LGBT+ do this.

…Okay mate, the “I identify as Apache Helicopter” is just a meme.

Put simply, it’s referring to 2 to 3 bad faith elf posters with their names begin with the letter T, on the forums who constantly divides people with using LGBT topics to just essentially bully people about if they don’t agree with them, all the while making the LGBT community they claim to represent and help, worse to a point where even LGBT people reject them.

Hence the name Tea Elves. :tea: :elf:

Well i’m the only person who uses it, so chances of people coming across you, who knows exactly what i’m talking about when i say “tea elves”, is slim.


My condolences go to your newspaper company for having to put up with you in trying to convince the world that misgendering people is okay.

Nice job intentionally misreading what he actually said. He was clearly talking about your idiocy, because you trying to justify misgendering is idiocy. You are literally going out of your way to be nasty with this false victim-hood of “I’m not being nasty, i’m actually being nice and proper! You’re the one being nasty! not me!”. And this all started with you losing an argument to Thailla. He has every right to call you sad. :laughing:

If he wishes to do that, well he’s welcome to do so. :laughing:

If you get confused by basic english, that’s on you.

Like you don’t need a college degree to understand me. Just a basic set of eyes and brain do the job. A Caveman can understand me ,bro. Heck, Lahil, Thailla and so on just understood me just fine. So it’s really just you and Hercule’s problem, with you erroneously exaggerating it with your “oh, everybody can’t understand you”… thing.

Bari makes a short comment… “OH MY GOD!! I CAN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR SAYING!!! PLS EXPLAIN!!”

Bari makes a long comment… “OH MY GOD!! YOU MAKE LONG COMMENTS!!! TOO LONG!!”

This is essentially what you’re doing right now.

At this point, i’m convinced you and Hercules have a problem with my existence rather then my English.

…Again, what does it matter? Why are you pretending it matters after 3 replies of understanding me perfectly fine?

Also, what’s this?.. :point_down:

…Are you seriously suggesting people who’s ESL are expected to be dumb, because you couldn’t SOMEHOW understand me? Because that’s potentially discriminatory.

I don’t care in general if English is your first, second or third language, because if you understand and can speak in the most, basic of English, then that’s all it matters, you’re speaking in English.

Again, if i can still understand somebody even if their English is so bad that it’s practically gibberish, anybody can.

… And you feel the need to admit this to me while complaining about my English … Why?

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It’s not about making something require more skill… it’s about making something more scarce. Scarcity, is what makes things precious to the human mind. People would have never held the phoenix mount in BC with such high regard if it wasn’t for it’s insanely low drop rate. Things that are very good, should be scarce, and skill shouldn’t necessarily make up for this. RNG is a good aspect of MMORPGs because luck is a factor in real life. I like the idea that there are just some things out there that only a lucky few people will get. It makes these things have a certain wow-factor that nothing else would have.

That isn’t what I said. What i said was that what you wrote, which I then responded confusedly to was near indecipherable. If you’re too proud to admit that, then there’s no point in me wasting my time further with this subject.

I was just making an observation. Relax

I don’t have a problem with you, but you seem to have a problem with me.

I didn’t imply that at all… tf? You’re actually starting to sound extremely irrational now. Calm down.

Because the sentence I was referring to was borderline nonsense. Stop making a big issue of this and move on.

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