0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

My question to him is how did he start.

I see, but before the nerf you would just pug?
Pretty much every team I have seen for the last 2 expacs has been “Druid tank only” when it comes to FC.

Source please.

The correct term is “smarty pants.” Sheesh, I spend more time having to educate you on how to use grammar/spelling/language more than I do responding to you! Are you ESL?


An atfer is a kind of Moroccan songbird best known for its role in the chorus of the theme song to the movie Rikki Tikki Tavi.


Here’s a key for you to remember which word to use in these situations:

Than is used in comparisons as a conjunction (as in “she is younger than I am”) and as a preposition (“he is taller than me”). Then indicates time. It is used as an adverb (“I lived in Idaho then”), noun (“we’ll have to wait until then”), and adjective (“the then-governor”).

The fact that you don’t even know that it’s Hitchens’s Razor makes us all think it’s you who doesn’t understand the concept….

You’re favorite “no you!” line again….you really are struggling aren’t you? And to think, all these lessons for free and you still aren’t satisfied. Oh well, Zoomers gonna Zoom!

You know this isn’t even a sentence right? Or even English?

Is it possible you meant to say “implications ARE a thing?” It’s so hard to understand anything you type because you don’t know how to use words. It’s gotten so sad at this point, the tens of people who read this are probably clawing their eyes out.

You’re missing about 5 periods, 3 commas, a semi-colon, and 98% of your brain cells here. Goodness gracious, this sentence is such a run on that Forrest Gump couldn’t even make it to the end of it.

Proving the proof? Have you been drinking?

Did you just call all preachers liars?

No, it’s because you can barely read. You both read and write at a 3rd grade level at this point and I’m considering paying a tutor to message you in game in hopes that you could one day be a productive member of society.

“Libertarian views.” In this case, Libertarian is an adjective to describe the type of views a person has. “He’s a Libertarian” would have the word used as a noun. What you’re having a hard time understanding is the noun versus adjective aspect of the sentences….among other things like letters, proper punctuation, grammar, spacing, and other slightly important parts of coherent communication practices.

And what is it that you think? Are you implying Democratic Socialists don’t think?


Sigh, here we go again…

Definitions and Examples of Your and You’re

Your is possessive, meaning that something belongs to you or the person you are speaking to. For example, “What is your name?” Or, “Are these your car keys?”

You’re is a combination of the words, you and are. This is called a contraction. So, whenever you see the word you’re, you can read it as you areand it will still make sense.

The most simple way to tell these two apart is to use them in a sentence. For example: Your dog is lovely. This makes perfect sense, but you’re (you are) dog is lovely, does not work. You’re is the words you are put together. You can use this to your advantage when testing if you’re using the right one.


  • You’re really mentally challenged.
  • The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to make sure you do your chores that your mommy told you to do, before she grounds you.
  • Live your dreams of becoming literate.
  • Can you please close the door when you’re looking at anime?

I honestly do not, reading your comments is like grading a pre-schooler’s attempt at writing a short story.

Convero? Huh?

What is a blauderdash is that a kind of oatmeal? Or a German meat product?



Not only was it a great movie but I agree on the soundtrack. I think we have found some common ground here my friend.

You can call me a troll in my other threads but I’ll still agree with you on this one. Degenerate game design is bad.

It def helps that it was kind of an infamous thing friends would tell each other. Usually it would be 1 or 2 people asking me to play and then the rest of the team would try it and become believers and usually the other team playing against would become believers too. Eventually i would just be playing and get whispered nonstop to play and sometimes it would be super close friends or just randoms who ask for help. The only trouble I ever had was healers who would not try or people gave up instantly because they would have to play a tiny bit different

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Of all the drops to whine about, farmable lattice.

Maybe you’re the one who needs to chill out, Hero.

I see, maybe I will give it a try again in dragonflight.

If the talent tree would just come out so I can theorycraft

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Makes sense that you hate classic WoW, aka the only good version of WoW

Saying “I wouldn’t bother with that dude” when referring to someone you keep arguing with clearly makes anyone look mad.

My bad you are correct - i have Buzz already, 3 more mounts and a battle pet i still need.

I keep vendoring these ZM mumbo jumbos. I don’t have space in my bag, they should drop a recipe that I learn with the remaining ingredients instead.

This just proves that nasty people will go out of their way to continue being nasty and no matter of arguing against their idiocy will change them. What a sad existence.

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I’d like to take a moment to thank our friend Hercules for the master class in gaslighting. It’s like watching Da Vinci paint the Last Supper.

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No ones buying it.

Source on people using “it” as a respectful pronoun other then you. Burden of proof is on you since you were the one who were using it.

You constantly keep implying i’m stupid and yet you constantly allow yourself to get hang up pretending to correct my English, instead of just moving on like a normal person and try to refute my points. Then again, you’re pretending to be offended to things that no normal person on the face of earth would ever be offended being called He/she/They in your silly whataboutism to distract from the fact you’re being purposefully being disrespectful because your arguments weren’t good enough for Thailla’s … let alone anybody for that matter.

I think she got you more then you think.

Mate, i know it more then you do, considering the fact that you’re still doing the “No you” after you complained about it. I love how you think somehow i have the burden of proof for proving your stuff is wrong, because you think you can never be wrong here, hence why you’re doing this “No you prove it” thing.

You complain about it, and yet you’re still doing it by telling me “prove it” when you’re the first person to make a claim “Calling people it is respectful”. If not, then you’re wrong.

You only think it is because you want stop drawing attention to the fact that’s actually what you’re and have been doing. You think being disrespectful means you won the argument, when this is in the same league as calling somebody a racist when you get angry after you lost the argument. :laughing:

… I see you’re resorting to insulting me by age now.

You know mate, for the advice that you told me that is essentially “look it up”, you could get my generation right.

You know, this whole “I’m going to be an English teacher” sort of thing here you’re going for, just makes you sound like you’re unable to comprehend what i’m saying, right? You’re like the only one in this entire who get THIS hung up over somebody’s English. Most normal will just correct at best 1 or 2 mistakes and just move on, because they can comprehend what you’re saying.

You’re welcome to show how silly you’re being now by continue getting hung up by it, but it’s not exactly refuting any of the comments.

That is on you. Learn to Read.

The tens of people are more or less thinking you’re just some dope trying to defend his intentional misgendering because you can’t win any arguments. :roll_eyes:

…Surprised that one of the tea elves here, didn’t blast you for doing that… which is strange, because they blast on people for even for the slightest of misgendering even… Hmm. :thinking:

Preachers often like to say “What i’m saying… IS THE TRUTH!! The word of the god has spoken!!” and stuff like that. A lot of people on here, seem to think opinions are like religions. In that, if you disagree with them, “then you’re going to the proverbial hell, because what i’m saying is the truth”. Anybody can call their subjective opinion “the truth”. That word is so overused now.

Why do i need to read your ad-hominem filled trash? There’s nothing of worth i’m missing.

Actual productive members of society don’t go around calling people “it”, so i think i’m pretty good on that.

Oh look, you pretending to be be hung up by English because you couldn’t think of an actual answer to my question. Shocker. :roll_eyes:

So you have no reason to call it Libertarian Views and just bought it up for no reason then. Got it.

That’s nothing what i’ve said at all. That’s on you for thinking that.

I say “i know what i think”, because so many people on my side of the coin as well the other, (left and right respectively) think i need to be a certain sort of way given my beliefs. Including you who thinks i’m a socialist.

I’m not a socialist. And having progressive values, in that wanting equality that isn’t intrusive or divisive, not wanting bigotry to happen to anybody, is a value that anybody can have. Even if they lack a party their in. The advantage of thinking this value outside of politics, allows me to call out hypocrisy on the Left. Including the ones they claim to help, some being LGBT. Why you think the term “Tea Elf” here? (the forums that is)

You know, this part of the comment is so boring, that this line you said right here, reminded me of the fact that the game Stray has a mod where you get to play as CJ from GTA SA, so… i’m going ahead to watch that video as a palate cleanser to this waste of time English nitpicking before moving on.

1 minute later.


You honestly do, otherwise you wouldn’t lie to me here.

I sometimes shorten conversation to convero. Now you know, we can move on.

Mate, you’re like so hung up on this. How do you live the moment you boot up the internet if this bothers you, or that you can’t read people’s comments then if you don’t know how to comprehend what their saying? :laughing:

You know there’s a reason why people only do this like once or twice? Because they know doing it to the degree where it’s a majority of your comment, makes them look dumb, instead of intelligent. No normal person nitpicks this much, unless their being the grammar police.

You might want to look up the term Grammar Police mate. Because you fit the bill here.

…Well in terms of only movies, yeah.

Well said Calistrian. :+1:

…While you’re not grammar policing somebody so hard that you actually forget what the points other person was making just to make ad-hom after gaslight, and vice versa…

Lahil was being more civil then you’re being right now.

Maybe if you didn’t constantly put him on the defensive, he would respect you more.

…Well it was a pretty weak insult. That’s like throwing pebbles at an empire state building. Or shaming Bobby Kotick for making billions of dollars.

Lahil has 915 posts. Not sure if that qualifies “being on the forums alot”. I mean a person can have both a job and be on the forums alot.

Even then, what does his personal life and what he does matter to you exactly? I mean it just sounds like you’re trying to shame him for having a job you dislike. At least he has a job and makes money.

“I suffer so you must suffer!”

People like you are the problem with today’s society. Yikes.


I would say but I think this image says it all.

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The Pandaria mounts need a drop rate increase more than anything else right now. It’s simply ridiculous how there’s 50-100 people there at each spawn on Tuesdays hoping for that 0.001% chance at the drop, and that is what is called ‘content’.

It’s time to move on and get people their mounts.



Common fallacy.

Your chance remains 0.01% no matter how many times you roll the dice. The probability you will inevitably see results with more attempts technically increases (as its more attempts) but the chance, or odds, remain the same.

" The gambler’s fallacy , also known as the Monte Carlo fallacy or the fallacy of the maturity of chances , is the incorrect belief that, if a particular event occurs more frequently than normal during the past, it is less likely to happen in the future (or vice versa), when it has otherwise been established that the probability of such events does not depend on what has happened in the past."

Pobability vs odds.

Just because you didnt get a rare drop on 3000 kills does not make the odds better on the 3001st kill.

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