0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

So, basically the quality of gear needs to be re-assessed is what you’re saying?

I also agree that drop rates below 1% are neither fun or reasonable.

I still think we should keep them, though.

In all seriousness, that is pretty good on OP to correct his mistake like that and specify what he’s talking about. Have to give him credit for that for how far he has come since the first time i met him. :slight_smile: :+1:

cant you just pretend they were removed?

I thought there were 4 vespoid mounts.

I am that dude

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I have never seen Vespoids drop a Vespoid Lettuce. I have seen it dropped a Vespoid Lattice.

7000 Vespoid kills? Saw one lattice on AH at 30k gold. I rather spend 30k gold than do 7000 Vespoid kills.

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Prove myself how?

“It IS socially acceptable. Prove to me that it’s not? Hitchens’s razor cuts both ways pal….oh the hypocrisy! Now you’re just embarrassing yourself…

Not with a communist attitude like that we don’t!

I never said I heavily disliked the build up of water on the outside of a water bottle on a hot day. What orifice did you pull that out of?

Annnnnd you did it again. Consistency is a factor in success, unless one is consistently wrong, as you have been here. A wise man once said: “he who smelt it, dealt it.” And you my friend, continue to remark about the smell coming from thine own behind……unfortunately the only one who doesn’t realize that everyone knows this….is thou.

The truth hurts my man/woman/thing. Being insulted by reality is a YOU problem. The first step towards growth and rehabilitation is recognition. Let that sink in.

That’s interesting. I’m not privy to your role-playing terms, but I’m open to learning. Thanks for the description. I hereby name you: REEEEE Elf.

My Libertarian views on life are not political in nature, friend. It’s a belief system that also happens to have a political party. Similar to, by the way you have approached this conversation, you appear to be a Democratic Socialist, but you may vote for any political party that agrees with your view points on Tea Elves, hypocrisy, a poor grasp of the English language, and a lack of commitment to recognizing reality for what it is versus what you want it to be.


You’re is short for “you are,” which it’s possible you meant here but I cannot be sure. Nevertheless, my grammatical recommendation is above. I do not charge for my services for the first 4 corrections.

Is “us” you and your REEEW Elf identity? Or are you like Smeagol and you refer to yourself as “us?” OR, o think I get it now, you are a body type 2 on this inside but a body type 1 on the outside (likely in the shape of a Kul’Tiran)?

You continue to fail to understand that the person who starts using the “no u” response is the one who starts the cycle, and regardless of any answer by others, continues to be mocked throughout the cycle until walking/oozing/limping away in shame.

Excellent usage of “your,” you are getting it now! One foot in front of the other friend.

Did you just come up with a conspiracy theory and then hit on me? Me, an underage youth? Absolutely disgusting, you have been reported. I will not stand for being harassed by such a deviant!

Do people still use Blue-Rays? Did you go into Chromie time IRL or something? It’s 2022 my man/woman/thing, I bet you are also watching your Anime movie on a black and white cavity-backed monitor?

Did your parents allow you to get popcorn the last time you all went to the grocery store and you got to sit in the cart?

Cool, great to see you on the community council to be able to lend a PvPer’s perspective to things since the devs don’t seem to ever be able to get past 1400 (if they even play anymore).

I used to play a Venge FC back then and admired your work. In fact, I loved when you’d FC and we got flag maps so I could go Havoc and ROAST the other team while covering you.

Ah, the days when Deepwind Gorge was a unique map, when Bailamos would fly hack with the cart but still lose, and Ocean would wait in “appear offline” until all the good players were in games to “strategically queue!”

Good times.

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Off-topic but how did you do that?
I played BM since it came out, learned, played around, and told others of its RBG potential but literally, no group would let me in.

went the whole patch with no weapon drops. Drop rates are to low.

Im with ya, 0.X% sucks, even more if theres from end of dugg/raid bosses that take agea to get to. Places like seige of org that don’t have a skip, can bug out (doors not opening, ect) and takes ages to get to garrosh and his mount and tusks drop being under 1%

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He was good at it so people invited him. If he was bad at it people wouldn’t have invited him.

Linking the example you’ve said? Or is the stuff i scrolled up previously is your “example”?..

For somebody who tell me i’m slow, you’re not really fast yourself.

Nice job taking my quote out of context like that to lie.

Prove to me that it is acceptable, other then your feelings here. Nobody uses it as a respectful pronoun.

You can play pretend smart pants all you want, but the burden of proof is on you, by you going “no u”… (atfer you complain about people doing that, and yet you’re still doing that) and putting people on the defensive doesn’t make you automatically right.

Calling people “It” means you don’t consider them a human. I don’t think you can get any more disrespectful then not consider somebody not a human.

I don’t think you know what Hitchen’s razor though. You’re welcome to parrot it over and over, but it really doesn’t mean you understand it.


Says the person who is only calling a person “it” because they can’t win by their own agruments… :roll_eyes:

…You know this comment is the reason why i tell you to take your advice, and you should’ve probably taken your own advice here at all… like even before you even typed a single word to Thailla… or anybody whom you do this too…

If you’re on the forums here, you have to go by the rules it has because this is a private company. Not private as in you can’t see it, private as in… you’re entering in somebody’s home, and you have to follow their rules or else they will boot you out. It’s not “communism”…

Free speech just basically means the government isn’t going to punish you in the same way Blizzard does for saying or doing almost anything. (with exceptions obviously, like burning draft cards is illegal for one.)

“I never said”, should i keep a counter on the amount of times you’re going to use this and not think implications is a thing?.. You can say something even if it’s not directly what you’ve said. You’re complaining about other people being condescending and using a tone that you clearly disagree with, and yet you don’t think people are going to pay attention to your tone, the implications and so on like you clearly have in order to make that complaint, only to turn around and pretend you’ve never asked for it?..

I don’t think you even know what the “No you” comeback even is, given the fact you’re confusing what i’ve said with that, when i’m simply pointing out that you’re getting upset over me scrolling up just like you told me to. You’re really in no place to be talking about consistency when you can’t even be consistent yourself.

That’s on you for not proving the proof when asked, and you’re upset for pretty much no reason here.

Ahh yes, the classic ole “I’m just telling the truth”. You would fit right at home as a preacher in a church. If you have to constantly tell me “Oh i’m just telling the truth” and etc etc all other variations… chances are you’re just straight up lying or using that to justify being unpleasant to people.

There’s a reason why i skip so much of your comments, because it’s nothing but just a unsubstantial waste of time unpleasant ad-homs with fake positivity as the mask here that permeate the entirety your side of the conversation. :roll_eyes:

Why did you call it Libertarian then, if it’s not inherently political? You can’t have your cake and eat it too mate.

…Again, why call it Libertarian? It just sounds like you have no other word to describe it and just go straight to politics here.

That’s not really a wise way to judge somebody’s political beliefs.

Liberal? Yes. Socialist? No. Because i know what i think.

The difference between me and most liberals is i don’t think your Satan Incarnate if you have different beliefs from me or merely disagree with me. Unless you actually do something THAT heinous, but you’re far from like the worst person i’ve ever seen in my life.

/side eyes Kotick.

If you’re purposely letting grammar or spelling mistakes get in the way of you even attempting to refute my points despite the fact you know well enough what i’m saying here, something tells me your points aren’t exactly good enough to stand on their own and which is why you keep on topic switching here.

You do a lot more “reeeeeeiing” then you’ve ever claimed i did with your ad-homs, that you subjectively called “the truth”… Especially since you’re still going on about with Body types as if it’s even actually relevant to this convero anymore outside of just you just being petty with it…

And you’re only proving my point with this “You don’t understand” rhetoric.

I don’t care who started the “No u” cycle you spoke of, the principle is what matters. You complained and chastised people for doing it, and yet you’re doing it yourself and think it’s okay to do it.

Did you just come up with some insane blauderdash that somehow makes you even worse when i ask you how immature you’re being with that question?! :laughing:

I would ask the same for those who use Floppy drives. Some people still do use old tech or old stuff and that’s fine.

I mean were on Wow and this game was out back in 2004.

Me personally, i use my Blu-ray for watching Movies (blu-ray and DVD), installing old PC games (though sometimes, i have to boot up Windows XP in my computer to install them and bring them over to Windows 10) and playing PS2 games off the disc. ( i would love to play them on my PS2, but i get a little sick from lower framerates.)

Things you enjoy don’t have an expiration date, my dear steak sauce. :stuck_out_tongue:

What, did an anime movie and a black and white monitor stung you as a child? :laughing:

No, it was Labyrinth. A Pretty great movie if you’re into the those weird bizzaro take of fantasy movies of the 80’s or into David Bowie’s songs even, which may i add, has a pretty awesome soundtrack. :slight_smile:

And it’s my Acer SB220Q, set to 75HZ as my custom refresh rate with the help of Nivida Control panel.

If you want to know what’s the rest of my specs, feel free to ask.

For cool stuff? Absolutely, man. For a reskinned mount that is literally a bigger version of a zone mob? Hell no, man.

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Personally I think we should make everything a 0.001% drop rate tbh.

Equipment, cosmetic, quest items, vendor trash you name it.

Nothing says “pride and accomplishment” like gamble a lot or grind a lot. :crazy_face: /j

Yeah i have to agree. :point_up:

Literally no one would play this game.

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I have a bunch in my bank…tried them on ah…no sale…meh…

I just established myself by playing and eventually made it on the rank1 team but then they nerfed the exact thing I was doing into the ground and kept doing it so they nerfed it into oblivion. They basically punished me for not being a meta spec by removing how I was playing. Still sees some great play but I never sit rating and basically play until im bored or the meta gets super stale