0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

If you’re implying I said that, then your reading comprehension is really REALLY bad.

Lol. No. They’re not. Time doesn’t even exist without us to perceive it. Glad to know you failed physics class.

Yeah. That’s the point. Because it’s a videogame. I’m not the one trying to act like they have facts on their side when arguing about opinion on a VIDEOGAME

No, I didn’t. You just have something in your brain that makes you think everything everyone says is an argument that you need to dismantle and then embarrass yourself trying to do so

Because opinions are valid reasons when talking about opinions. What are you even trying to say?

LMAO. No I’m not even close to doing that. You however clearly are.

Case in point

*proceeds to state his opinion

This is some hilarious cope coming from the most antagonistic, contrarian poster on the forums.

I disagree, low drop rates are amazing, second only to FOMO items that actually disappear forever. Some of us enjoy having things almost no one else can or will ever get despite how much some people here don’t like it. I LOVE having rare items and it’s one of the main reasons I still play this game.

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Here, here. I agree.

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But getting rid of super low drop rates would quickly put my 11 alts that have been sitting at the Sha of Anger for the last 10 years out of the job.

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You literally have. :point_down:

Actually they are, because without them, society wouldn’t function. We wouldn’t have things like Video games, or Internet, or work schedules, or GPS, and so on.

Speaking of time, you had like 2 days to actually think out a response, and this is what i’m greeted with? :rofl:

Nice denial there mate. Considering it’s pretty convenient that now trying to do this “Oh it’s just a video game, so it doesn’t matter” as a legit tactic to try to refute only me, when you don’t realize that applies to you too. If it’s just a video game, why you’re responding to me seriously at then?

Critical thinking is not your strongsuit today, is it?

Saying “well i have fun” isn’t a substantive argument because fun is subjective. It can’t be measured in any reliable way. since everybody has a different idea of what fun is. Which is why it’s not used as a serious argument, because fun can derive from anywhere.

That fact you’re giving me this ad-hom here with this “embarrass yourself” (which is super ironic given you’re telling me time and distances aren’t objective measures), i mean you’re just proving what i’ve said there. You are positioning it as such. You haven’t exactly made an actual rebuttal to this.

Not inherently. You have to give valid reasons that go beyond just opinions instead of just saying “well i like it”, to make it valid reason.
Saying “I like it” isn’t “This is good”. And Vice versa.

Nice denial mate. It’s like you’re copying Hercule’s dumb arguments to a tee here.

I don’t know what goes on with you personally, and i rather not wish to know, but you seem to treat the idea of casual debate as a bad thing by overreacting and saying “oh i treat it as a court”. Not only your treating the idea of debate as bad (which coinvently only happens if it doesn’t go your way), and it’s pretty telling that you’ve never went to an actual court before, because this case would be insta- thrown out like days ago…

…But are you implying that i’m out to get you? Is that why you keep on saying “Oh i’m treating this as a court”?, because you think i’m out to destroy your reputation (which you did pretty much just fine on your own it seems) or something? :laughing:

You’re just another John Dicker Harry whozit i come across everyday on the street while i sip on my 5th cup of coffee today. Another monday morning.

Is that a problem that i think the game would be better off with consistent rewards to work towards, that benefits gamers who put in the effort, and not fuel and encourage those who have gambling addictions? :face_with_monocle:

This sort of “lol you being hypocrite” doesn’t really work, if you don’t explain what’s wrong with this argument i’m presenting here. Unless your actual argument is you care only about the corporation making money, which, i think that tells all we need to know that you’re not here to make the game better if that’s your thought process here.

You seem oddly offended that i said that, with your static mindset of thinking “This is a court case because you disagree with me!!” clouding your judgement, and proceeded to project upon me of your own issues here instead of looking at the reality of the situation like i’m doing here by calling it a casual debate. :laughing:

You might want to take a break from the forums if you’re getting THIS upset at somebody for having a casual debate to a point where you’re comparing it to court cases. I mean even some of the people whom i agree with right now, did just that and their the better for it. :slight_smile:

… I fail to see how that’s a bad thing other then you not feeling (which is subjective btw) special for having an artificial scarce item.

Scrolled down for this, was not disappointed.

I love dwarves


“comments on this META ARGUMENT” you actually don’t know how to read or what?

That doesn’t somehow mean that these things aren’t concepts that our human minds made up. But clearly I am describing concepts beyond you and wasting my time.

Yeah, I have things like a job and hobbies like actually playing WoW.

Rich coming from you. The problem is you clearly have zero critical thinking skills and this gives you the advantage of incorrectly perceiving others who actually have critical thinking skills as not having it.

Except I do realize that. The problem is you don’t

Case and point this:

Except for when we’re talking about videogames… you know… the thing that you’re supposed to HAVE FUN WITH??

You’re in high school aren’t you? It’s amazing that you have such trouble understanding a simple concept. Time is literally a thing humans made up. It doesn’t actually exist.

Yeah, okay I’m not reading the rest of your ridiculous, zoomer ramblings

How to know someone didn’t get what they want. ROFL

I recently got the Infinite Timereaver and that moment when I realized was amazing. I will always remember how it happened and where I was in game. One of those special moments that happens along your WoW timeline since you started the game. A highlight if you will.

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Oh I will, I will.

I got the mount in less than 400 attempts, and I say the drop rate is too low.

So these annoying things in my bags are worf monies?!?

Honestly I’d argue not to interact.

People whom would argue over niche peculiarities in-game are similar to people IRL, where one of their friends could say that it’s raining where they are only for them to say “No it isn’t.” despite already knowing said friend is talking about where they live.

They’re not wanting a dialogue. They’re wanting semantics.

Oh looky, another comment where you took 2 days to reply. Let’s see if it’s any better.

Meta-arguments are arguments about one or more arguments, or argumentation in general.

Either way, if you’re going to say you’re not going to respond to something or “Not waste my time any further”, it would better to… not actually respond to something, to actually follow it up.

I’ve already explained why Time and Distance are objective. Even if they are made up as you said, their made up for the purpose for having a functional society to thrive at all with measurements like that. Things that are important like medicine, building plans and so on, and it what gives away more of the math as you see here that is intertwined in our society to take subjective feelings out of objectivity. No matter how you feel, a foot long is still a foot long. A Mile is still a mile. A Minute is still a minute. An Ounce of Water is still an ounce of water.

Normal people can understand that Time and Distance is objective.

So does everybody else mate.

And previously, you went from replying hour or less towards somebody to 2 days later.

Also, nice job using the “playing the game” subjective rhetoric that is often ill defined, and to act as if somebody playing the game differently then how you subjectively define it, is a moral sin in your books, because to you, playing the game in a certain way is akin to politics, despite the fact you’re constantly blaming the opposition for the same exact thing you’re doing. :roll_eyes:

Gosh, i wonder who’s the group of people that does that here? :thinking:

:tea: :elf:

Sounds like your projecting your own issues on to me mate. I was really hoping those 2 days will help me your comments better, but i guess that was wishful thinking on my part.

Except you don’t, because otherwise you would’ve stopped making arguments because to your own logic, “it’s just a video game” because, why would you care if you actually think “It’s just a video game”? You’re only using that as a silence tactic to draw attention away from your own hypocritical logic here. It’s intellectually cowardly because it has the capacity to be used to dismiss anything.

Including your thread while back ago here for purposes of this example. :point_down:

By your own logic, you’re shooting yourself in the foot here with your “it’s just a video game” Rhetoric. There is literally nothing wrong with debating about a topic that pertains to video games, as you’re heavily implying. The only problem that would have that problem is… ironically enough, Video game Journalists :tm:.

And there’s nothing wrong with realizing that fun is a subjective concept, as you implied heavily. Fun isn’t an objective measurement that can’t be used because it can’t be qualified given how subjective it is. The fact that there’s some people that aren’t playing this game or playing something like FF14 or GW2, shows that fun is subjective.

If you’re going to tell me i’m stupid, don’t follow it up with something stupid like this. :point_down:

It’s amazing that time and distance being objective, is a concept that can be easily grasped by Kindergardeners, given the fact they have a set schedule and PE exists, as well basic shapes and math. It’s a great thing to teach to kids.

And yet over here, you’re saying “it doesn’t exist”. You might want to join those flat earthers given how insane and misleading your arguments are, given that you don’t even explain properly how it doesn’t exist.

Apparently if i think Time and Distance is objective, that means i’m a Zoomer. :man_facepalming:

Aside from you getting my generation wrong when you could’ve easily looked in the thread on where i’ve said my generation…

… You still continue to double down this wrong idea, while insulting a generation of people, who, at this point are way smarter and can look at the facts, then try to pull whatever Alex Jones-etse conspiracy theory you’re pulling here where time is somebody not objective. They are smarter then you at this point.

This is literally you right now mate. :point_down:

too long didnt read :sunglasses:

Well i guess you don’t need to be correct then mister jones. :man_shrugging:

Bad luck protection who would have thought of such an idea, not Blizzard.

We cannot be friendly to anyone in this game and just let them have anything really. Imagine if the Sha mounts drop rate was adjusted or it had protection from bad luck and everyone got it, they’d all complain that it’s not “rare”. Who tf cares? Just let people have stuff, especially something like that.


And honestly, i don’t mind actually working to get those mounts, if it involves a long quest chain that requires me a few days or a grind to pay for those mounts to a vendor. Or god forbid, put it behind difficult content like the Mage Tower even.

Then it will be naturally scarce, and actually better for the game, instead of feeding those with gambling addictions. :slight_smile:

Or just leave it the way it is. AKA let them be rare and stop trying to make everything based on how much effort you put in.

What’s wrong with putting in effort to get a reward? I mean that’s litteraly the fun of video games. This is how it is for most video games, and you are playing a video game, which is an interactive medium. Not a casino game.

The more consistent the rewards you are getting for the effort you put in, the better. And that’s something that should be encouraged. Not shunned. Plus it would still be rare. It would just allow skill and how many people will get it though skill determine if it’s rare or not.

Plus, by your own arguments (as incredibly flawed they are), you’ve given more reason on why meritorious rewards via by effort are good and should used more often.

This is not even going to mention that RNG gets abused for the MTX side of things like Lootboxes. Or Diablo Immoral. I would much rather they put in good game design instead of designing the game to abuse those with gambling addictions to give them that subjective feeling of winning the lottery.

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The fact that items from Classic>Dragonflight by now have not had there drop rates fixed is mind boggling. Dragonflight patterns from Dungeons and some Open world ones are that insanely low I gave up bothering to farm them I just buy them when they are low enough of the AH. BFA Assaults are also another area where drop rates are lower than most players IQ. Regardless of being the right class and being able to learn that cosmetic All i got back in BFA was a handful now in Dragonflight my Paladin and Warrior along with other classes I go there for to get the Golden 1h Axe with the Mogu theme the game just hands me the Shield I got back in BFA every single time. Shadowlands Rares who have a Transmog Specific to them alone especially in Maldraxxus and Zereth Mortis etc never drop them either despite having an apparent drop rate of around 5% which is not a trusted % because of the wowhead and its data gathering.

Why they even code items to have a sub 0.5% which is quite honestly the lowest it should be for every single item including things like the new 2h Legendary Axe is fair. Anything lower than half of 1% chance is just insanity and the people in charge of putting said %'s on items needs to be shuffled out. I get it you want people to be endless zombies logging in to constantly farm things but you do not realise how Niche that is. Like <5% of the player base niche the other 95% Either dont bother how there character looks or puts on a hodge podge of gear on and they are happy. Those like me who want to learn patterns to craft the mog for themselves not for others is even lower than mount collectors because patterns ad plans got messed up somehow even in this current expansion the Dungeon ones Do not drop and if any are for sale people want 300k+ for them since they are ludicrously rare and for what the patterns don’t grant super strong or useful items but they are near impossible to obtain which needs to be a priority blizzard. 5 or less people can fix this issues if you give them the green light and can be knocked out in a week fi that so think about it.