😡 You Guys Just Cant Help Yourselves, Can You?

You just got me picturing M+ bosses singing the Three’s Company song in my head, and now I can’t get it out…

Did we need another thread about this? Jeez man, you even paraphrased the title of the other thread on this topic.

Stick to one thread. Going to flag this one as spam.

why not both?

music kicks in

Because a game with healers and tanks can never have content “Difficult” enough to satiate the people wanting extreme difficulty in solo play.

The game isn’t based around that, as they’ve said repeatedly. They have to figure out a way to tune classes, and now ROLES, in this type of content. What may be “too easy” for my DH shredding everything in Twilight Dev may be “Barely clearable” for the poor sap playing the (already low population) healer role.

You’d want to move that slider to giga difficulty for that guy so you can have a solo challenge? I’d be willing to bet my life savings Blizzard disagrees vehemently.

Oooo good idea. Torghast should totally have some banging metal music playing. Get the blood pumping to kick some Jailer tail-end!

what no, i don’t care about torghast

its about the home taco making kit man, that’s what really matters

Who cares what youtubers and streamers think?

What they want is irrelevant. There is no hard timer, nothing that says after 5 minutes you have failed, there’s nothing like a sanity bar that kicks you out.

Visions has a hard timer, when it hits zero you are done for that run.

Torghast does not.

The debuff mechanic occurs after the 10th floor. All the farmable items for the legendary process is obtained on the floors prior to this. 10+s are challenge floors, xmogs and other misc things.

Yep and looking forward to it.

A= Blizzard said timerless runs
B= Blizzard puts in timers

C= Playerbase pissed about being lied to.

Very simple formula. NOT everyone loves and worships your timer gods. we where happy at the promise of content with no timers. We are no longer happy.

Please scrap the whole tower now and just make mythic plus better. No need to spend the time or money making content that’s negated because the point flew past your head.

You are never going to please everyone. There is no timer for the first 10 floors. What more do you want? You go to the 10th floor, then you leave, no timer imposed.

Everything past the 10th floor is for those that want to push themselves.

So basically, this no reason to go higher… well that kills torghast for me, damn.

There is no timer. There is no count down that automatically removed you from the tower when it hits zero.

There is a stacking debuff that occurs on the higher floors (that do not affect your ability to gear up/craft using the Anvil)

  • If Solo, you’re allowed to die 3 times per floor.

  • In a 2 player party, you’re party is allowed to die 5 times per floor

  • In a 3 player party, you’re party is allowed to die 7 times per floor

  • In a 4 player party, you’re party is allowed to die 9 times per floor

  • In a 5 player party, you’re party is allowed to die 11 times per floor.

Even this doesn’t prevent you from continuing if you can reach the exit prior to Tarragrue.

For fun? For a challenge? For unique appearances and achievements?

I wish to push myself without timers past level 10.

I’m a rogue my whole RP is to over plan sneak up slowly and take them by surprise. I can do that if they all see invis and every moment I am sneaking I get hit by a de-buff designed to punish me for doing what rogues are supposed to do to begin with.

How so? Nothing’s stopping you from trying to go higher, but the challenge does ramp.

Then you’re going to have to comprimise with leaving the RP at the door to the 11th floor and do what you need to do to keep going.

We’ve reached the point in retail where you are posting from a Kul Tiran Monk in a guild after a Fallout 3 meme and you are worried about the integrity of the forums? Give me a break.

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Or perhaps…now call me crazy…hear me out. Blizzard could not stick any timer in like they originally planned to do when they pitched the concept to us.

Not only pitched the concept but took money for it, by people who liked the idea because they where sick of timers as well.

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You’re under the misguided belief there is a timer. There is not.

The torments already ruin your described RP wishes anyway because you’re not going to have time to do all your character’s specialized overplanning when you got stealth sight assassins and spirit towers bombarding you for sitting around too long.

So timer or no timer, you’re going to have to pull up your boot straps and realize Torghast is inspired by rogue-like, not comfy RP runs.

One of the torments literally punishes you for standing still longer then 30 seconds. That is a timer!