😡 You Guys Just Cant Help Yourselves, Can You?

Which has nothing to do with a timer. If you die more than a prescribed number of times, based on the size of the group you are in, it solo (3 deaths) then a you are forced out of the dungeon by a giant NPC that is damn near invincible. He chases you the whole time making further progression, impossible.

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This is number… 5th thread?

Only people mad about any sort of timer are the people that thought they could exploit by camping around, waiting for cool downs, are farm indefinitely. Give them something with a challenge and they get angry

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That is so not true.

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You could just not respond to it, instead of bumping it. It’s not like you’ve brought a new and original thought.

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A hard timer is a bad idea, I agree. A soft timer though, is needed. Unless, of course, you want it to end up like warfronts and islands, and not be any challenge at all. That’s boring.


Come over to tbc classic

hey same 2 u

Whether there is a timer or not, players will still utilize their extreme, unstoppable GO GO GO methodology.

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hey same 2 u (see how useless that is)

about as useless as this thread!

No challenge at all is an exaggeration. The instance has normal and heroic settings already and was even patched recently to be more difficult. A timer is not needed.

Having two settings doesn’t mean it will be challenging at all. I think letting people break between floors is enough. It shouldn’t allow someone to take an hour per floor.

Then why are you still here? Seriously. You keep protesting the thread but keep posting in it. Are you mental or obsessed?


Oh well looks like I am not playing shadowlands then no point if there are timers.

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Why not? If there is no timer then classes that arent, say Denon Hunters, will be able to progress even though they may not have the tool kit to be as effective at large pulls. Healers can take their time. Tanks can take longer to kill things. No timer also means no restriction on class and talents.

i keep getting dragged back in to this sh-show

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BUt yet people are doing full clears with masks so where are the timers in visions?

It only has one difficulty setting. It had ways to skip ahead to other floors, but those were for testing only.

Are you PLAYING THE CONTENT? Are you? Do you have any basis upon which to make an opinion on Torghast? Didn’t think so.

I would prefer Blizzard to always gear content to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Or know what you’re talking about first?