🐍 Why should Sethrak be an Allied/Playable Race? 8.3 and beyond

Alliance, with the IRL reasoning being that the Horde got a brand new race for an AR in the form of vulpera, so it’s only fair for the Alliance to get a brand new race as well. As for a lore reason, N’zoth could be why they decide to get involved in global issues, and right now they are neutral so we just need an event that would push them away from the Horde and towards the Alliance. There are several ways this could be achieved, the sethrak could learn about the horrible things Sylvanas did as Warchief and shun the Horde as a result, they could take issue with the Horde allying with the Vulpera, or it could be something else entirely.


Perhaps she mistook them for LF/Draenei?

I wouldn’t argue with sethrak, though I would probably prefer something draconic for the first playable lizard.


A draconid or something like Saurok would be good for a draconic/lizard reptilian race, I agree.

But Sethrak, despite being humanoid and possessing limbs are distinctly serpentine. And thus should be categorized separately.

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To give the Alliance something they asked for, other then of course Dark Iron.


And the Uldum Accord faction coming up in 8.3 has some strong potential to be the reputation needed.


I would gladly take them on the horde or alliance, but in terms of game balance and parity of ARs, i think Alliance has a better shot of getting them. Up until now, here’s what the rundown has been:

  • LFD / HMT: same as parent race/skeleton with minor cosmetic changes
  • VE / NB: Enemy faction’s elf skeleton with thematic and cosmetic changes
  • DID / MHO: same as parent race/skeleton with major thematic and cosmetic changes
  • KT / ZT: Same race as parent, but different skeleton (new rig on KT, NE on ZT), with primary story tie-in for each faction
  • Vulp / MG: uses small race skeleton

See, vulpera/mechagnome doesn’t fit nearly as well with the parity of the others. I’m hoping that the actual AR pairings are something like this:

  • Vulpera / 8.3.5 race (Sethrak?): Different (beast) race built off of parent skeleton in allied faction
  • 8.3.5 race (Redeemed/Lightforged undead?) / Mechagnomes: same as parent race/skeleton with major thematic changes

and, of course, i’d love to be wrong about the undead thing too, and have them be san’layn or nathanos-style ‘pretty’ undead to give the horde a brand new skeleton like Alliance got with KT. That said, Calia Menethil and Derek Proudmoore are a thing, and it looks like they’re gonna get shoehorned into the horde, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the undead AR is tied to them somehow.

of course, that’s just what i think is the most likely way Sethrak end up playable. I simply don’t see blizzard giving the horde two new races built off old skeletons, and giving the alliance more of the same twice in a row. though even if they do, i’ll just be glad Sethrak are playable.

As it is, i’d been unsubbed since January, and only returned for one month to get the anniversary stuff in case i get my sethrak AR and decide to keep playing (time expires tomorrow).

If sethrak get added, alliance or horde, i will come back to play them until the last server is shut down. If not, then i’m sitting back until a cool reptilian race gets added that i’d want to play. If i still have friends in the game at that point, i’ll resub. If not, it’s probably a coin-toss.


Vulpera, are one of the few truly excited for. If they add Sethrak (Danger Noodles) I would only have two mains.
Especially since that Sethrak would be a true unique race to the Alliance that isnt light related, or mostly humanized. They have a unique culture and concept of thebworld around that would bring more to the so boring Goody-two-shoes that infests the alliance.

I can see them being the true amoral / does what they need to, to get things done no matter the outcome. Which alliance really does need a race that does questionable things to make their moral high ground be questioned.


I would love to see the sethrak join the Alliance. They could be to the Alliance what the forsaken were to the Horde: a race that pretends to play along but is out for itself and waiting for the day it can conquer its allies and enemies alike.

Thematically they would work with the whole cobra and mongoose thing they have going with the vulpera. They would also bring a regal yet exotic flavor to the Alliance as well. The Faithless could easily trick the Alliance into thinking they have been sabotaged by the Horde and suffered a growing rebellion instigated by the Zandalari trolls in an effort to have full control of the island.

Then the Horde could get naga so we can have sea snakes VS sand snakes.

In reality, though, I think the sethrak are more likely to take the trolls place as a race that shows up and causes trouble for everyone every other expansion.


Well, since we actually saved the Devoted and their Loa I’m pretty sure sending them to the Alliance wouldn’t make a lot of sense. :slight_smile:

Storywise, yes Horde liberated the Sethrak. So that’s a solid line to make them Horde AR. And I am fine with that! :heart:

How would they go about joining the Horde with Vulpera in the ranks and N’zoth on the rise?

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I support sethrak allied race!
Would prefer for alliance but wouldn’t mind horde. (also recognize that horde makes more sense without a fair bit o work).

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I’d be all in on Sethrak. We really need a non-mammal playable race.

They have a great aesthetic and awesome voices, too.

Personally, I see them being potentially part of the Alliance. (I don’t play Alliance much so Blizz please make their faction something I can gain rep with Horde side and unlock with max level Alliance toon so I can play my snakey asap!)


There is The Uldum Accord Faction coming in 8.3. There is strong possibility there for it to be the rep grind needed if Sethrak become an AR. And I think both Horde and Alliance will be able to gain rep with them.

Kultirans cannot be paladins! :no_good_man:
Junkgnomes cannot be paladins! :no_good_man:

The Alliance still needs a race that can be paladin!
If zandalar may have paladins because of Rezan, it seems entirely feasible and believable that the absolute devotion of the Sethraks will make them zealous paladins of Sethraliss. :pray::place_of_worship: :snake:


And well. Snakes have positive symbolism for healing and life. Fertility, Change and Transformation.

Not to mention in reality they have positive impact on the environment, indicate healthy ecosystems and help eradicate disease!

Cue Paladin and Druid.

And possible Faithless redemption arc if Devoted are not a possibility.


Hope Alliance gets Sethrak. Let them have something cool for once.


I’m not sure I see paladin for the Sethrak. Possible but more likely:


MAYBE Shaman?

Arakkoa could be paladins. I dream for Arakkoa some day as well.


Well, the Wild God Loas. I don’t think Bwonsamdi chills out in Ardenweald. Nor do I think Rezan does either.

The Hermes caduceu and Asclépio Stick, present in several groups of lifeguards around the world.

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