🐍 Why should Sethrak be an Allied/Playable Race? 8.3 and beyond

I want Ikea chairs as an allied race.

You mean Mechagnomes? Jk.

Nah, that would be copy right infringement. Let’s not make IKEA angry.



Mechagnomes put a bullet right through that point. Sethrak simply hiding helmets the same way mechagnomes hide boots, bracers, gloves, and most of their pants would work out just fine.

The requirement for playable races to have exactly two legs isn’t even in play anymore:

Q: Is there a possibility of playable races with more or less than two legs now that Mechagnomes are a thing?
A: If it is appropriate to the story then maybe! They got new tech for mechagnomes and can explore it now.


There’s no evidence that there will be any more allied races beyond BfA, the expansion which touted allied races as a feature. Which makes me really sad, because I really wanted to play a Sethrak. :frowning:

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i support Sethrak as a Horde Allied Race.

they use the Worgen skeleton model so they could be like the NB/VE where we swapped what models we got, the alliance would have to get something with the Forsaken model though (maybe Lightforged undead with Calia leading them? i don’t like the idea but idk what forsaken AR could be)

they’d be horde since story wise we did everything from killing the leader of the faithless, to reviving their Loa, to killing Mythrax and getting revenge for the Sethrak.

as for how/why they would join, maybe since Sethraliss was dead for so long she noticed that the Shadowlands have been changed and wants to help fix it and save her followers who died from the Maw.


No evidence to the contrary either!

All in all, it is up to Blizzard. But now is still the perfect time to raise your voice in support of AR Sethrak!

Everyone thus far, I truly appreciate your participation and feedback, and mutual love for something.

It’s nice to hear other’s ideas, theories and speculation.

And to be frank, it’s a good distraction for me. Forgive me for throwing something personal out here but my mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer with metastasis in the liver… I’m having trouble not obsessing over it and working myself up… (So I’m obsessing over something far more lighthearted instead.)

But focusing on an idea that makes me happy, as small as it may really be compared to what goes on in reality, just… helps. :heart:

(So before I make myself cry.)

For the Sethrak! :heart::snake:

Keep the love for them real.


Here to support Horde Sethrak.
I agree Alliance deserves a cool and unique race. But I don’t think it should be Sethrak. Try with something else.

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Wow. I’m agreeing with the Horde on this one. Not only that, but I think you could have Naga or Zandalari as well.

Give us the Valkyr and the High Elves.

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There is a Sethrak character in Hearthstone that is a Shaman. So Shaman would be plausible.

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Blizzard won’t give ally any of these races, because kultirans already fill the gap with Vrykuls and High Elves are out of the question.
The horde doesn’t want and the devs don’t want to see High elve in the alliance.
Use voidblood elves or go to the Horde.

Another thing we don’t ask and don’t want and just degrine ally?
Why not?

We need the horde to decide what we can have, because it must be something that does not disturb sensitivity and does not cause us to have something really good.

After all, almost anything viable the horde considers wrong for the alliance. But I don’t know if there’s a need for this fear of having something truly good, and even devs don’t seem to want anything good for ally.


With all these vulpera running around, we will need an Alliance race to eat them. It’s basic vermin maintenance.


:joy: Token laugh react.

I like Vulpera but I also have a rude sense of humor so this definitely made me giggle.

Gotta keep the Plague from spreading somehow.

Related note, I get why Sethrak could go Horde. But I just struggle with the Vulpera being okay with Sethrak joining Horde ranks from a story standpoint. Even if Nisha is okay with Vorrik and the Devoted. That does not mean all the Vulpera are going to be okay with it. Yeah it was the Faithless that enslaved them but they’re still Sethrak. And some might have trouble telling the difference. How do we know that some of the Devoted didn’t consider becoming Faithless? Or were earlier on but saw the error of their ways and returned to Sethraliss?

Like this quote from a movie:

“I remember the first time I saw a rattler curled up in my path. This one didn’t look like a rattler, but I was still thinking: snake.”

But I suppose it could go the other way and if mercy and forgiveness is in their nature then so be it.

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That’s the spirit.:wink:

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I would love Sethrak on Alliance, but honestly it makes no sense for them to go ally. I wouldn’t want to play a faithless because those guys are just evil. I’d rather wipe them out. They’d need to pull some new lore out of their butt to make them ally which I guess wouldn’t be too bad since they did that with nightborne :thinking:


I mean, all Nisha (or just some of the Vulpera in general) would have to do is pull a Tyrande and have a fit about the Sethrak.

Boom, push them towards the Alliance.

Or they can join the Horde. That’s fine.

But if Faithless is the only way they get added as an AR in general. I am not gonna complain.

Or make something up out of nothing like the Void Elves. Third group of Sethrak! Perhaps they’re out in Uldum. Or a third group is formed and they have fled there. Which would tie it into 8.3.

It is also possible that the Sethrak could play a HUGE role in 8.3 in helping the heroes with vanquishing N’zoth. Especially with Sethraliss back. They were able to seal away a powerful Old God minion after all.


I’d love it if they could become a neutral race like the Pandaren, wouldn’t mind playing as another race that can be either faction.


HMT and Void elves are an Allied race but Sethrak is not.

We live in a society…

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While I’d take Neutral Sethrak in a heartbeat. I’m not sure we’ll see another neutral race.

Neutral would make sense. Work both sides for peace or whatever other things motivate them. BUT, I don’t think The Devoted would want to kill eachother. Unless, The Faithless go to Alliance and The Devoted to Horde.

I suppose we’ll see if they join anywhere.


Me too :snake:

Me too! :snake:
The blizzard shows no indication that you want another neutral race like pandarens. :panda_face:

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I don’t have a reason why they should be included aside from the fact I want them. Does that count? As a mostly horde player give them to the alliance, or neutral. I’d play the hell out of them either way. Give me more of a reason to play alliance. Really give me more of a reason to play at all. :frowning: