🐍 Why should Sethrak be an Allied/Playable Race? 8.3 and beyond

Be as that may, there are current playable races that do not have the best historical track record either.

Redemption is a thing. And the path to it can be rocky but achievable.

Maybe with Visions of N’Zoth the Faithless can see that old gods and their peons are not a good idea.

I wonder how much this friendship benefits, as zandalars send their criminal population into exile, where the Sethraks and Vulperas live.

Imagine how friendly it would be if the United States sent its prison population to Canada.

To roam freely.

Sethraks use the worgen rig. :wolf:
They are a possibility and are no more inconceivable than a group of blood elves leaving Silvermoon, being painted purple and ending up in the alliance.

And if still, it offends the horde, which sethraks are then in the horde, for it would be a waste they be forgotten as NPC’s in BfA.

And please! Do not give anything to the alliance because of :poop: we already have enough junkgnomes, kultirans and purple blood elves of Silvermoon.


Very fair and stemming from some canon content.

But what if Vorrik manages to reunite his people? Devoted and Faithless as one.

How would they join the Horde then? Not that it would necessarily go this way. It’s to Blizzard’s discretion. Just looking to generate discussion. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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No we don’t need anymore joke races


Explain to me how Sethrak are a “joke” race?


We don’t need more animal characters


They shouldn’t. The Alliance barely interacts with them. The only way would be if the Zandalari and Vulpera start a campaign of Genocide and drive them out of Vol’dun.

I don’t think that will be happening.

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You will never see them.

They are an ugly, that can’t wear existing head armor textures.

And why is that?

Azeroth is a fantasy world. You play an alien faun.


This and i too strongly support Sethrak for the Alliance. They would make an excellent addition and add some much needed flavor as would the Jinyu.

Along with fixing Diaper Gnomes so they can have 1-4 prosthetic limbs and are not forced to have all 4.


So not even as a Horde AR?

The major faction of Sethrak are the enemy of the Zandalari and Vulpera. The 15 or so at the temple with the flight path aren’t really an Allied Race. Though, I think they have another camp so probably 100 that are aligned with the Zandalari and Vulpera.

The Alliance needs more “edgy” races like Sethrak. The Horde is already edgy enough and can have those little goblins from Pandaria.


Yeah but Draenei have a human like face, you look at a Draenei female face and you see sexiness…

When i look at a worgen all I see is a dog. When i look at a vulpera all I see is a fox, and all I see from Sethrak’s are snakes.

Just make them the Pandaren equivalent of allied races.

Neutral with a choice for either Alliance or Horde.


I was not aware that attractiveness was a stipulation of whether a race is made playable or not. :roll_eyes:

I play a Worgen because I like their lore. I like Werewolves. And I like their diversity from the staple of your typical humanoid races.

I like Sethrak for the same reason. I love their design and snakes are not only my favourite animal but hold a deep importance to me. :heart:

Sethrak are unique and would add some more good old Dungeons and Dragons fantasy to our selection of playable races.


Of course it is, that’s why Horde is mostly elves

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I really don’t mind the Mechagnomes. Not my cup of tea but where they were added makes complete sense.

And with the addition of them, the whole helm issue with Sethrak should no longer even be counter argument.

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I don’t mind them either. But as they are it is a bit creepy looking as a floating head. That is why i want the choice of 1-4 prosthetic limbs an not be forced into all 4 being prosthetic.

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Why haven’t we heard any news about last allied races for patch 8.3. I mean the last two allied race spots are still available still.