► Data - State Of Player Character Customizations Aug 2022 ◄

Recently the user Izzabelle posted a data-driven spreadsheet on the current state of player character customizations. This prompted me to make a visual pie chart to help better represent the spread of current customization players have for each race. As a long-time Forsaken player, I have long felt the strain of having among the least amount of character customization options.

That said, one thing I find particularly sad about this data is that the Forsaken, around since 2004, are very obviously neglected for customization options. There are numerous newer allied races with more customizations than one of the founding races of the game.

Before this becomes a matter of Horde versus Alliance: all player races deserve more customization options regardless of faction. However, it would be nice for those races who have the least amount of customization to be given some extra attention.

This chart features just the original races that have existed since the 2004 launch. It does not include any potential allied / side-races.

Text Break Down Of Original Races From Launch & custom Customization Options:

Note: There are no allied races included in this chart. The game launched 2004.

^Dwarf - Female - 113
^Dwarf - Male - 130
-Forsaken - Female - 77
-Forsaken - Male - 86
^Gnome - Female - 81
^Gnome - Male - 93
^Human - Female - 193
^Human - Male - 149
^Night Elf - Female - 125
^Night Elf - Male - 124
-Orc - Female - 111
-Orc - Male - 130
-Tauren - Female - 98
-Tauren - Male - 120
-Troll - Female - 94
-Troll - Male - 102

This chart features the original races along with allied races, that are grouped together when applicable by faction and race combo.

Break Down Of Race & Allied Race Chart:

-Blood Elf - Female - 116
-Blood Elf - Male - 95
^Draenai & Lightforged - Female - 213
^Draenai & Lightforged- Male - 186
^Dwarf & Dark Iron Dwarves- Female - 157
^Dwarf & Dark Iron Dwarf- Male - 177
-Forsaken - Female - 77
-Forsaken - Male - 86
^Gnome & Mechagnome - Female - 154
^Gnome & Mechagnome - Male - 170
-Goblin - Female - 120
-Goblin - Male - 116
^Human & Kul Tiran - Female - 255
^Human & Kul Tiran- Male - 203
-Nightborne - Female - 101
-Nightborne - Male - 105
^Night Elf - Female - 125
^Night Elf - Male - 124
-Orc & Maghar - Female - 180
-Orc & Maghar - Male - 186
*Pandaren - Female - 91
*Pandaren - Male - 103
-Tauren & Highmountain - Female - 188
-Tauren & High Mountain - Male - 209
-Troll & Zandalari - Female - 150
-Troll & Zandalari - Male - 159
^Worgen Form Only - Female - 89
^Worgen Form Only - Male - 85
^Void Elves - Female - 85
^Void Elves - Male - 90
-Vulpera - Female - 51
-Vulpera - Male - 49

Total individual break down per race and allies race.

Original & Allied Race Individual Break Down:

-Blood Elf - Female - 116
-Blood Elf - Male - 95
^Dark Iron Dwarves - Female - 44
^Dark Iron Dwarves - Male - 47
^Draenei - Female - 116
^Draenei - Male - 101
^Dwarf - Female - 113
^Dwarf - Male - 130
-Forsaken - Female - 77
-Forsaken - Male - 86
^Gnome - Female - 81
^Gnome - Male - 93
-Goblin - Female - 120
-Goblin - Male - 116
-Highmountain Tauren - Female - 90
-Highmountain Tauren - Male - 89
^Human - Female - 193
^Human - Male - 149
^Kul Tiran - Female - 62
^Kul Tiran - Male - 54
Lightforged - Female - 97
Lightforged - Male - 85
-Maghar Orc - Female - 69
-Maghar Orc - Male - 56
^Mechagnomes - Female - 73
^Mechagnomes - Male - 77
-Nightborne - Female - 101
-Nightborne - Male - 105
^Night Elf - Female - 125
^Night Elf - Male - 124
-Orc - Female - 111
-Orc - Male - 130
Pandaren - Female - 91
Pandaren - Male - 103
-Tauren - Female - 98
-Tauren - Male - 120
-Troll - Female - 94
-Troll - Male - 102
^Worgen Form Only - Female - 89
^Worgen Form Only - Male - 85
^Void Elves - Female - 85
^Void Elves - Male - 90
-Vulpera - Female - 51
-Vulpera - Male - 49
-Zandalari - Female - 56
-Zandalari - Male - 57

Credit To: Void Elf Customization Thread (For The Void Aspect) - #5062 by Izzabelle-draka


Whoever doing these charts needs to separate the ARs from their core counterparts. In regards to customization, it’s an entirely different set of options so the two are irrelevant of each other.


Working on it now. Give me a sec.


I’ve never understood why Blizzard is so sporadic with customization options. It seems like an incredibly obvious feature boost to draw people back, or retain them. The bump in players when the new models and new options come out was super obvious.

It’s not like it’s even that taxing from a resources standpoint. How many artists does it take to model some hair, or modify textures for options? I’m not saying it’s simple, but it’s a whole lot easier than other features they’ve done.

Like just put a couple artists on hair/face/trinket duty for a while and drop a few every patch. Or a whole bunch when they need a big boost.

It’s just weird how WoW has always woefully ignored customizing. Who has ever said they don’t like more options? Nobody I know.


So Alliance races have more customization options.


(55.2% of OG race combos are Aliance vs 44.8% for Horde, for all races 48.4% Alliance and 46.9% Horde)


Same could be said for appearances for transmog. It would be prety cheap to create a bunch of appearances in the vein of Vanilla appearances that mix and match with themselves and all other appearances in the game nicely, acting as a multiplying force on the number of good transmogs possible, but they’ve consistently done anything but that, sticking to a relatively small number of xpac and patch tied appearances.


All 3 charts are now live, with their breakdowns in text to help with ease of reading.

The objective with this post is to highlight the races in need of some TLC.

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Minor nitpick, but Male Vulpera aren’t labeled on some of those pie charts. Not a big deal, though, we’re used to being unseen.

Be quick, be clever!

Forsaken deserve more customization options. They are one of the original races. How do some allied races have more than they do?


All this tells me is that male blood elves need more options asap.

Edit: Partial joke I can see a lot of others need things too.

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I notice that, and I will get it added! I am in a raid atm, and I see its a data flaw in the range of the charts. I will get it handled as soon as this raid is over :slight_smile:

They have “elf” in their name.

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Would very much love to see more forsaken customization! Mostly upright posture, some head pieces look so goofy with the hunched over look.


Wasn’t there a pie chart like this on reddit at the start of SL (at least before extra nightborne stuff) having male orcs be the highest customizable race? Like the variation count was staggeringly high and I doubt it could have been matched even by now.

Nvm here (funny that was a year ago, damn time flies): https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/pa8wow/according_to_this_graph_i_found_on_wowhead_male/

Looks neat, but no idea how they came to those numbers. It’s also a bit out of date. The current charts presented here are pretty easy to confirm the numbers at a glance with.

Those are total combinations.

I want to say that you multiply the options from each option together… Or do it via factorials or something.

For example, if belf men have one controller for facial hair, and 10 choices, they have 10 combinations for facial hair. But if they separate my mustache into another option, then they’d have 10 x 2 (mustache, no mustache) combinations for facial hair.

It would be good to see an update to this.

Did this person take into account half the Void Elf Faces/Skin Tones are locked to each other? Or like 66% of the Human Skin/Faces?

Cause if not, it’s not a complete data analysis.

You can’t say a race has X combinations just by multiplying skin color by faces (which is what this user did, it looks like) when half of them can’t use half the faces.


You will want to ask them that. Those were questions I also had about those numbers considering how curiously high some of the numbers are.

The numbers are incorrect.